nhs mental health As evidence suggests that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is currently the most effective treatment available for a range of mental health problems Undoubtedly it’s recommended as the treatment of choice by The National Institute for Clinical Excellence and therefore the government.

That’s a fact, it’s estimated that this will only lead to treatment for 50 per cent of sufferers on the NHS.

In 2011 an additional 70 million is ear marked bringing the tal to 173 million. Over the last 2 years the government have spent 103 million funding the IAPTs programme, the most recent initiate aimed to deliver psychological therapy to the 6 million people in the UK who currently suffer from common mental health problems.

nhs mental health For the remaining 3 million, and this can only be an overestimation of the figures as this number is based only on those people who have sought professional help, the prognosis is bleak.

At least 19000 children attempt suicide -one any half hour; suicide is the in the p death cause for males aged ’18 24′, UK any year.

Medication, the prescription of which is more often than not trial and error, will only mask symptoms and often is accompanied by unpleasant aftereffects the main reason that people stop taking antidepressants). Despite the NHS is could be spared the extent of cuts that other government departments face the burden on this already overstretched service is could be considerable.

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