mental health homes Though progress was made, So there’s a great deal more to be done. By improving the state of mental health care and allowing greater access to services, we show patients that they are heard, valued and accepted. While expanding funding and lowering ‘outofpocket’ rates for mental health services, nAMI recommends the place to start improving mental health access is to begin enhancing health plan transparency. Financial support for mental health and behavioral health services needs to improve Whether That’s a fact, it’s Medicare/Medicaid benefits,, or private pay insurance, county funding. By the way, the 2016 election cycle in the United States had been protracted, hostile, and ranged from merely discordant to bizarre. Then, the amount of xenophobia, misogyny, and racial hatred so openly expressed without conscience is utterly breathtaking. I’m sure you heard about this. Festive, and spooky, with the emergence of fall comes the promise of Halloween and all things pumpkin spice.

Inequity between mental health care and physical health care is cause for concern.

Last year politicians pushed through numerous legal motions that will advance the treatment of mental health in the United States.

In 2015, the country made plenty of advances towards leveling the playing field. Inequity between mental health care and physical health care is cause for concern. Last year politicians pushed through numerous legal motions that will advance the treatment of mental health in the United States. In 2015, the country made quite a few advances towards leveling the playing field.

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