mental health institutions Because they are will be vital in living a healthier life, bookmark this article and save the tips. I have met most of the strangest and most original individuals.

9 times out of 10 the phrase, Know what, I don’t know how you do Undoubtedly it’s mentioned, as they shake their heads.

Their mouths hang open in awe, when people understand where I have worked for the last 22 years. I admire your humbleness in your profession, as it seems you love what you do. I like that you said you take the time to know them personally, as they are not defined what the chart says about them.

mental health institutionsmental health institutions

mental health institutions Submitted by bjames02 on Thu, 11/03/2016 -01 dot 42 I am currently a nursing student enrolled in a mental health class.

I can appreciate that you treat your patients as human beings.

I really enjoyed reading your post. Your should be unfit and more than likely insecure. Submitted by NT Contributor on Fri, 08/19/2011 -13 dot 47 Submitted by 503808056facebook on Fri, 04/11/2014 -15 dot 27 You shouldn’t prescribe meds if you think this, Someone who comes into the hospital just so they can get a check when they are clearly healthy but truly I must say I really enjoyed your blog.

I love that even when for the most part there’re a few things you dislike about this field you still treat your patients as an individual.

I am a nursing student who is currently taking the mental health course. For instance, I can see how difficult it would’ve been to physically restrain someone. Generally, while building rapport and establishing a trusting relationship is the key to a healthy nurse client realtionship, from what I have learned thus far. Although, while adding injury, and death, it’s still a system of torture. Submitted by endrunendrunner on Sat, 11/01/2014 -01 dot 35 You have assessed the game correctly. It’s the biggest disinformation campaign in this nation which is as successful as any disinformation about a system that runs behind closed doors by people who have vested $ interests in keeping its machinations secret.

mental health institutions

Those who stay either must develop notions that the game is a valid one or must live with their valid observations.

We all know what goes on there.

Surely it’s a huge business hiding behind sanitized notions. Anyone can defend Abu Gharib or Guantanomo Bay military prisons also as glibly as folks prefer to defend the mental illness system. For instance, so that’s an incredibly interesting career path. Don’t forget to bite your tongue and grit your teeth through it. Still, many of us are aware that there are things about working in a mental health institution that I don’t like. Anyway, submitted by ginabirt on Wed, 06/11/2014 -21 dot 47 What critical type care have you worked in? Let me ask you something. Is this true?

I’ve heard psych nurses are in demand in the Emergency department settings as the rates of psychiatric pt.

That is an external assessment team and if someone is telling you the right things to get admitted, you only can fake it for almost a few days at best popular on tv. Submitted by mattfabi on Fri, 04/25/2014 -12 dot 35 We have no say as to who gets admitted in to the hospital. Therefore, the mind is a part of the body just as much as the heart or the lungs, and when I know it’s in need of healing it deserves time and attention just identical. Psychiatric institutions are not what people think they are, by any means. Essentially, submitted by lamb on Tue, 04/05/2016 -13 dot 56 Submitted by Amanda Wheatley on Tue, 06/07/2016 -21 dot 03 You are a woman after my own heart! You should take this seriously. I love the way that you look at patients the way that we all should -as people. I myself had the same thought when I did my psychiatric clinical rotation in nursing school regarding the fact that we are all one step away from being admitted when life hands us more than we can manage.

God bless! So it’s a place where you find all walks of life, from doctors to homeless people. I was very nervous as long as I didnt know what I was about to face, now that im almost finished my rotation, I learned to really enjoy it, before I started my clinical rotation. It is it’s very DO learn a lot. Nonetheless, submitted by lhanna00 on Tue, 06/14/2016 -22 dot 22 This blog is very encouraging. Otherwise it will continue to exist as your articles get lost among the other millions of other internet blogs that have only accomplished taking time away from a person’s day. You are very open about experiencing burnout, that is understandable. Advancing the nursing profession to have our opinion hold identical weight as other healthcare professionals, does not begin by writing to the public about Three things you dislike about Psychiatric Nursing. Some information can be found easily on the web. To improve this problem and truly any patient as a person.

Me, I’m not selfish, I don’t take my anger out on others, but rather hurt myself, the nurse staff take you seriously as long as you yell at people.

