mental health facts While in consonance with a 2006 task force comprised of the 10 major academic institutions in state, look, there’re 1 million adults and 2 million children at risk for developing some type of mental illness in Texas. I know that the feel of the flour, the sound of the blender, and ofcourse the smell of the delectable final product -all these experiences stimulate the senses, that in turn increases feel good endorphins. Whenever whipping up treats in the kitchen can do more than just create yummy comfort food, in consonance with a growing range of sources in both the culinary and mental health worlds. While baking is found to have therapeutic value which helps to ease depression and anxiety, as a matter of fact. While whisking eggs, beating and folding creates space in the mind, and eases negative thinking processes, the process of weighing out butter and sugar.

Any activity which takes your whole attention -especially if it’s simple and repetitive -can have a calming, meditative quality.

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