How to improve mental health: your dreams definitely.

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Common aftereffects include.

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Manufactured by Immunex Corporation Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 Marketed by Amgen Inc. Amgen Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA All rights reserved. According to your settings, so this ad may been matched to your interests or previous visits to websites, or it may was selected based solely on the website you are visiting. That said, this Advertiser used Google’s DoubleClick ad serving/targeting platform to determine that you a perfect memory if you remember many things about your life. You should take this seriously. You remember your past the way you have interpreted it at the time you were living it. You may also add to your memories elements that were not present at the time since you can’t clearly distinguish the difference between your memory and your imagination when you remember what happened in the past.

That day you didn’t do it that way, you are used to do something in a certain way and you believe you did it that way when an unusual fact happened.

You assume you did as long as this is what you usually do.

Your memory isn’t a true representation of your reality. Day you have a solution that your ancestors couldn’t have, until day you didn’t know how you could clearly understand what happened to you in the past and eliminate your false impressions. With intention to eliminate false impressions you have to understand why many traumatic experiences marked your life, and many other details you ignore.

Day you can have clear information about the past thanks to the brilliant method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by me, who continued his research. Obscure, and time consuming that only a few souls managed to really understand it, before my simplifications and clarifications his method was so complicated. I completed Jung’s work by proving to the world that God is the dream producer and that the biggest part of our brain belongs to our satanic anticonscience, that is a demon. Our conscience is a battlefield. You should take this seriously. In other words, the fight between the unconscious mind and the ‘anticonscience’, All dreams reflect the fight between God and Satan. While clarifying many obscure aspects, god shows you in your dreams exactly what happened in the past. Your dreams with intention to develop your conscience, and at similar time eliminate your ‘anticonscience’.

Plenty of false impressions were imposed by your ‘anticonscience’ when you were a child.

They’ve been also distorted by your imagination.

You made many erroneous conclusions when you had various traumatic experiences as long as you were ignorant and you were suffering. You see, you still look at your past quite similar way you did when you were living it. Recapitulation of the past in your dreams is very important for many reasons, especially as thanks to this practice you find out how to be objective. You stop examining your reality on the basis of your points of view and your feelings. I’m sure you heard about this. You can judge you reality with objectivity when you are not influenced by personal feelings or opinions when you are considering various facts. Just think for a moment. When you are objective you don’t distort the truth and you have a perfect memory since you think with clarity.

Your dreams depending on the truth. Your favourite reality helps you remember it when you are attentive, and your dreams complete this mission. I’m pretty sure I will show you first pace of a positive dream dreamt by a young woman, who is one of my best students. Hello! I want to ask you something. How are you? A well-known fact that is. I hope you are doing well. I have a question, Know what guys, I understand that if you dream of a fish it symbolizes divinity if That’s a fact, it’s calm, and if Surely it’s being caught it means that it’s an ideal sign, it’s like catching a treasure.

As I was leaving the water, I saw a fish being railed in, I’m pretty sure I saw a figure who was the fisherman but he was blurry, but it was a large fish, and it was a dark color of a fish the skies were greyish. Fisherman who got the fish was your animus, and the fish he got was a treasure. He is a lucky man since he found his perfect match, and being that you are a sensitive and sincere woman. You are the treasure. I simplified Carl Jung’s method very much that everyone can learn it, independently of their educational level. She is finding many solutions thanks to dream interpretation in consonance with the scientific method.

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