The very core of the conservative agenda, however, including its rightwing NRA faction, is antithetical to improving the very initiatives that their pundits deceptively and speciously advance.

They deceptively use this issue to fool people into thinking that they aren’t simply pursuing the narrowest of self interest, but have broader and more human social concerns as well, not only are NRA affiliated spokespeople ignorant about mental illness. In any real national conversation about the early detection and treatment of mental illness and violence, the NRA and its conservative proxies and talking heads will be mute. They lack complete credibility, whenever it boils down to the psychiatric problems they urge us to consider.

Debates over gun control vs mental illness after a mass shooting are ridiculous kabuki dances that defy reason but have become so ingrained in our culture that their essential irrationality is invisible.

The cost, right? Did you know that the difficulties of radically reversing current trends in the funding, much less the understanding of the causes of mental illness and its prevention and treatment are even greater. It’s a well we’re talking about just a few things that might be done to greatly improve our chances of identifying potentially dangerous and mentally ill individuals early on, and treating them before they go past the point of no return. With that said.

The dance begins with a tragic shooting rampage by a young man dressed in camo with a semi automatic rifle or pistol.

Guncontrol advocates take to the airwaves calling, so, for greater regulation. With that said, when the threat of regulation gains traction, they begin to play political hardball and fight any reforms at any cost. Usually, however, soon they begin talking about mental illness and call for a national conversation about how to detect, treat, and handle these disturbed individuals and others who any school in America.

They deceptively use the significant issue to fool people into thinking that they have broader social concerns, not only are NRA affiliated spokespeople ignorant about mental illness. In any real national conversation, about mental illness and violence, the NRA and its proxies should be mute. Obviously, intended primarily as a distraction changing the subject by feigning concern for the mentally ill the Right’s call for more skillful psychiatric detection and care is also morally and intellectually corrupt for other reasons that are rarely discussed. Whenever beginning with their argument that gun control won’t stop deranged individuals and that unless we talk about mental illness, we’ll never get to the bottom of the big issue, with the exception of Wayne LaPierre’s dark ravings about ways to solve gun violence by putting more of them in the schools, the Right has made all the expected moves on the dance floor.

the insincerity of conservatives talking about mental health and illness is immediately apparent. I know that the effort involved, should make the War on Poverty and the Great Society look like a walk in the park and their cost mere chump change, Therefore if the Right were serious about solving extreme gun violence by taking the mental health road rather than the gun control road. Conservative NRA zombies in the media would have to renounce their core beliefs, radically reverse everything they believe about government, taxes, and deficits in effect, they will have to have brain transplants. It should involve the greatest expansion of government involvement in the lives of Americans in the history of the republic.

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