Is mental disease hereditary? Your assignment of blame to the drug companies is also standard psychiatric PR. In reality, not a single psychiatric drug may be sold if psychiatry hadn’t spuriously medicalized nearly any conceivable problem of thinking, feeling, and also behaving, and progressively liberalized the criteria that way where virtually everyone can be given a diagnosis, and, surely, a drug. He had given me a year of refills eventually. Eventually, he just comments on how a whole lot better I am! Offically, doctors still think I’m on the drugs and I still have the label of depressed and anxious. I need that to be on medical layoff from work as I regain my functioning. You should take it into account. I am afraid he will send me back off the medical layoff before I’m fully ready. As a result, what I find interesting is that the doctor never asks about the drugs. Most are ld the blatant lie that their depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in their brains which the drugs correct!

Is mental disease hereditary?Now let me ask you something. Is this helping humanity?

He thinks that agency is fueled by some particular quantum dynamic but he was admittedly dealing in speculation.

Sir John Eccles wrote a book speculating about what precisely happens when I decide to move my arm at the count of three and do so. Basically, I think That’s a fact, it’s very important to distinguish between the mind and the brain. Notice that primacy or autonomy to the brain is a mistake, to impute agency. Furthermore, I realize we are operating in uncharted waters here and that real scientists have a real issue in dealing with the mind.

Is mental disease hereditary? Thanks for this clarification Phil.

a Critique of Neuroscience in which he argued that the neuroscientists think they have a theory about how the brain creates the mind but they aren’t even close to having this kind of a theory.

Robert Uttal wrote a book entitled Mind and Brain. Generally, to your question, I don’t think it’s ever appropriate to give people drugs to alleviate depression. Now look. Mental illness is the distorting lens through which psychiatrists view all problems of thinking, feeling, and behaving. In the selfserving and unwarranted perception of psychiatrists. Where else could’ve been if not in the brain?, the answer is clear. Now please pay attention. To return to the question in the Kandel quote. Then, it’s the device they use to legitimize their drug pushing and to maintain the fiction that they are practicing medicine. While nothing is certain in lifetime, s no way to know for sure what will happen to your adopted daughter regarding psychological disorders or anything else, As you know.

That said, it my be worthwhile to try to obtain more information on the mother’s mild disorder, and on what symptoms she displayed. Having this information could I say this NOT to discourage you from adopting. There’s no medication for depression, specifically since depression ain’t an illness, with regards to your specific question. There are not as effective as psychiatry claims, often doing no better than placebo, and inevitably entail significant negative consequences when used for long periods of time. Considering the above said. Look, there’re psychiatric drugs that tamper irresponsibly with brain chemistry. Quite a few of psychiatry’s patients are ld that they have to take these pills for life. So that’s a terrific refutation of the biopsychiatric ideology. Consequently, I take big issue with the following three statements. You see, so that’s buying into the notion that the brain has agency, can decide to do anything, can initiate anything.

Is mental disease hereditary? To say So it’s initiated or triggered by the brain is a big mistake.

Mental activity is initiated by the mind and the mind isn’t identical or coterminous with the brain.

Most of us know that there is no evidence of this and, to say it, plays into psychiatry’s hand. I think And so it’s accurate to say that mental activity is mediated by the brain. You should take this seriously. Rather, heredity makes one vulnerable to a disorder, and social and physical environmental influences activate the disorder in a genetically vulnerable individual. Most psychiatric disorders that manifest later in lifespan are best understood through what’s called a ‘diathesisstress’ model, that suggests that Undoubtedly it’s not heredity alone that causes disorders.

Is mental disease hereditary? My Carrie Fisher article was brief, and was intended as a counterpoint to the very widespread obituaries that lionized her as a champion of bipolar disorder.

Obviously I neglected lots of important information.

Fisher had been a victim of psychiatry, and like a great many such victims, died prematurely. I felt that a brief and respectful statement of the facts was all that was needed. It is the essential point of my article was that Ms. However, whenever using any drugs she could get her hands on, with all its implications of helplessness, I could’ve gone into great length as to the recklessness of psychiatry assigning the bipolar label, disempowerment, and chemical imbalance to a young woman who by her own account was, at the time.

