disability mental health Following information will that means tocriteria tend to be relatively subjective. You may still pursue disability benefits, I’d say in case your particular mental condition ain’t listed in toofficial blueish book or your symptoms don’t meet toSSA’s listed criteria.

Nevertheless, an independent physician will conduct what’s known as a mental consultative exam, if there was not enough information to support your mental health disability claim. Although, claimants with ongoing mental symptoms, like depression or memory loss, are sometimes sent for an exam being that they lack a recent medical evaluation or haven’t sought treatment before. That’s where it starts getting entertaining. Mental impairments are a great deal more difficult to assess than most physical disabilities, and toimpairment itself often prevents toclaimant from accurately describing can be available from toSocial Security Administration, So if you suffer from a disorder associated with your mental health.

Those claiming Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income benefits must be able to prove that their mental disorder prevents them from being able to work, as with physical disabilities. Consider contacting an experiened attorney who can discuss your case with you, I’d say if you need further By the way, the Social Security claims process can be complex, especially if you are dealing with a mental health condition like schizophrenia or tolike.intention to do this.

Assessing topresence of a mental impairment, toSSA must determine if the condition affects your ability to perform substantial gainful activity. As long as todrugs and also alcohol are no longer contributing factors to your disability, you may claim SSDI or SSI disability for mental impairments that resulted from past drug or alcohol abuse. Therefore the SSA will deny your claim if it determines your impairment will improve with tocessation of drug or alcohol use. Current drug and alcohol addiction was not considered a valid reason for claiming benefits.

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