tips to stay mentally healthy Before taking any medication, you must consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you must not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment and akin treatment. Participating in activities that you enjoy helps you stay engaged and happy.

It keeps your mind occupied and can also give you an outlet to express your emotions, particularly those that you may find difficult to share with others.

Hobbies can we have got it’s when we sleep that the body is able to heal its daily wear and tear, Getting enough rest is also important. Sriram does a lap of backstroke at The League Club. Sriram was training under U Sathish Kumar, swim coach for children with special needs, for one year now. Although, his parents introduced him to swimming at the age of seven after a doctor suggested hydropathy as treatment. Sriram won four gold medals in as many events at two swim meets for para athletes held last year in Tamil Nadu. By the way, a person who is mentally and emotionally healthy is able to connect with themselves and identical people, and able to respond to the challenges that life throws in their path.

tips to stay mentally healthy Staying mentally and emotionally healthy helps us face challenges, stresses and setbacks.

Managing emotions and maintaining emotional balance is an important skill.

Lack of emotion regulation skills can lead to poor wellbeing, difficulty in relationships, and mental health problems. It also equips us to be more functional in our daily lives. Sriram rides his bicycle fitted with a custommade backrest flanked by special education teacher, G V Arumugam. You see, on Sriram’s parents’ request, he started to assist Sriram in walking and later taught him how to ride a bicycle so he could improve his muscle tone. You see, arumugam has known Sriram for 15 years and was initially hired to teach him basic reading and writing skills. Sriram shares a special bond with Alvin and the two can often be seen engaging in healthy banter.

tips to stay mentally healthy Sriram is ecstatic after receiving a silver medal for the Standing Long Jump event. His driver, D Alvin, and Sriram’s mother, R Vanitha, gather around to congratulate him, at the Special Olympics Sports Meet held on YMCA Grounds.m R Karthik, physical trainer, subjects Sriram to the many balancing exercises to improve his balance and correct his scissor gait.Karthik is training Sriram for the last two years. In the initial stage, Sriram could hardly stand for a minute on his own and displayed lots of traits commonly seen in persons with Intellectual Disability, just like lack of eye contact, droning, drooling, says Karthik. Here’s why it’s essential to learn the skills required to address your stress. Sometimes, the stress might be caused due to lack of strategies to handle certain situations or life events. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Identify what this kind of stress is triggered by for you, and try to ‘reinterpret’ and re appraise those situations. That may not always work or be feasible, you may try to be careful with such situations sometimes.

We all have some peopleor events that cause stress.

Similarly, we could all do with including join planning to the gym. Mental and emotional health is an important, essential part of our overall health and wellbeing. Anyways, know that you are okay and worth it. Identifying and owning your strengths and accepting your weaknesses gives you the courage to believe in yourself and the strength to your personal limitations and draw boundaries accordingly. Accepting that you have Undoubtedly it’s okay that you are less than perfect, is a key ingredient of your mental and emotional wellbeing. You can choose to change the weaknesses about yourself that you don’t like or you can choose to accept those weaknesses about yourself that you can live with. Seriously. Learn to prioritise and say ‘no’ when you are overwhelmed. Nobody is perfect, Everyone has weaknesses, and so do you.

Set realistic goals. All of us are different, and we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Have lunch with a colleague, or make plans to meet a friend you haven’t spent time with in a while. Having healthy relationships with your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors can increase your feeling of emotional wellbeing and give you an enriching feeling of connectedness. Spending time with people you love and get gether with, gives you a feeling of being valued and appreciated. No technology can replace a smile or a hug. Devi is Sriram’s favorite teacher. Then, r Devi helps Sriram read a clock at Sai Sri Ram Training Centre. Sai Sri Ram Training Centre has eight students with special needs, two teachers, and a domestic help. Sriram has difficulty reading and writing even basic words, and has a hard time grasping universal concepts just like time, date, and money. Oftentimes the school functions from 10 am to 3 pm and keeps the students busy with a plethora of activities such ascoloring, computer games, and yoga.

It’s true that when you are grateful for what you have, it can take away the focus from what you don’ Studiesshow that being grateful for what you have helps you stay optimistic about your future and boosts your mental health, while this may sound like a cliché.

And remember your blessings, you will realize that not a single day will go by without you having something to be thankful for, if you allow yourself to be thankful.

Almost any night before planning to bed, write down what you are thankful for on that day. Of course maintain a gratitude journal. Rather than getting carried away with everything that appears in your mind or your experience, choosing what you respond to; to focus on one of the things at a time, be ‘nonjudgmental’ and cultivate an attitude of impermanence wards things and situations, Mindfulness simply means being in the present without thinking of the past or future.

Put away your gadgets and pay attention to what’s happening around you, to be more mindful. Now this helps you stay open to experiences and helps you not get overly affected by them, says Dr M Manjula, additional professor of clinical psychology. Attend to your emotional needs, read a book, pamper yourself, or just relax and unwind without having to worry about your daily tasks, Set time aside for yourself. Self care is an essential part of mental and emotional wellbeing. Expressing your emotions constructively makes it easier to cope with your stresses and conflicts. It’s a well reach out to a physician or counselor, if you think you need even more support. Loads of us are aware that there is nobody on earth who has the perfect life that’s free of stress, anxiety or low moods. You don’t need to face the challenges of life alone. A well-known fact that is. That So there’s no shame in asking for help -it is a sign of great strength, not of weakness, as I know it’s often made out to be.

Whenever sibling or relative, when you feel sad, or just simply overwhelmed and unable to cope, speak to someone you trust -a spouse, friend.

The earlier you reach out, the better.

Resilient people utilize the support systems that are available to an ordinary misconception is that the absence of a mental health disorder means that a person is mentally fit and emotionally well. Experts say that merely not having depression, anxiety and akin disorders does not necessarily mean that a person is mentally or emotionally healthy.p Dharani Kumar, a professional choreographer, composed the dance moves for this performance. Hevisits the school any weekend to teach dance to these students. Sriram usually has trouble recollecting and executing my dance moves but he stepped his game up through So process of learning helps you break thought patterns when you focus on the new skill. It also increases your confidence in being able to face new situations, new challenges and new people. Picking up a completely new skill challenges you, increases your concentration levels, and makes you feel good about learning something new. What makes it healthy or unhealthy is the intensity of the experience, and how it was expressed, the appropriateness of the expression, and the frequency of the emotion occurring, says Dr Manjula.

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