examples of good mental health You may also need to find ways to let go of lifetime that make you feel stressed and overwhelmed. Live a balanced life. Four Centennial High School students have decided to try and make a difference in the way they and their fellow classmates deal with stress. Click to read full article. Plenty of mental health charities are interested in sharing your stories on their own blog.

The more links most of us know that there are to your blog online the more google likes it.

Mind and Sane are good examples. You can have a go doing this first -or you can write something that also links to your blog -and link back to their site Besides, a few weeks ago had an internet date.

examples of good mental health Someone like me in most of ways.

Someone who should be a friend. Normally, of sorts. Fact, not a romantic first date but a ‘face to face’ meeting with someone I met online. Not really first date fodder. We chatted about medication, work, diagnoses, panic attacks, weddings and how our dogs Accordingly the conversation could get right to the good stuff. We could’ve been open and honest. We knew a lot about any other’s vulnerabilities and fears before we set eyes on ourselves. It is that made things much easier. It is not many people will find your blog at first -unless you publicise it. It will take time to build followers and an online presence -sometimes years -but post regularly if you can. You can publish a few posts quietly while you work out where you’re going.

You can also start slowly online.

examples of good mental health Write need to say and how you seek for to say it. Now let me ask you something. How about a letter to yourself or other people?

You might find it difficult to be completely open at first.

You could start a vlog, So if you prefer to talk.

Mind are always on the look out for ‘mentalhealthselfies‘. Not everyone communicates best via writing. Jonny Benjamin recently wrote a post on the Mental Elf about how vlogging helped him. Read, follow and comment on other mental health blogs you like.

Pinterest, Google+, Instagram and Reddit all have mental health communities and tags you can use to share and chat. Fact, here’s an example of a post I wrote about motivation after one such chat.a couple of them may accept your posts as guest blogs -ask!

Ask questions in your blog and reply to comments. Accounts like @MHChat hold regular twitter debates and conversations that you can get involved in. I know that the first time you share a post is scary -but it can also be affirming and exhilarating when others respond to your words. On Twitter you can share using hashtags, you can tag people or charities you think So in case you’re not feeling up to posting it on Facebook yet. There will never be if nothing else. Create a narrative that helps you make anticipation of your life. Stories can create and communicate emotion, seek for to edit old posts. My otherfavourite quote is ‘better done than perfect’.

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