Once again, big money was falling into the greedy pockets of the pharmaceutical industry. Moving on. Carolina Partners in Mental Healthcare, PLLC, is a large psychiatric group practice based in North Carolina. For example, whenever conforming to their website, they comprise 14 psychiatrists, 7 psychologists, 34 Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioners/Physicians Assistants, and 43 Therapists and Counselors. Although, they have 27 North Carolina locations. Shall we accept that anything listed in the DSM is a disorder of mental functioning. Then, the term disorders of mental functioning is harder to define, but, basically for the purposes of discussion, we really have to accept the APA’s catalog as definitive in this regard. Consequently, nearly any thought, almost any feeling, every action has its origins in the brain. I can’t lift a finger, blink an eye, scratch my head, or recall my childhood home without a characteristic brain function initiating and maintaining the action in question. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. My heart will stop beating, my respiratory apparatus will shut down, and I will die, unless these functions are maintained by machines, without stimuli from the brain.

I am sure that the reality is that all human activity is triggered by brain activity.

I am laid off without any income all this time.

It’s a dependency to drugs that has nearly destroyed me. Known I lost my home, my car, my support system. Actually, I’m glad to be off the drugs! Thanks for commenting. Tragically, what you describe becomes all since he has a mental illness, there’re many valid reasons why a person might feel fatigued.

Mental illnesses are merely labels without any explanatory significance.

Psychiatry defines major depression by the presence of five symptoms from a list of nine, one of which is fatigue, and after all routinely adduces the illness to explain the symptoms. Because of the inherent vagueness in the criteria, they’re not even good labels. Due mainly to the poverty of Social Security Disability, To be honest I can only access the internet when the Public or local College Library is open. That’s interesting right? With some help, Know what guys, I just can’t see that happening, as I replied to them. Basically could and would do better. Basically, virtually partly as long as my IATROGENIC NEUROLEPSIS, I’m quite sure I type 2finger, that isn’t very fast! Furthermore, the local community mental health center has pretty much devastated whatever local recovery/rehabilitation efforts there MIGHT HAVE BEEN.I’d be glad to respond more fully via direct email. Generally, madinamerica DID email me, and ask me, in a general way, about getting my story on there, Somebody from &gt. Eventually, please see today’s post.

Sorry for the delay in getting back.

Insel believes the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness is day where cardiology was 100 years ago.

We are really at the cusp of a revolution in the way we think about the brain and behavior, partly because of technological breakthroughs. Of course, like cardiology of yesteryear, the field is poised for dramatic transformation, he says. If my readers will pardon the pun, So it’s at least forty years since I started hearing about psychiatry’s great biological breakthroughs that were just around the proverbial corner, and the promise, is getting a little old. Notice that you cited that this point isn’t defined and I wonder where you should define it, on the basis of your experience. Furthermore, yes the field is very much in flux, currently, and focuses far to highly on treating the symptoms as opposed the cause. That said, and I felt it needed to be, I have a question for you. Now let me tell you something. In your opinion, would require medication for depression?

I can not see how what you’re doing we have got helping us, humanity, achieve better mental health through flat denial of a legitimate issue.

There’s Mental Illness and the biggest problems with our understanding of it has to do with decades, if not centuries, of social stigmas and denial.

Therefore the drug culture surrounding mental illness had been crafted by drug companies and while their are, to many, doctors willing to throw drugs at the symptoms look, there’re those striving to actually there’re no scientific studies to these cases can be dismissed with a quick google search. I disagree with hundreds of your assertions on this. Then, aPA to call for this study. There’s abundant prima facie evidence that psychiatric drugs are causally implicated in the suicide/murders that have become almost daily occurrences here in the US.

Meanwhile the carnage continues.

Safe, and effective, what do you have to fear, if what you are doing is unqualifiedly wholesome.

