Over the past year, I’ve attended a few educational courses dedicated to raising awareness of mental health problems and training people to identify and respond to mental disorders.

Most businesses today have first aid kits readily available to treat physical conditions at work. Another program, Emotional CPR, trains people to assist others through an emotional cr. We take CPR courses each few years so as to be prepared to even when mental health problems in the US are more common than heart, lung and cancer diseases combined.

We really should do the math and estimate the impact to the businesses with which we work, as HR professionals. Much of the stigma of mental illness is being that a lack of knowledge. We often hear people referred to as a manic depressive, while we wouldn’t think of referring to someone as a cancer or a broken leg. HR can also improve mental health in the workplace by reducing the stigma associated with mental illness. Furthermore, HR can act as leaders in shifting the way people think about mental illness, as with other cultural changes. You should take it into account, Therefore in case 20 of the workforce might be experiencing a mental health disorder in any given year. What actually was the potential impact to the employee, their co workers, the workforce and the bottom line, I’d say in case those employees aren’t seeking isn’t expected to respond as a physician. People who interact regularly with plenty of people, just like police officers, HR professionals and health care workers, are encouraged to attend the program. You see, the concept of the course is similar to CPR training. Certainly, the program is designed for all people and organizations that make up a community and a workplace certainly meets the definition of a community. You should take it into account. It’s designed to teach lay people methods of assisting someone who might be in the early stage of developing a mental health problem or in a mental health cr. Although, managed by the National Council for Behavioral Health, the course is focused on improving mental health knowledge and skills.

many human resources practitioners lack sufficient knowledge about mental health conditions. People are less afraid to seek treatment for their condition, when stigma is eliminated. With that said, despite the current prevalence of mental illness, it’s estimated that only one those third afflicted receives treatment. It is like me, you weren’t sure how to approach the situation, you’ve probably worked with someone you suspected was in need of help. On top of this, HR professionals should possess the skills necessary to identify and respond early to employees’ mental health disorders, as the first line of defense in addressing problems related to employees’ ‘wellbeing’ and productivity. Mental Health Improves Productivity. Mental Health Aid Training. Reducing Stigma Increases Treatment. Mental Health Aid Training. Reducing Stigma Increases Treatment.

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