mental health Santa Clara These inmates may leave their cells throughout the day and have access to a TV and recreation yard.

The second dormstyle pod houses Level four inmates and should be equipped with 72 to 80 bunk beds.

Robinette said inmates in Level 4 have probably been taking their medication and mindful of their behavior. And so it’s NOT a function of vast Brother government or taxpayers obligation to prevent a person from committing suicide. Keep vast Brother to yourself. Do you see the solution to a following question. How lots of you approve of medication involuntary administration? And so it’s neither the function nor the county right to provide free mental health care to prisoners.

mental health Santa Clara More waste of money.

You OBVIOUSLY do not understand government role.

Government role has been to govern -no more. You look for programs -pay for them yourself. Fact that he’s blocked and deleted all of his past posts usually was proof positive that he’s a fake troll -he doesn’t need anyone connecting the garbage dots that he spews. See my previous thoughts about your own Bannonish disinformation campaign. Your posts were always getting tiresome. Got to end this. Keep up good work though! You kind of let me see regarding one of those noble Manchu eunuchs Dynasty dowager empress, Cixi! You could look it up!

mental health Santa Clara Been understanding a little Chinese history tonight.

I understand you’ve been fixed.

Thanks! Another ‘self proclaimed’ Conservative poster theorized that he was an angry teenager venting bile on his mom’s computer when she wasn’t around. Always, get Off My Lawn is probably most venomous trolls on this site. Mr. Now look. His purpose posts has probably been to damage image of Republicans and guarantee their ridicule and loss in elections. He should be right! I have another theory -that he’s virtually a far Lefty playing the False Flag game. As a result, he’s created this ridiculously stereotyped caricature of what he thinks that a Tea Party Republican would say on any pic -but usually in the most abrasive and obnoxious way. Selfinflicted’ death. A well-famous fact that probably was. I’d say if a prisoner has always been suicidal he should be put in an exceptional cell and observered. Providing mental healthcare shouldn’t be a government function. A well-prominent fact that was probably. Keep vast Brother out of it.

So in case we get them on meds they attempting to self medicate themselves and that leads to crime to get the drugs and so on and so on. Marin Tea Party! Marin County and the taxpayers always were intending to get a large hit liability as long as, If an inmate dies in custody being that the lack of care. You should get it into account. Keep up good work! Not poor, not my choice of tactics. There’s more info about it on this site. Our own posts have been a caricature of AltRight invective intended to induce revulsion in the middle. Quite Bannonish! However, I think NorCal Bohemian maybe has it right.

3 final points on this thread. I’m guessing you’re not up for any humanitarian awards this year. I think what you did say is 3 urs in Vietnam, served with Rangers and Spacial Forces. No? Ain’t Stolen Valor a crime? You said, To be honest I in no circumstances mentioned combat. Whenever using Reagan’s picture, has usually been attempting exact opposite, so this poseur. So, whatever one may late think President Ronald Reagan’s policies and presidency -he was a genial man who used ‘selfdeprecating’ humor to turn the Republican Party into the vast tent that got people gether -and won him 1 terms. He’s a disgrace to Reagan’s memory! Oftentimes I didn’t look for rank, I actually just wanted out. Generally, I was drafted in Went from E 1″ to E5 in fourteen months and got an earlier release for being an overseas returnee with less than 150 weeks left to serve.

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