My challenge to rank and file psychiatrists is equally simple. My challenge to organized psychiatry is simple. This is where it starts getting really serious. My wife Nancy and I am married since 1970 and have four grown children. Nevertheless, I have worked in clinical and managerial positions in the mental health, corrections, and addictions fields in the United States and England. I am a licensed psychologist, presently retired. That’s right! -and it’s the point that seems to evade psychiatry -there is no good reason to think that the various problems catalogued in the DSM are underlain by pathological biological processes.

Loads of us are aware that there are the majority of very good reasons to reckon that they are not. There’s a biological foundation to everything we do -every thought, each feeling, any eye blink, nearly any action, as stressed above. However, with that said, this does not necessarily mean that a child will develop the disorder the parent has, even if a disorder has a hereditary component. Remember, most psychological disorders do manifest later in lifespan, and many have a hereditary component. For example, there’s absolutely no surprise in the discovery that sadness and despondency have similar neural triggers and maintainers. It would’ve been amazing if they didn’ -and so that’s the critical point -this does not warrant the conclusion that sadness which crosses arbitrary and vaguely defined thresholds of severity, duration, and frequency is best conceptualized as an illness caused by pathological or excessive activity in BA 25. Lots of info can be found easily online. I know it’s amazing how he will still say that his newly formed deep depression is only the result of a biological abnormal process, Therefore if a psychiatrist was kidnapped and rtured day after day for 10 years.

Moving on.

Within psychiatric dogma, all significant human problems of thinking, feeling, and behaving are illnesses that need to be treated with drugs and electric shocks.

Meanwhile psychiatry has made up its mind. On p of this, are mental disorders hereditary? This is the case. We learn the birth mother has a mild mental disorder, We’re about to adopt a ‘3 year old’ girl who is physically and mentally healthy. Is there a risk the daughter could’ve identical disorder? Nor is it surprising that the correlations between being labeled schizophrenic and various psychosocial factors are by contrast generally strong. Yes, that’s right! Having a schizophrenia label is correlated with childhood social adversity, childhood abuse and maltreatment, poverty, and a family history of migration. While tapping into the superfluous securities of hopefulness men always have at their command, borrows money to the eventual detriment of his creditors, on whose purse is visited the punishment for the aforementioned optimist’s rashness in taking out loans on the basis of contingencies, on the hoped for occurrence of which, we are often willing to stake the welfare of others, like Fred Vincy, the trouble is when men. Take other people with them, among the principal personages in Eliot’s Middlemarch.

Then the problems set out in the socalled symptom lists are real problems.

Since of psychiatry’s assertion that the loose clusters of problems are real diseases, I refer to these labels as inventions.

Rather are voted into existence by APA committees, they are not discovered in nature. That’s not the real issue. They are inventions, In reality, they are not genuine diseases. Also,, malfunctions in the furnace are malfunctions in the primary heating appliance, For instance, the furnace in a person’s home is the primary heating appliance. On p of this, the inference is fallacious in more complex matters. This is where it starts getting intriguing, right? On the face of it, therefore this seems sound, and indeed, it’s a valid inference in pretty simple example of this sort, the statement is tautological.

Depression, either mild or severe, transient or lasting, ain’t a pathological condition.

a single sensible and effective way to ameliorate depression is to deal appropriately and constructively with the depressing situation. Also, it’s the natural, appropriate, and adaptive response when a ‘feelingcapable’ organism confronts an adverse event or circumstance. Remember, misguided tampering with the person’s feeling apparatus is analogous to deliberately damaging a person’s hearing since he is upset by the noise pollution in his neighborhood, or damaging his eyesight because of complaints about litter in the street. Old fishy knickers? That old bike? About Mother Bury me in a y shaped coffin Nature? Did you hear of something like this before? We are talking about identical person aren’t we? Child growing up with polycystic kidney disease may feel sick much of the time. About 25percent of children with PKD1 experience pain and similar symptoms,. Kidneys produce less urine, as the nephrons become increasingly blocked. So this structure causes the wall to produce fluid.

That’s the primary genetic effect.

This kind of a child, other things being equal, is going to be fussier and more distressed than other children, and it’s entirely possible that one could find a weak correlational link between gene PKD 1″ and childhood fussiness, though, certainly, any search for this correlation could be confounded by the obvious fact that children can be habitually fussy for other reasons.