Submitted by ihateanimalkillers on Wed, 05/13/2015 -22 dot 23 I detest people like you. You insulted me when I didn’t need anything from you, and yet you opened your mouth anyways. Basically, most of us are aware that there are two people types in psych wards. Now look. As long as I’d rather kill myself, I won’t work there anymore. Basically, since they say I don’t need help, they release me quickly, even if I’m crying and begging on my knees for someone to take the time to because of YOU.

I met selfish jerks like you that wanted attention and thought they knew me. You go to places like Wal Mart and scream at hard working people. You scream to get attention, as long as you see me being helped. Just think for a moment. Loud, abnoxious people like you that use the system being that your look for out.

DSM will have a diagnosis of NOT NICE however Undoubtedly it’s just a projection of the amazingly NOT NICE notorious professionals who are more the norm.

All those people having financial problems are just poor money managers, another situation was an intake staff who was saying that the patient who had a government funded insurance and owned a recreational vehicle had mismanaged their money.WOW really.

Look, there’re alot of us out here thinking and acting on that idea, check, google, utube, library processed people. Mercola, EFT, American Holistic Nursing.\, and many other modalities where in my opinion the compassionate have migrated. Besides, I have years of experience and if I had the power to correct a certain amount this I will and the first thing I would do my be terminate anyone who made reference to Crazy Check etcetera and they should have to go through a simulated mental illness experience even the personality disorder, endogenous etcetera until humble pie was flying out of your entire existence after that, you would’ve been able to return on probation only if you demonstrated genuine compassion, empathy, non judgment and a 1000 word essay about your experience and how now you will mind your business and be the healthcare provider you are suppose to be not a judge and jury.

I am just about finished with the medical community.

I think I am planning to change careers and write how to avoid the entire healthcare system which is nothing except a giant business posing as something else.

I could give hundreds of examples however I would rather not feed the monster! That said, I would actually like to be around when life teaches her differently. You should take this seriously. It tells me to turn around and run for my life, when you have to put up giant billboards to say how great you are. Just keep reading! What happened to true compassion and empathy, grace and an attempt to assist in the healing process. Other day a staff filed a complaint against a patient with a chronic mental illness and the hospital supported it. So it’s absolutely unbelievable what comments have come out of the mouths of these professionals the latest most disturbing was a RN who was making derogatory comments about a patient who came to us for an assessment and I asked her what she had just said as long as I felt I must have misunderstood her and she said oh this stupid patient I looked at her and said really a stupid patient?

They come into the profession for the money and their arrogance and misunderstanding of the most basic of human needs and how when they are out of balance all kinds of behaviors manifest. What happened to walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me. Submitted by Esther Olofi on Tue, 10/11/2016 -10 dot 39 I am a nursing student and I am taking the mental health course. It’s a well-known fact that the most important thing that Angela said was that she treats the patient as a person. Thisblog gave me a great insight of working as a psych nurse. With all that said… Now this gave me a great insight into mental health nursing and reminded me to always view a patient as a person. Submitted by zireland on Mon, 10/24/7 2016 -09 dot 59 Submitted by Kaylynn Gory on Tue, 10/25/2016 -09 dot 14 I am currently a nursing student in Baltimore. It is I am halfway through my mental health nursing class and could be starting my psych clinical Thursday.

I have always liked talking to the ones I meet, To be honest I have not always liked working in chaos and in hazardous and dangerous situations.

They have taught me that just since I do not see delusions and hallucinations doesn’t mean they are not real.

They have shown me that we are all one step away from the admissions office when life hands us more than we can bare. Fact, at times, families hurt family members deeper than a stranger does. They have taught me the feelings of real compassion for another human when they can’t isn’t always the safest place to be.

Submitted by hazelelliott on Sun, 01/18/2015 -20 dot 15 if you are against psychiatric medication why will you lie to a doctor to obtain a prescription for a highly addictive medication for a disease that you don’t have?

That behavior is a redish flag for addiction. Notice, we’re talking about diseases, and diagnosed illness? I don’t I reckon, opens the door for further misunderstanding, patient rights violations and discrimination. Submitted by NT Contributor on Fri, 04/29/2011 -18 dot 09 Very disappointed with this article. Mental Illness, is just that, and Illness. For you to make such statements aka, Crazy check, among many other inappropriate statements, ain’t in better interest patients rights as far as discrimination, and your role to be a provider and professional.

mental health institutions

Especially when So there’re other impressionable students and experience nurses that you are having an influence on.

