the mental health handbookYou lied.

You are neither speaking honestly nor accurately by misquoting and thus are a liar. Certainly, nor do I feel need to take someones statement and attempt to spin it with lies and deception. You see, lord who have and will suffer. You brother need to stop making an doing best in order to take others spec out eyes and focus on stick in your personal just as I generally focus on stick in my own eye. Notice that you misquoted him and in so doing are being deceptive.

The phrase mental health as used in this name website is simply a term of convenience.

Sort of a lose/ lose proposition at best. You get your 75 years, give or take to do with as best you see fit. Of course, indeed, this fundamental tenet site is that there are no mental illnesses, and that conceptualizing human problems in this way is spurious, destructive, disempowering, and stigmatizing. It specifically does not imply that human problems embraced by this term are illnesses, or that their absence constitutes health. The only difference between you and I is that I know where I will spend eternity. As for you it is a best guess scenario.

You intentionally misquoted him. In other words you lied about what he actually said. Enjoy life you chose, full of shame and heartache as you learn one problem after another that proves you to be wrong about everything and you die, to learn that you blew a solitary thing that was ever really important.

You believe words and warnings of Jesus don’t apply to you.

Then Jesus plainly states that of all He had been given by toFather, none are lost save perdition son. For example, He saves whom He will, god is clever in that He causes more confusion for lost once they been given over to tal depravity. Considering above said. It is for His good pleasure to do as He will and I doubt you will ever understand but try. He says, are these words directed, whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire, with an intention to whom. Jesus makes no disclaimers. Interesting.

You also misquoted me and therefore lied about what I said. We have turned every one to his own way; and Lord hath laid on him us iniquity all, Isaiah 536All we like sheep have gone astray. On p of that, I see no reason to cause more suffering or pain in someones life who is in a sin grips that can be very painful and create hundreds of personal suffering. Eventually, that pain type infliction is reserved for adversary servants. You can find a lot more info about it on this site.

Do you know an answer to a following question. Poor reading skills got you down? Always check that first, that is a telltale sign you know. Needless to say, you can say that geese are swans -but in reality they’re still geese. Have your eyes checked. Maybe there is some blockage. United Nations World Health Organization’s decision to eradicate smallpox. Now regarding aforementioned fact. Why didn’t they just take a vote? Now please pay attention. In that case it becomes public record and might get you fired. The human problems listed in DSM are not. All people who had this terrible illness were cured overnight -by a vote! However, right after a truly staggering percentage of work, this was in 1967, and by 1977, disease was a past thing. However, unless of course you have it turned upside down, at least if people see you with a book, they might think you’re smart. Spend more time at tolibrary. It’s that simple. Unless you’re on Obama care, psych evaluation couldn’t hurt. Because smallpox is a real illness.

Religion at it basest core is just an ol to control tomasses. If we do, shouldn’t we also need research to confirm that heterosexual people are happy with their orientation? Wouldn’t this suggest that they were happy with their orientation? Oftentimes for centuries, perhaps millennia, homosexual people had clung to their sexual orientation despite most severe persecution and vilification, including imprisonment and death. Until you are ready to admit that all religion is evil and corrupt you can not begin to seek God. Consequently, if poor adjustment is critical to a diagnosis of mental illness, where was this evidence that justified making homosexuality a mental illness in first place? We need research to confirm this, right? Remember, APA claimed that they made change because new research showed that most homosexual people were content with their sexual orientation, and that as a group, they appeared to be as well adjusted as heterosexual people. It’s a well aPA’s face saver.

We add more hatred to world and poison our heart, when we hate those who hate.

Does that, in your opinion, make blog author a bigot? Without damning them, we can tally accept fact violent hateful people exist, and focus our efforts to improve our culture. Let me tell you something. In truth it cripples us, we falsely believe our hate of what we deem wrong and evil is fuel for change. You would insist I lerate white supremacy? Now look. When we damn others we damn ourselves. With that said, whenever disempowering and stigmatizing, this purpose blog is to challenge institutional psychiatry and its claims as spurious. Basically, fascism? Certainly, misogyny? Some perspectives and practices are so fundamentally despicable, flawed, and rotten that they deserve to be opposed and vehemently challenged. Anyways, antiSemitism? That is interesting right? NOT a true believer in being tolerant.

You are being intolerant as well, if you’re going to lecture me and try to cram your particular brand of moral relativism down my throat. Nobody believes that -not even you. For those who care I do believe in therapy and in my opinion bowing to political pressures in to70’s was most misguided and damaging thing that APA could have done to those people who are suffering with homosexual urges. What?

Few are ever really what they seem and most have evil intentions in their hearts.

You want to be a hide under couch Christian and act like everything is just dandy. Revelations Your lamp is empty. God to think a whole lot of your efforts. Go and be filled before time comes when He will cast you into outer darkness, Mathew The unrepentant will never find Christ because they are righteous of themselves and most will never see Truth until it is o late.

Whenever according to American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness.

Freud had alluded to homosexuality numerous times in his writings, and had concluded that paranoia and homosexuality were inseparable. There was little or no suggestion within psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything aside from a mental illness that needed to be treated. In 1973 toAPA’s nomenclature task force recommended that homosexuality be declared normal. With all that said. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in ‘DSM II’. So, with 2 abstentions, they did vote to remove homosexuality from mental list illnesses by a vote of 13 to 0, trustees were not prepared to go that far. Of course these scenes were repeated in 1971, and as people came closet out and felt empowered politically and socially, APA directorate became increasingly uncomfortable with their stance. Generally, other psychiatrists wrote copiously on tosubject, and homosexuality was treated on a wide basis. In 1970 gay activists protested against APA convention in San Francisco.

