study mental health Her books include, The Goddess of Happiness. Besides, a ‘DowntoEarth’ Guide for Heavenly Balance and Bliss, and Vita’s Will. Researchers at the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California in Los Angeles say that worries about student loans are having a measurable negative impact on the mental health of ‘first year’ college students.

The latest results, from the fall of 2010, of the longstanding annual study The American Freshman.

National Norms show that the overall mental health of ‘firstyear’ students in college has dropped to a 25year low, prompted in part by concerns about the economy and paying for college. Surveyed students among the class of 2014 cited growing concern about the current state of the economy and the need to pay for higher education with student loans as a primary cause of chronic stress. About half of the study subjects reported that they had to take out student loans to pay for their education. For instance, researchers say that these students also expressed uncertainty about their ability to repay their college loans after graduation. Now look. Paternal unemployment was cited as a serious concern of nearly 5 students percent surveyed, while 6 students percent reported that maternal unemployment was a significant concern.

study mental health Indirect woes associated with students’ families and the economy also had a pronounced effect on new students.

Researchers report that a growing number of new college students can’t rely on family support to finance their education and must have the burden of paying for college themselves by finding available student loans, grants, and scholarships.

Nearly three the study fourths participants reported that they received So study also noted that participants reported feeling frequently overwhelmed as high school seniors and that female participants reported a significantly lower state of mental health than did their male counterparts. Participation in the study is voluntary, and the survey questions are focused on the students’ selfperceptions of mental health. For example, the study, that has been conducted annually since 1966, examines, among other things, the mental health status of more than 200000 fulltime firstyear college students at nearly 280 ‘four year’ higher education institutions throughout the United States.

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