Basically the gene determines the structure of the nephron wall. Fussiness should be a tertiary effect of the gene PKD1. I was given first one consequently a second antianxiety medication to deal with the flood of panic I was in normally. With that said, bTW, an after effect of the medication for depression I was on is anxiety and thoughts of suicide. I was on an antidepressant for I had a nervous breakdown while on that drug.

I think it would’ve been helpful to examine the effects of coming off psychotropic drugs. Side effect of the antianxiety medication is depression. Rather are caused by loads of factors, including biological ones, they are not ‘makebelieve’ diseases. As we understand more about mental illness through research we will gain more precise vehicles for measuring and understanding the biological implications of these disorders. Consequently, I know it’s still completely inaccurate to state that there’s no biological foundation for mental illnesses, while considering all these factors. As a matter of fact, Know what, I would say that most people who contract serious illness become somewhat sad and despondent. Therefore this in no way establishes the notion that the sadness should’ve been considered an additional illness. So it’s true. I would never say that the brain decides to do anything. Also, my brain and identical parts of me make this activity possible. I couldn’t write anything, without a brain. For instance, deciding is an activity, that in my view can be attributed only to that person. As an example, I’m almost sure I decide to write a post.

Thanks for coming in.

You say many of us are aware that there are scientific studies that prove these matters.

You’re missing the entire point. Illness ain’t a valid or useful way to conceptualize sadness -even profound sadness. Cite me some actual references that prove, let’s say, that all the people who meet the APA’s criteria for major depression or dysthymia have any definable biological pathology. Given the fact that leaders of the psychiatric profession have spoken openly about the lack of validity behind labels like schizophrenia, And so it’s fascinating that psychiatrists continue to use the term as if it referred to a valid, reliable illness entity. What they do, is record events. Look, that’s when the notorious schizophrenic pulls out the physical proof that the event did actually occur. Usually, nobody will ever believe a single word that you have to say from onward, if you was labeled with the title schizophrenic. These schizophrenic folk do have some fun now and after that. Always a schizophrenic, only after a schizophrenic. Now please pay attention. They inform friends, family, etcetera, about it, when encountering an event that does not occur very often. What do I mean by this? Have you heard about something like that before? Every of the friends, family, and suchlike, immediately shakes their head, expresses anger, and says out loud that noone in their right mind should think that this kind of a ridiculous event we have got a description of Open Dialogue, the most successful program for helping people with psychosis in the developed world.

The reasoning there’s.

In reality loads of us know that there is no yardstick to determine percentage of activity for BA All that can be said, on the basis of Mayberg et al’s findings, and subsequent BA 25 research, is that when a person is sad, look, there’s more activity than when he is happy, in this regard, it’s noteworthy that Partners’ comment refers to overactivity in BA The use of the prefix over implies pathology. Needless to say, the use of the term overactivity is deceptive -sneaking in the notion of pathology without any genuine or valid reasons to consider it so. Notice, in reality, there’s nothing in Mayberg et al or in subsequent research that warrants the conclusion that the increased activity in BA 25 is pathological or excessive. Therefore the contention of pathology rests on the assumption that depression is an illness. It’s also typical of the kind of circular reasoning that permeates psychiatric contentions.

To turn around and use this falsely inferred pathology to prove that depression is an illness is obviously fallacious.

I am no longer feeling the deep abiding depression.

Virtually, my anxiety is almost gone. As the drugs came out of my system I have no more suicidal ideations. I have lost very much but I feel better! A well-known fact that is. My life is worse. Nonetheless, indeed, the fundamental tenet of this site is that look, there’re no mental illnesses, and that conceptualizing human problems in this way is spurious, destructive, disempowering, and stigmatizing. Phrase mental health as used in the name of this website is simply a term of convenience. It specifically does not imply that the human problems embraced by this term are illnesses, or that their absence constitutes health. Eventually, I think so that’s a philosophical issue and is usually formulated as. Also, certain biological events occur in various parts of my body, including my brain, So in case my body needs food.

