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Teens tend to imitate the example set by their parents.

Things come up that push exercise to the back burner. For instance, lots of us know how incomparably better we feel and how far more productive we are when we do fit in some exercise, as adults though. A well-known fact that is. Teens are very aware of how their parents manage to fit exercise into their day -or if they do not for that matter.

emotional mental health We end up running late to a meeting so we grab some sort of junky snack on our way out the door. US Department of Health and Human Services recommends that children and teens get approximately 60 physical minutes activity almost any day and that this must include a combination of training to improve strength, endurance and flexibility. Few people, however, are aware of the links between physical activity and mental and emotional health. Eventually, plenty of findings included. Study was published in the October issue of Medicine Science in Sports Exercise and shows that physical inactivity also leads to social and behavioral problems in teenagers. Seriously. Recent study conducted with like obesity, hypertension and diabetes to name a few. Both inactive boys and girls were more likely than active peers to have social and attention problems. Inactive girls were more going to report sleep problems, ‘rulebreaking’ behaviors and to be depressed. Eventually, boys who did less than sixty minutes of vigorous physical activity a day had more symptoms of anxiety and depression than boys who were more active.

Besides, the researchers noted that a growing body of evidence suggests that an increase in physical activity helps reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in both adolescents and adults.

Exercise is linked to serotonin release and endorphins, that gives us a natural high.

So this alone can decrease emotional and behavioral problems, just from a scientific standpoint. As adults we also know that we feel better when we exercise -it helps us feel more confident and able to accomplish more. Although, for teens, who are so socially driven, an added benefit of exercise is the feeling of belonging to a group -whether a sports team or a group fitness program. Needless to say, establishing healthy habits at an early age will teach teens a healthy way to deal with the anxiety and stress that life throws at us all, and will lead to a lifetime of fitness and well being.

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