mental health abuse It’s vital to establish the difference between sensible drinking and problem drinking.

You shouldn’t drink more than two drinks a day, and every day.

Note. You are more prone to illnesses like high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes later in lifespan. Besides, the older person’s family may excuse excessive drinking and actually supply him with brandy or wine. About 30 older percent drinkers start abusing alcohol after age These lateonset drinkers tend to explain their drinking as a reaction to retirement, the death of a spouse and similar stresses of older age. It’s likely that you started drinking when you were younger, Therefore in case you suffer from alcoholrelated problems now. While many others who face similar or even more severe stress never develop a big issue, it’s not clear why some older people who are under stress begin to abuse alcohol.

mental health abuse Because of a genetic factor or as drinkers saw alcohol consumed indoors and learned that this was an acceptable way to handle stress. In recent years some experts have put forward the idea that alcoholism is a disease that shouldn’t be blamed on the victim.

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