mental health funding That said, this Advertiser used Google’s DoubleClick ad serving/targeting platform to determine that you that said, this ad may are matched to your interests or previous visits to websites, or it may been selected based solely on the website you are visiting.i pinged the pollies and Bill, my local politician, wanted to chat. Watching news reports globally and home I see similar difficulties arising. Then again, there, the government was brave enough to announce increased mental health funding. Although, the opposition was equally mean enough to demand to know what general health programs were to be sacrificed for the increase. Just think for a moment. Read the report here. Just last week in South Australia an identical furore erupted. Also, now to get back to Yes Minister, Jim Hacker in his early days would have said ‘we must just fund health needs in accordance with the cost to the community, the individual and the carer. Stigma is systemic in decision making at the highest political levels.

And therefore the unfairness is obvious when authoritative reports state.

In comparable OECD countries, the proportion is 12 or more.’ Dare to Care, SANE Mental Health Report 2004 at A report by Access Economics for SANE Australia in 2003 calculated the costs of bipolar in Australia as being ‘ $ 16000 on average’ per year for any sufferer.

The proportion of Australia’s health budget spent on mental health services is under 8percentage. It gets worse.

Normally, who makes up the shortfall? Fact, mentally healthy’ public outnumber the mentally ill by a factor of 4 to They need their subsidized spas and perfect teeth at the expense of us getting into hospital when we need it! I believe we face an uphill battle persuading the politicians, since of the ‘es Minister’ factor.

4 people in 5 who don’t have a mental illness have something much worse prejudice.

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