Thanks for compiling this list!

THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHTTIME. Individuals on spectrum have been not ‘neuro typical’ and face their own challenges. Fact, oh, and another.

a great deal of thanks for this. You are so welcome. Now I got a lot more to take a glance at, wild Awake, and yet they hadn’t heard of a lot of these.

Thanks for this list.

Thank you for making it -I’m so grateful that people are taking the time to raise awareness about mental health. Will love to add to this REVOLUTION by Jennifer Donnelly, a book that forever changed way they thought about depression.

This has been a truly good list! Thanks! It’s so helpful that you list books by category. The Program by Suzanne green for suicide/depression list. Essentially, this always was ‘greatI”m bookmarking for future reference! The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram, that deals with public anxiety/panic attacks.

a brand new book about Bipolar Disorder THE MUSEUM OF INTANGIBLE THINGS by Wendy Wunder.

Still girl focused. Thank you for recommendation! KatieWritingwithcats.

Scanned my shelves and looked with success for one you likely add for self harm. Stephanie is William Morris ‘award winning’ author of Charm Strange, Complicit, Delicate Monsters, and the Smaller Evil. Cut, by Patricia McCormick.

Thank you so, a lot for this list.

Thank you. YA, has been incredibly essential to me personally. Keep reading. Oh, you are so welcome. For example, we remember NOT AS CRAZY AS they SEEM as a big book about a guy with OCD, they haven’t explore it in years.

What an interesting list! PTSD. The question is. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson? PTSD. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson? Needless to say, what an interesting list!

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