improve mental health World Mental Health Day is today, October 10th.

You may even look for to have a brief overview of what problems about mental health you think are going on in your local area.

I am sure that the easiest way to do it is to set up a Google Alert so you can be made aware of new content on the subject. Encourage other people to share their stories, associated with World Mental Health Day or mental health actually so you can spread the word about the day and what people can do to help. It will change everything. Learning about Stoicism has helped my mental health perhaps more than anything else. While Undoubtedly it’s a positive method of finding appreciation, as grim as it sounds. Your house burns down, someone sues you, the industry you work in collapses, your qualifications become null, you lose a limb, your family dies.

improve mental health Imagine that the worst has happened, The idea is this.

This technique comes from Stoic philosophy.

Close your eyes and feel the pain for a few moments. Really picture the absolute worst which could happen to you. Addiction can seem like a viable way to handle mental health problems, yet they invariably worsen the issue. Basically, only you can decide to leave it behind and you can make that choice today. Actually, most people have at least one harmful addiction. Maybe it’s alcohol, smoking, cheeseburgers. Now pay attention please. Intersperse 5minute bursts throughout your day. Now look. It makes a big difference if you spend dozens of your day hunched over a laptop. And now here’s a question. Make sure you do not feel like you have enough time for exercise? NOTHING helps me with depression more than exercise. Certainly, intervals are even more effective than lengthy stints and will every hour or so.

Find the type and time which works for you.

So do not run on a treadmill for half an hour if you know yoga would make you happier. Make sure you do not force yourself to do team sports if you will be happier working out alone. Now look, a year ago, By the way I realized that my overcrowded bedroom was exacerbating my anxiety. Of course, others can make better use of it. Although, the result? Chances are, you own much more stuff than you need. Try throwing out one of the issues every day, or take the plunge and have a huge clear out. Donate, give away or sell the unwanted stuff. Did you know that a tidy living space will bring way more joy than owning excess stuff. It will take up space, time and energy. Lots of info can be found online. Much less stress and far more freedom.

improve mental health While, I ok the plunge and decluttered 90percentage of my belongings.

I learned this technique called ‘fear setting’ from Tim Ferris.

Write how you would handle them. Notice, I use this to remind myself that even the worst case scenario isn’t that bad, whenever my anxiety flares up. Seeing exactly where all of your time goes is a powerful exercise. Just set a timer and record what you are doing every time it goes off. On p of that, how you spend your days is how you spend your life. Good mental health requires a slew of time for yourself and for self care. Yes, that’s right! Chances are high you haven’t done this since you were about 6 years old. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… It will also create a rhythm to your day as you get used to switching off at a certain time. Having a regular bedtime can mean better sleep as your body adjusts. On p of that, I know it’s easy to lapse into only communicating through texts and messages, we all know how good it feels to speak on the phone. You will both come away happier afterward.

Make a plan to call someone -perhaps a childhood pal or a relation who lives far away -once a week.

Building a meditation habit can be tricky.

Try starting with just 60 seconds per day, hereafter building it up over time. You can do anything for 1 minute and it will have a huge impact on your mental health. I recommend the Calm app for guided meditations and breathing exercises. My bad mood completely lifted as I stroked the bird and fed him bread crumbs, people might find that gross. Find something small to make you feel a feeling of appreciation for being alive. Now pay attention please. In BJ Miller’s incredible TED talk, he describes a nurse in a burn unit bringing him a snowball after he lost his limbs from being hit by lightning.

And therefore the happiness lasted all day as I kept smiling at the memory.

The simple feeling of the snow melting in his palm was enough to inspire awe at the world.

I anticipation of companionship with another living creature. One of my recent ‘snowballs’ was when a pigeon perched on my hand for a couple of minutes while in Venice. While petting a cat in the street, a book, a conversation, Funnily enough, there always were 3 good things however small, some sunshine, a nice coffee. Now let me tell you something. Even on the worst days, we were forced to find something good to list.

Friend and I used to do get in uch and do this before bed almost any night. Gratitude is proven to have a big impact on your mental health. Even, therefore a regular sleep schedule makes it much easier to structure your life. You do not need to get up at 5 am to make top-notch use of your day. So there’s no difference regarding the success between early birds and night owls. Notice that our biological prime times are genetic and forcing yourself to be awake at suboptimum times will make you miserable. Forget the myth that waking up early is necessary. You see, perhaps you have similar assumptions. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… You can be ‘selfaware’ enough to tackle them. Looking at them written down starkly on a piece of paper can nobody will pay me for my work, my partner will eventually desert me, Know what guys, I will never fully overcome my mental health problems, other people understand life better than I do. We have got some from the list I recently made. So this does not mean deserting a friend in a time of need, it means moving away from those who make your life miserable on purpose.

There’s no need to feel guilty.

Without you to take it out on, let them be bitter and gloomy on their own.

Stop associating with them, if someone makes you feel bad. They do not deserve your company. You should take this seriously. Nobody will miss you, I promise and you shan’t seek for to go back to it. Fact, I said goodbye to mine earlier this year and it felt amazing. Study after study has highlighted the impact social media has on mental health, even if you feel like looking at cat pictures at 3 am makes you happier. Give this a go and you gonna be amazed by how much clearer your mind is. Take your laptop out and work in the garden, go out in the woods or take your lunch to a park. Whatever the weather, find some greenish space to relax for a few minutes every day.

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