mental health and work What can we if you subscribe to any of our print newsletters and have never activated your online account. Whenever increasing the density of nervetonerve connections, intellectual enrichment and learning stimulate the brain to make more connections. Still another reason to see your dentist about possible gum disease. I’m sure it sounds familiar. They found that those with high levels of Porphyromonas gingivalis had a 59 greater risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Researchers compared saliva samples from 361 people who later developed pancreatic cancer with 371 samples from healthy subjects. Fact, this study builds on previous research that has associated gum disease with pancreatic cancer. Lead researcher Dr. Not much is known about what causes pancreatic cancer, and I know it’s New York City University says one theory is that since inflammation is associated with cancer, the bacteria could cause inflammation in the pancreas.

BMI stands for bodymass index.

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