mental health spa Our refusal to speak openly about the poser perpetuates the stigma many officers hold about mental health problems the stigma that depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide are signs of weakness and failure, not cries for help.

The suicide of Sgt.

Accordingly the investigation revealed that Hutchinson had a history of depression and anxiety. Craig Hutchinson brought light to the harsh realities associated with mental health in law enforcement. Orton began preparing to PTSD, suicide awareness, and peer support training and was shortly thereafter approved to begin teaching classes on peer support and mental health at Travis County. To be really honest it got me thinking.

It’s clear that a bit of usobviouslydo need to speak about it andsome of us don’ quite a few girls who contacted me were so open and almost comfortable speaking about it which I wish more people could do.

mental health spa I was so uched that she even came up to me! Someone stopped me when I was out for lunch and said she herself was suffering from OCD and she loved my post. Basically the lead up to me writing the post was a strange one. Consequently, you can’t put that pretend smile on being that it’s easier. Usually, it’s there in blackish in whitish, In writing and so after that, it must be true! You can’t hide away from it like you try and do in your head. Not only is writing about mental health extremely personal but it’s almost putting it into real life. I done the entire should I shouldn’t I? I know plenty of bloggers face. It must be true if it’s on the internet. No it’s on the internet, your feelings and your thoughts. Dealing with a mental health illness myself, your almost therefore accepting that it’s true. Anyways, I need to be that person who represents us.

While thanking me for sharing this raw and personal post, I had messages from people I know and don’t know.

Baring your soul in your writing isn’t only honest but it’s true and this is why people can relate to it.

I know that the messages were filled with love and support. I’m not striving to be other people nor be that person that’s looking for attention. Notice, from people suffering from depression, anxiety, OCD, BPD and a lot more they have reached out to me thanking me for the support. Of course, your not hiding anything or making thing’s up. Actually the boost type where I seek for to write/talk/campaign about mental health so all the fuckwits across the globe can finally be educated in mental health. Not the confident type boost where I suddenly seek for to get my tits out.

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