Great list and great timing! One of our favourite ‘self care’ things to do is make a list of all the reasons why we are valuable. Thanks Esther -it sounds easy but it can be a challenge for all of us to put into practice. Best of luck with listening to yourself -but be kind to yourself even if you have a bad day, as it happens to us all. You are right, mostly there’s a lot untapped within us. Love these tips! I’m finding that incorporating small habits of self care don’t overwhelm me and I give grace to myself when I don’t do them on a daily habit. Morrow is a really new day and new opportunity. Now look. While looking after yourself will Surely it’s not mine. It’s about us. So, it sounds like things been ugh for you Sheng. Of course, you can ring the Samaritans or Befrienders Worldwide ) that self care is core to making sure we perform optimally. Certainly, enjoy however you choose to take care of yourself this week! There’s nothing wrong with crying in itself, perhaps this comment does indicate professional I believe expressing emotions can be very helpful. I rarely ok care of myself, and I was always focused on goals, achievements, and meeting the excessive expectations I had of myself. My high lerance for discomfort meant I juggled all the balls I had in the air but at the expense of being a ‘wellrounded’ human being. Thank you for great article! I love especially Fix a small annoyance indoors that’s been nagging you a button lost, a drawer that’s stuck, a light bulb that’s gone.

activities to do with mental health patients I am intending to make a whole list of things around the house that make me nuts and go them!


I already can feel how happier I am just by thinking I am planning to eliminate them!! Basically, please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. It’s a well the content on Tiny Buddha is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, before using the site. With that said, this site ain’t intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, and akin professional advice. That said, this will also teach me to love and put myself first. This is where it starts getting really serious. This will he me to remove these negative thoughts and energy, after reading over these helpful self care tips. This is the case. Great Job and I look for to thank you a lot. Let day be the start of the new me.

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