History of mental illness goes back as far as written records and perhaps took its first major leap forward in 400 when Greek physician, Hippocrates, began to treat mental illness as physiological diseases rather than evidence of demonic possession or displeasure from the gods as they had previously been believed to be.

Where to Find It The Early History of Mental IllnessThe early history of mental illness happens in Europe where, in the Middle Ages, the mentally ill were granted their freedom in they have been shown not to be dangerous.

In the United States, had been a journey from institutionalization of people with mental illness to moving the mentally ill into the communityHousing for the Mentally Ill, since so mental illness history has taken many turns. Certainly, in the 1600s, Europeans began to isolate those with mental illness, often treating them inhumanly and chaining them to walls or keeping them in dungeons.

Concern over the treatment of the mentally ill increased over the 1700s and some positive reforms were enacted. While shackling of the mentally ill was now forbidden and people were allowed in sunny rooms and encouraged to exercise on the grounds, in that said, this, plus the advent of effective psychiatric medication, led to many mentally ill people being removed from institutions and directed towards local mental health facilities. In modern day, lots of new psychiatric medications was introduced and successfully treat most people with mental illness.

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