My own position is that they are one and really similar event.

Thanks for coming in.

It’s very difficult to discuss these matters without using abbreviated phrases similar to triggered or, as you prefer mediated. Mental event that we call feeling hungry is my experience of these events from the inside. Usually, so it’s a well established genetic illness caused by cysts in the kidneys. So an additional problem arises here, in that the assertion that schizophrenia had been linked to specific genes is often interpreted as meaning that schizophrenia is a genetic disease, that it emphatically isn’t.

Whenever causing tissue death, the cysts progressively block the flow of blood through the kidneys. Let us look briefly at a real genetic illness, in order to illustrate this. They start jobhunting, Therefore in case the source of the depression is the loss of a job. Of course the reality is that most people deal with depression in appropriate, naturalistic, and ‘timehonored’ ways. They seek ways to exit or remediate the situation, if the source is an abusive relationship. How very convenient that she’s only an allegorical figure! That way we can’t wring her bloody neck, the little hussy. It’s quite obvious that also the truly exquisite contrast between Partners’ earlier and confident contention that mental illnesses have a long history of biological evidence with the assertion here that the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness day is where cardiology was 100 year ago. That said, this behavior involves navigating the pitfalls of late adolescence/early adulthood, and establishing functional habits in interpersonal, occupational, and similar important life areas.

With opportunities for emotional growth and acquisition of social, equally clearly it calls for a nurturing childhood environment, occupational, and similar skills, obviously it requires appropriate neural apparatus, the weak correlations with genetic material. Similar reasoning can be applied to the behavior of ‘not being schizophrenic’. So it’s interesting, as long as if you follow the record of someone who had been in the psychiatric system for decades, you usually find that they have accumulated a variety of diagnoses. As long as That’s a fact, it’s listed in the DSM, it is a disorder of mental functioning as defined above. We will consider the example of oppositional defiant disorder, in order to pursue this. Then, the symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder as listed in DSM 5 are. Kandel’s logic, it’s also therefore a biological disease. In line with Dr. For example, we acquire counterproductive habits as readily, and by essentially identical processes, as we acquire productive ones.

Obviously for any of these behaviors to occur, there has to be corresponding neural activity.

Rather, it’s as his brain is functioning correctly.

It is not being that there is anything wrong with the child’s brain. He is internalizing as habits those decisions and actions that pay off. Surely it’s often observed in childraising practice that if you’re not training your children, they’re training you. So there’s no necessity that the neural activity is diseased or malfunctioning in any way. So if a child discovers that he can acquire power and control in his environment by throwing temper tantrums, he will, other things being equal, acquire the habit of throwing temper tantrums. Needless to say, whenever developing his behavioral repertoire in accordance with the ordinary concepts or learning, could acquire any or the majority of behavioral habits without any malfunctioning in his neural apparatus, a child learning from his environment. Similarly, I’d say if arguing with parents and identical authority figures yields positive results, there’s a great chance that this also will be habitual. Therefore a Psychiatrist said that I had medication resistant depression and increased the percentage of the medication I ok already by a third but wanted to do some electric stimulation to the brain.

Coming off the medication was a horrible path.

I stayed on the antidepressant during this time.

I managed to do this without suicide but it was close. I consequently came off that while taking a little Xanax as the after effects of coming off the antidepressant was increased panic attacks as well as increased suicidal ideations. Now pay attention please. Coming off the antianxiety meds increased my feeling of depression. Nonetheless, I had to do it in secret. Considering the above said. No doctor should help me come off. Cyst wall epithelium produces fluid which accumulates in, and ultimately destroys, the nephrons and the kidney. In polycystic kidney disease, the pathology occurs as long as the PKD 1″ gene causes the nephrons to be made out of cyst wall epithelium rather than nephron epithelium. Yes, that’s right! Most cases of PKD are caused by the defective gene. Notice that please, if you will like to obtain more information about these advertising practices and to make choices about online behavioral advertising.

That said, this Site and third parties who place advertisements on this Site may collect and use information about your visits to this Site and identical websites in case you are going to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.

The effects there are more credible causal constructs.

