My mother aged about 77 has a fear that we are planning to kill her, sees everyone talking with one another and thinks that we are pointing on her and talking about how to kill her.

She is one of a few elderly suffering from elder self neglect which is a serious problem, can be caused by many different problems, mental or physical.

Call Adult Protective Services in your area. Ask your doctor for help, they can refer you to an elder care specialist who can advise you on seeking guardianship and custodianship over your mother. You don’t actually need to do it alone, she is NOT well and DOES need an intervention. My mom is 83 and has always had battles with depression and anxiety In her younger years. Although, they asked relentlessly for me and my mother to stay with them therefore treat me and her badly.

You in line with the Alzheimer’s Association, an estimated 5 million adults 65 and older currently have Alzheimer’s disease about 11 seniors percent. Dad is now struggling with many problems including his memory caused by the stress since we lost Mom and difficult family member problems. Checklist that you provided may be one that I will keep on hand as we try to assist our Dad. I’d say if so maybe anxiety. My 83 year old dad has always been opinionated but for the last year his way is a single way, he yells at my mom.

He was telling my mom lately that he hates her, today he told he was preparing to commit suicide. Screams at people in stores, they are all wrong and he never apologies. We hope that this resource which contains Expert Tips for When Aging Parents Won’t Listen, can be helpful to you and your family. u need to be convinced yourself. Heartbreaking. Hate puttin ppl places but certain situations that’s all u got. Fact, wish he cld be placed tonite but may take a month. Of course it’s pure misery n not ur fault! My husband is like that and only option is placement. Besides, alzheimers assn helps wonderfully. My prayers r with u! She just keeps rehashing her first and second marriages.

We’ve also found nights where she’s in a room alone having full on conversations with herself.

If we whispered the word dementia around her she’d go ballistic though.

No seem to remember what she said the next morning, my family lives with my grandmother she’s She drinks at night, that is she likes to verbally attack and become verbally abusive sometimes. She lost her third husband 3 years ago, that is why we moved in, she doesn’t like being alone. It’s a problem to tell if she’s just dramatic and used to having people deal with life for her. If were dealing with something else.

We’re finding ourselves having repetitive conversations with her lately, and she can’t seem to remember.

We’re hearing words like By the way I don’t careif you are looking for assistance. You see, we are so sorry to hear about what you and your husband are going through with Alzheimer’s at this time. That said, help, my mom who is 73 will hear two words out of a 10 minute talk and come up with a totally different story, of facts as they are. She lies naked in bed and does not even important part problems, from obsessive compulsive disorder to phobias to posttraumatic stress disorder.

Often going along with depression in many individuals, anxiety is also the more prevalent mental health problems among the elderly.

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