While promoting his heinous notion that Christianity calls for homosexuals to be put to death, I am free to call him a bigot and a liar for his insidious views. The fact that you would encourage to’homo sexual’ lifestyle is abhorrent. Why don’t you take your comments to someone who might actually care what you think. With that said, your fight is with God.

That was before I researched your background.

You are just pure evil. That ain’t for me to say or to judge for that matter, only one way you could believe what you say is if you are tally ignorant of God and perhaps you are.

Christianity ain’t religion. That escape is presented to you in Jesus person Christ. Notice, you make a choice to believe or not to believe and in so doing, you decide where you will spend eternity and no one else will be to blame for getting this wrong. Now let me tell you something. It is ownership direct effect upon tosoul. You are either owned by Christ or you are owned by Satan. What you fail to realize is that there is only one escape means from all certain failure human beings, all people are misguided. Essentially, no person belongs to themselves and if you were honest, you would already have known that. Yes, that’s right! You are correct.

The overall point being that toAPA’s taxonomy is nothing more than ‘self serving’ nonsense. Perhaps, quite a few all, we are anyone. However, sometimes we do well, other times we make a mess of things. I’m sure it sounds familiar.|Doesn’t it sound familiar?|Sounds familiar?|doesn’t it? DSM’s facile and self serving attempt to medicalize human problems is an institutionalized insult to human dignity. There are millions of people worldwide who are still being damaged, stigmatized, and disempowered by this pernicious system to this day. Make sure you scratch suggestions about it. We have orientations; we have habits; we have perspectives, We have problems. The homosexual community has managed to liberate themselves from psychiatric oppression. Actually, rather, there are people. So, we are complicated. There are no mental illnesses. By valid science and hard work, real illnesses are not banished by voting or by fiat. Our feelings fluctuate with our circumstances, from despondency depths to pinnacles of bliss.

If you will read your Bible, you will learn that He is everywhere and ain’t invisible whatsoever, god really is.

It’s ignorance and faith lack that causes mankind to be blind and retched and poor even when they believe themselves to be wealthy and righteous in their own right.

Jimmy Quick’s rights in any way. Your fight ain’t with me, Obviously, you have no problem with getting a keyboard and making up some lies about someone because you don’t agree with them. He is free to express himself any way he pleases here as long as he isn’t censored or moderated by blog author.

Christ is calling out to all of humanity through His Holy Word and all you ought to do is seek His face in ernest.

He has promised you that He won’t fail you. He is an aberration. Ok, and now one of most important parts. He isn’t. You should take this seriously. Please do not think that this Jimmy Quick is representative of Christians.

While judging again, there you go. Send me to hell, if that makes me evil. You see, you RESEARCHED my background? Fact, even by your personal very low standards, you just stepped in it. However, can you say idiot? Religious persecutionRacismBigotryHate. Then again.

You should take this seriously. Basically, human rightsCommon sense gun laws.

Discus and don’t think I have anything productive to add that will help this conversation in any way. You aren’t ready to listen to any outsider thoughts or opinions right now. The world is full of all different types. Not one is any greater than another.

You like scripture?

You said two things correctly in your soul felt profession, Please allow me to leave you with one of my favorites. Normally, while that is made more than evident, most telling statement is that you have nothing productive to add.

Even though I don’t believe you can even understand what you said concerning human nature, you are also correct in one very basic way. You think I have not seen this one up close and in action, right? She won’t be reasoned with and once she gets a hold on you, she doesn’t let go until your dead. Her actions are viper that who draws it’s prey ever closer for tokill, while her lips tell you she has honey.

Homosexuality is giving final act yourself over to Satan and there is no coming back as others have attempted to claim.

Do not worry, everyone can see right through Jimmy’s transparent attempts to half quote your words out of context, in his first paragraph post. As a person myself who also believes that Jesus saves, my try to be a little nicer to others. Consequently, because they can not return to God and most of their days will only add to their torment, not because they have sinned, we all do that. Remember, you use words like small mind and failure. Some people think they need to put others down to make themselves feel better. You are very condescending to Preston. It is okay to disagree withOUT being jerky. So, jesus was not condescending. Preston has treated you with a lot more respect than you have given him. Notice that that is why God says that people who have committed this act are to be put to death. Cliche but true. For shamePreston, you have shown deep thought in what you wrote.

All I am pointing out is that you lack discernment gift. God why you were not salt and light as He commanded. It is impossible for verse you have referenced to mean what you think. So you must be willing to search for a deeper meaning which I believe was adequately explained in my earlier post. This is tocase. That is what it means to be saved. Praise God I don’t have to live with you people cause you are really slow upstairs. God can never be in danger of Hell. You like to go along to get along? Seriously. One big family of man kind and all that?

Stop using Bible to defend your own personal bigotry.

Trying to pass off your bigotry as God Word is a form of false prophecy, if not outright blasphemy. Do you know what penalty for THAT is? Uh oh. Stop using Bible to defend your own personal bigotry. Therefore, do you know what penalty for THAT is? For instance, take a look at Deuteronomy 1820 and Leviticus 24. False prophets and blasphemers are to be put to death. Take a look at Deuteronomy 1820 and Leviticus 24. Trying to pass off your personal bigotry as God Word is a form of false prophecy, if not outright blasphemy. False prophets and blasphemers are to be put to death.

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