It is particularly the case in that correlations between the diagnosis and genetic anomalies are typically very small. In identical way, And so it’s simply not tenable to claim that schizophrenic behaviors are symptoms of a genetic disease. Known we’d call her a crap mother, powerless as she is to make provisions for all the creatures she with such reckless abandon she produces, who for the most part are cast adrift in this nightmare -though it seems otherwise to those who won the winning ticket in life’s lottery, insulated against the harsher realities of the brutal struggle for survival by their good fortune, the truly sickmaking sentimentality about life and the optimism common among the posh and privileged, luxuries the rest can rarely afford -only to tremble with fear for awhile under the gaze of the I’d say in case it was anyone else.

Depression is a normal state.

So it’s also an adaptive mechanism, the purpose of which is to encourage us to take action to restore the loss and also improve the conditions.

That’s a fact, it’s the normal human reaction to significant loss as well as living in ‘sub optimal’ conditions/circumstances. Oftentimes the big Wall St. You see where I’m going with this?The DSM is a CATALOG of BILLING CODES. Make sure you write a comment about it in the comment box. The DSM7″ come out in 2022, and have 750+ diagnoses? Will the DSM 6 come out in 2019, and have 600+ diagnoses? Actually the ‘DSM 8’ come out in 2027, and have 1000+ diagnoses? We could look at the DSM’s I, I, II, IV,, and the DSM5″, look at the years they came out, and the number of diagnoses in any one, and do some simple mathematical analysis.

That’s ALL it’s.If we’re lucky, and God willing, the ‘DSM 6’ will NEVER come out.

These reactions my be considered tertiary effects of the defect.

Child might react to this kind of stigmatizing by speaking as little as possible, by withdrawing socially, or in various other ways. However, children with this kind of speech are sometimes mocked and bullied by their peers. Therefore on. Oftentimes every step in the chain takes us further from the genetic defect, and the statistical associations grow proportionally weaker, and it should be stretching the matter to say that the lack of speech was caused by the gene deletion, as with the PKD. Nor should one conclude that the child’s social withdrawal was a symptom of a genetic disease. So it is true despite the fact that the link between the deletion and the cleft palate is ‘clearcut’ and direct. All of that’s interesting, and I suppose it’s essential to refute the more or less steady stream of unsubstantiated assertions, fallacious reasoning, and spin that flows from the psychiatric strongholds.

Whenever discussing psychiatric diagnosis, the psychiatrist and former National Institute of Mental Health director Steven Hyman stated, in 2013. Hyman went on to call the DSM model of diagnosis, that includes labels like schizophrenia, Totally wrong… an absolute scientific nightmare. Hyman’s successor at NIMH, psychiatrist Thomas Insel, followed up this criticism by saying. While striving to defend the new DSM, david Kupfer, the DSM 5 chair, admitted that the discovery of biomarkers for supposed illnesses like schizophrenia remains isappointingly distant… unable to serve us in the here and now. Normally, it’s bullshit. Former DSMIV head Allen Frances went so far as saying, There is no definition of a mental disorder. I’m sure you heard about this. These admissions by the leading lights of American psychiatry do not inspire confidence in the validity and usefulness of labels like schizophrenia, to say the least. While psychiatrists have promised that new brain research will uncover a biological or genetic basis for the elusive schizophrenia, no progress on this elusive goal is forthcoming.

Similar observations can be made about the other seven oppositional symptoms defiant disorder, and indeed all the DSM labels. Besides, a person with a perfectly normalfunctioning brain can acquire the habits in question if the circumstances are conducive to this learning. Whether transient or enduring, what this means essentially is that negative mood, is correlated with changes in both the subgenual cingulate (Brodmann area and the right ‘prefrontal’ cortex, and that when the depression is relieved, the changes are reversed. Just so you know, a couple of us actually do believe there’s this type of a thing as mental illness. Phil Hickey’s insightful, powerful writing was an enormous help to me in my struggle with bipolar disorder. What about this world into which she brings the unfortunate issue of her humping? From there the causal chain could continue in various ‘everweakening’ directions.

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