mental health jobs Well, the dairy industry is powerful and they continue to scare people into thinking that their bones will be brittle if they don’t get their calcium from milk -though very little of Undoubtedly it’s actually absorbed from cow milk.

The base signifies the most abundant of the entire contents, that many should argue might be water.

Now look, the base of the Food Pyramid is exercise, that is great advice even if it doesn’t qualify as a food. Consequently, one liquids the pyramid discusses are fruit juice and milk. Water could be just that -water -not sweetened with anything except perhaps natural fruit flavoring. Within four months I went through the loss of a significant relationship, had a near death experience and ongoing serious family trouble, started a new senior position with a high degree of responsibility and stress.

mental health jobs I wish I had known that grief, personal stress and work stress increased my risk of developing depression. About mental health and mental health problems.

Health Canada.

Minimizing your risk for mental illness. I started to lose my memory and was often confused at work. Like there was something wrong with me, I felt guilty, stupid and ashamed. My job included gathering information and writing analysis reports. I could gather the information but could not turn the information into a report. You see, I wish I had known that my confusion, feelings of despair and hopelessness were symptoms of depression. Understanding depression. My self confidence decreased day by day with increasing panic. Now pay attention please. Accordingly the medication ok away my energy, made me sleep sometimes for 23 hours a day.

mental health jobs Taking medication as one option did not match my personal philosophy about treating illness.

My doctor prescribed an antidepressant medication and said I had to be on it for some of my life.

I’m quite sure I needed balanced information about other forms of treatment, alternative therapies and information resources, since I have always believed that optimal health is achieved when people are actively involved in their own health and wellness. My doctor presented medication as my only option. Oftentimes my experience with depression affected my relationships, my daily routines, my physical ‘well being’, my ability to be productive at work and my anticipation of purpose and meaning. That said, I wish I had more information to share with my family and friends. Family Toolkit. Let me tell you something. It ok over every area of my life in a rrent of hopelessness.

Programs and Services.

After 11 struggling months, I’m pretty sure I finally ld my manager that I was having trouble coping, and it was suggested I use the services of the Employee Assistance Program.

I wish someone had suggested assistance. Making the workplace more mentally healthy, from an employers perspective. I wish that I, my colleagues, my subordinates, or my manager had noticed that I was struggling. I felt isolated at work, To be honest I was not understood and stopped sharing my thoughts I started to disengage and my productivity declined. A well-known fact that is. I wish I had someone to talk to at work who had themselves experienced depression. For more information about Peer Support, visit the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Did you know that the quality of my work also suffered. Depression did hit me, and it hit hard. Actually, during that time, lots of personal life challenges erupted which compounded the stressors at work.

My confidence ebbed day by day I was suffering.

I underwent a ’11month’ struggle before I realized that I was experiencing depression.

I lost a career that I loved. Seven years ago I was a flawless employee at a large financial organization, and if depression hadn’t hit me, I would now be retired with benefits and a 32 year unblemished record of outstanding achievement. I believe I could’ve remained employed and avoided the financial impact and trauma of losing my job. I now know that with the proper information and support, my career did not have to be a casualty of depression. I had contributed 25 my life years to the organization and had been extremely successful, even though I was struggling at work. I wish that my problems had been looked at in context of my highly successful work history. Reducing the social and economic burden of mental disabilities in the workplace. Seriously. Past performance was tally discounted and current performance was highlighted. I believe things would have turned out much differently.

I’m pretty sure I would have engaged her much earlier, if I had seen my manager as a contributor to my wellbeing and productivity.

I believed that I was being a decent employee by dealing with my life problems on my own.

For 11 months I struggled and didn’t say anything to my manager about what I was going through in my whole life outside work, I had been taught not to bring my problems to work. I wish I had known that life stressors outside of work can create a need for accommodation at work, and that my employer could’ve been a major contributor in my recovery. Making the workplace more mentally healthy, from an employees perspective. Keep reading. Since what I wanted to share was seen as confidential and outside of the workplace, I was ld that workplace policies advised against this. Oftentimes I felt frustrated and alienated since I felt that sharing was important to my recovery. There is some more info about this stuff on this site. I wanted to talk about it at work that we could seek solutions together, as I gained greater acceptance of what was happening to me. I wish that my manager had known how to work with employees who are in distress. Suffering in Silence.

Being referred to EAP was not enough to improve things at work. Work processes continued as before, and my manager did not inquire as to what I needed to do my job. My benefits only covered six sessions, through my Employee Assistance Program I was referred for psychotherapy. I wish I had moral support and information so I could make better choices. Canadian Mental Health Association booklet. Also, driven by fear of losing my income, By the way I made decisions without support, good judgment, and knowledge, and benefit of the accommodation process. It’s a well this was not enough time to establish trust with my therapist, identify my problems and begin to address them. Have you heard about something like that before? I wish that my benefit package had been designed to meet the therapy needs of people with depression. When I returned after six months on short term disability, To be honest I felt intimidated, confused and frightened throughout the negotiation meetings I was required to attend. In spite the fact that it didn’t work for me, I didn’t know how to state my needs, and thought that I had to be agreeable and accepting of the accommodations being offered. Needless to say, I accepted a severance package since I wasn’t properly informed about my rights to receive long period of time disability insurance.

I was entitled to have my job adjusted as part of the recovery process so that I could gradually resume full scale employment.

Ontario Human Rights Commission.

I wish that I had known about job accommodation. While making this decision I was not well and was incapable of understanding my options. I wish that the organization could’ve supported or provided an advocate for me. Policy and guidelines on disability and the duty to accommodate. Consequently, my hope is that you will explore the recovery process fully -while you are still employed. My recovery encompassed my whole life, including my mind, body, spirit and community. Essentially, I kept thinking that things would quickly get better and I would bounce back to being me, with every doctor and therapy appointment. I wish I had known that recovery can take months or years. What I discovered is that recovery is a process depending on continual growth, occasional setbacks, and learning from experience.

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