good healthLet me ask you something. That burning sensation you get from hot food?

It’s a bad feeling,’ says Jeejeebhoy, ‘but there’s no evidence that it produces a cut or causes an ulceration or injury should like to ensure that always displays family friendly content on this device, regardless of what site you are on, check the option below.

good health FamilyFriendly ContentWebsite owners select the content type that appears in our units. Please contact us at info@content, in order to learn how you can use to drive visitors to your content or add this service to your website. What about their effects on the stomach? Hot chilies actually decrease the output of gastric acid, says a Hungarian study. Therefore a further bonus. Study in Singapore found that eating chilies daily reduced the risk of peptic ulcers by 53 percent. They can also reduce the stomach bleeding associated with taking non steroidal antiinflammatory agents similar to Aspirin. Two Australian studies provide more good news. One discovered that adding chilies to meals may protect against the buildup of cholesterol in the blood. It is another found that regularly eating hot chilies reduces insulin requirements, that may have implications in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Susan Biali, a Vancouver general practitioner with a degree in dietetics.

good health Chilies add wonderful flavour and kick to foods, and have very few calories,’ says Biali, who until recently split her time between Vancouver and Los Cabos.

She had been gradually adding more heat to her diet for years, and jokes that she can even ‘out chili’ her Mexican husband, who grew up on spicy food.

Another huge fan of hot food is Dr. Nonetheless, view our privacy policy here. Doesn’t it sound familiar? These content links are provided by Just keep reading! Both and the web site upon which the links are displayed may receive compensation when readers click on these links.

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They may also have some ability to prevent cancer.

They are high in nutrients like calcium plus vitamins an and C, and there’s some evidence that hot chilies can reduce cardiovascular disease risk, it’s a long standing myth that spicy food exacerbates ulcers and similar stomach ailments. Besides, research shows hot chili peppers actually protect the stomach lining and may prevent the gastric damage associated with antiinflammatory painkillers. Oftentimes khursheed Jeejeebhoy sees an awful lot of patients in his office who avoid hot chilies unnecessarily. Ronto gastroenterologist Dr. They’ll say, ‘I completely avoid spicy foods to heal my stomach, whenever people have stomach problems. Besides, spices in moderation are to be enjoyed, and for the most part there’s no evidence that spicy food is bad for you,’ says Jeejeebhoy, who is an emeritus professor of medicine at the University of Toronto.

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