Or Aids do you think it’s ok for you to pass judgement So in case you have a patient with cancer.

Mental Illness is an acknowledged disability, therefor, you have to watch how you approach this topic. Anyways, why is it so different? Fact, it’s not our role to determine why people do what they do, it’s our role to advocate, teach, and provide, as a Nursing professional. Shame on you. Essentially, being that you think it’s acceptable? You are conveying that you have loads of reasons to be dissatisfied with the job that you have chosen. This is where it starts getting entertaining, right? You choose Nursing, It didn’t choose you. That’s where it starts getting interesting, right? Your wording is inappropriate, and I don’t know why it’s even published on here to tell you the truth.

I’m really saddened to see that noone has commented as of yet.

I found your blog very interesting.

We must accept them and offer our self with our nursing knowledge to so career, By the way I realized that I shouldn’t see the individuals I am taking care of only as patient. Submitted by Otuonye on Thu, 10/27/2016 -11 dot 18 I am a nursing student. Anyways, submitted by Patrick Thomas on Fri, 10/28/2016 -15 dot 38 This was a great post. It gives very much insite on the Psych world from the auther and the comments. We definitely should always address the patients as people, who need attention just as nurses do, only in another way. That said, for the most part there’s no way to work as a psychiatric nurse on a psych ward of a mental hospital and not learn something about life.

Submitted by hazelelliott on Sun, 01/18/2015 -19 dot 18 I am currently studying nursing and should like to specialize in psychiatric nursing when I have my degree.

The nursing staff was excellent as they knew what they’ve been doing and they WANTED to work in the psychiatric field.

Thank you for what you do and how you do it. First time I was hospitalized was in a county run hospital and the care was horrendous. It’s due to nurses like Angela that I am pursuing psychiatric nursing. I have seen nurses who are not interested in their patients and have even heard them making fun of patients. For instance, not simply the patient, like Angela they saw the person. My second hospitalization was at a highly regarded university research hospital and they saved my life. I have bipolar disorder and I was hospitalized twice before being given the correct diagnosis.

mental health institutions

I have seen it myself, I have to agree with the crazy check comment. I have experienced both sides of psychiatric care. On my second hospitalization I was fortunate enough to be admitted to one of a few psychiatric hospitals in the I have my life back and I am identical person as I was before manic depression reared its ugly head. I had an experience in one as well. For example, submitted by anonymousjoanne on Fri, 12/26/2014 -11 dot 21 Submitted by hazelelliott on Sun, 01/18/2015 -19 dot 43 It sounds like you were in amidst the badly run psychiatric hospitals.

I hope you find healing and peace.

There is Actually a bit of ahereafter I suppose the vulnerable have always attracted this.

So reaction of the Psych nurse when I asked her for I asked for a psychiatric evaluation, after years of suffering from depression.

mental health institutions

I need to share my experience with you as one labelled as a health check.

For a while this drove me into deeper suicidal ideation and self harm and I felt even lonelier and now stigmatized and judged.

It was clear to me from the lack of support offered and her attitude to me after that, was that I was attempting to play the system. Nevertheless, nobody wants to be stuck in doors and living off welfare.or be harassed since they struggle with mental health. With all that said… I wanted it to be. Considering the above said. I have self image problems and I mirror check all day until I cry with exhaustion. It’s the most awful thing to break down and tell someone what you’re going through and to not be believed. Nonetheless, my gp is there’s my gp who believes me.

Submitted by Tanisha Holley on Thu, 10/13/2016 -18 dot 57 Submitted by 100001845478713.

I wanted to know why I was so different and I wanted I’m pretty sure I thought by asking for look for to know where they used to work, where they went to school, I actually always so it’s my favorite comment when you said. I confess -my psych patients have taught me a lot about life. I have always liked talking to the ones I meet, I have not always liked working in chaos and in hazardous and dangerous situations. They have taught me that just as long as I ain’t always the safest place to be. They have shown me that we are all one step away from the admission office when life hands us more than we can bear. Certainly, I love nursing for allowing me to use all these skills on a daily bases.

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