mental health onlineWriting about your favourite experience of having a mental health problem is a brave and inspirational thing to do.

It is ok to need more time to think about whether or not you want to tell the world what happened, it’s ok to talk about your decision to film with other people first, and it’s ok to publish anonymously. In your video, please don’t go into detail about specific behaviours as this can be triggering for current sufferers, If you’re thinking about filming a video. Just keep reading! While shrinking friendship circles etc There is loads of information readily available online on mental physical effects health difficulties, we’d like to focus on helping people to understand the associated thoughts and feelings, rather than speaking about these specific behaviours, aim to focus on the feelings and psychological effects of having a mental health difficulty, as an example loss of ‘selfesteem’. Instead, focus on making sure that what you write is safe for a current sufferer and doesn’t provide them with something to compare themselves to. Details of selfharm, numbers, specific details regarding destructive behaviour, the length or severity of a sufferer’s stay in hospital/ formal treatment, and describing suicidal methods, Triggering content can include. Also, )make sure you arehopefully you are ready, you are doing something amazing and it is bound to have a positive impact on somebody’s life, nce something was published online you can’t control who reads it or what their reaction should be. We also ask that you avoid mentioning specific foodstuffs or quantities, as this can be extremely detrimental to those suffering from an eating disorder and can unintentionally provide tips to someone on their way to developing an eating disorder, with regards to eating difficulties.

mental health online

The It Gets Brighter Campaign operates in a safe, ‘pro recovery’ online environment to inspire and motivate people to share stories and strategies for managing mental health.

mental health online Including other parts of your life identity and thinking about what makes you ‘you’, will be important in breaking down ‘pre conceptions’ of people that know less about mental health difficulties. While being feelings mindful and vulnerabilities that some people might be experiencing when they are watching, reflecting this, we think it’s important that talking about mental health carries a supportive and positive message. Your hopeful bit message doesn’t have to be a big milestone, it may demonstrate being proud of yourself for small steps. Bear in mind however that ‘unhopeful’ messages such as labelling specific therapies, treatment centres or medication as negative could discourage individuals from seeking support. This isn’tain’t to say you shouldn’t mention the challenges -it’s important to acknowledge that people have ups and downs during and after ‘recovery’. We look at recovery as an active and positive process. It’s about getting a balance, and recognising different things will work for different people.

Sharing your story can be a very powerful and encouraging experience, both to the person watching the video and the person that filmed it. There are, however, a fewissues to consider before you press ‘Record’. This short list will help you to think about online consent, appropriate language and how impact we communicate about our own experiences. There are, however, a fewissues to consider before you press ‘Record’. Sharing your story can be a very powerful and encouraging experience, both to the person watching the video and the person that filmed it. Please note that It Gets Brighter going to be unable to share videos that do not fit within these guidelines. Please note that It Gets Brighter gonna be unable to share videos that do not fit within these guidelines. Certainly, this short list will help you to think about online consent, appropriate language and how impact we communicate about our own experiences. Mental Health Newsletter.

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