achieve mental healthWe answer these questions by talking about p talent performers.

You can do a lot to develop mental toughness, That’s good news because you can’t do much about the genes you were born. He must be the smartest scientist in the lab. Research has begins to reveal that your mental ughness or grit as they call it plays a more important role than anything else for achieving your goals in health, business, and life. She’s faster than everyone else on the team. He is a brilliant business strategist.

You have probably seen evidence of this in your experiences. And now here’s a question. Your friend who squandered their talent? How about that person on your team who squeezed their most out potential? Angela Duckworth, a researcher at Pennsylvania University, found something different when she began tracking the cadets. You might imagine that the cadets who successfully complete Beast Barracks are bigger, stronger, or more intelligent than their peers. Have you known someone who was set on accomplishing a goal, no matter how long it took?

Mental ughness comes down to your habits.

In every area of life from your education to your work to your health it is your amount of grit, mental toughness, and perseverance predicts your level of success more than any other factor we can find. It’s about your dedication to daily practice and your ability to stick to a schedule. Actually, it’s about doing the things you know you’re supposed to do on a more consistent basis.

Mentally ugh people don’t have to be more courageous, more talented, or more intelligent just more consistent. It’s about building the daily habits that allow you to stick to a schedule and overcome challenges and distractions over and over and over again. Mental ughness isn’t about getting an incredible dose of inspiration or courage. Mentally ugh people develop systems that help them focus on the important stuff regardless of how many obstacles life puts in front of them. It’s their habits that form their foundation mental beliefs and ultimately set them apart.

Whatever it is, be clear about what you’re going after.

You can develop superhuman levels of mental toughness. In the real world it’s tied to concrete actions, mental ughness is an abstract quality. For example, the good news is that grit and perseverance can become your defining traits, talent regardless you were born. You can become more consistent. Also, you can’t magically think your way to becoming mentally tough, you prove it to yourself by doing something in real life.

Duckworth studies achievement, and more specifically, how your mental toughness, perseverance, and passion impact your ability to achieve goals. There will always be extreme moments that require incredible bouts of courage, resiliency, and grit … but for 95percentage of the circumstances in life, ughness simply comes down to being more consistent than most people. With that said, at West Point, she tracked a tal of 2441 cadets spread across two entering classes. Eventually, she recorded their high school rank, SAT scores, Leadership Potential Score, Physical Aptitude Exam, and Grit Scale.

Often we think that mental ughness is about how we respond to extreme situations.

No matter what strategies we discuss, no matter what goals we set our sights on, no matter what vision we have for ourselves and the people around us … none of it can become a reality without mental toughness, perseverance, and grit. Can you keep your life gether while grieving a family death member? Did you bounce back after your business went bankrupt? How did you perform in the championship game?

Mental ughness is built through small wins. Prove to yourself in a thousand tiny ways that you have enough guts to get in the ring and do battle with life. Choose to do the tenth rep when it would be easier to just do nine. You can’t think your way to it, we all want mental strength. It’s the individual choices that we make on a daily basis that build our mental ughness muscle. As a result, choose to ask the extra question when it would be easier to accept. Choose to create when it would be easier to consume. It’s your physical actions that prove your mental fortitude.

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