mental health and depression Treat your body to more movement.

Open your mind to find ways you can move more throughout the day, I’d say if you don’t have time to exercise.

Your body loves to move so treat it to an extra set of stairs, a longer walk to your car or some deep knee bends at the sink. When life gets weight reduction tips and keep the pounds coming off. When you are depressed, you don’t know what to do. You seek for to desperately escape from this terrible feeling. You must start transforming your personality and life instead of simply accepting what’s killing you, depression can have a positive meaning since it serves as a warning that you are not happy with your life and yourself. So if you don’t start psychotherapy and find solutions for your problems, your anti conscience can invade the conscience by suggesting a few apparent solutions.

mental health and depression Their lack of rationale will appear if you dare follow them, these solutions are not absurd in the start.

Instead of being tamed by it, that said, this part of your brain wants to destroy your conscience to be free.

By the way, the anti conscience is your primitive, animal side, that is violent and immoral. You will never be able to recuperate it, So in case it manages to completely destroy your conscience. You are pushed to the labyrinth of craziness, without understanding what really is happening to you, with the invasion of the ‘anticonscience’. You are not balanced, since the anticonscience is inherent and your conscience is based only on one psychological function that is completely developed and another partially developed function. Which pretends that So it’s a part of your conscience, you shall be crazier than you already are from birth, if you start following the absurd suggestions of your anti conscience. So it’s how your depression turns into a neurosis.

Despite they belong to the anticonscience, you accept the absurd suggestions of your anticonscience communicating to you with your personal voice, and you consider that they are your favourite thoughts, that is your worst enemy!

People who cut their bodies in search of relief through pain are victims of the ‘anticonscience’.

Among the saddest examples of how depressions become neuroses or psychoses is the tendency of ‘self abuse’. Although, if they don’t stop injuring themselves, therefore this gradually leads them to commit suicide. I’m sure you heard about this. Before the anticonscience can mislead you, you will also find out how to cure your depression, therefore this way, not only will you avoid the traps of the anti conscience. Start interpreting your personal dreams using my version of the method discovered by Carl Jung, if you are depressed and you wish to avoid neurosis. I greatly simplified Jung’s complicated method, discovered more dream symbols and exactly how we can prevent and cure all mental illnesses through dream interpretation.

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