Recovery based services are here to stay.

It’s time to delve into these materials and increase your degree of proficiency with ‘recovery oriented’ approaches to treatment. Eventually, discuss the materials and ideas with your colleagues and students you supervise. Recovery is endorsed by both the US Surgeon General (and the President’s New Freedom Commission (as the single most important goal of mental health services. Pick the one from your professional discipline or look at a couple of. Offer to provide informal or formal training on recovery to other professionals in your organization or community, or for consumer and ‘familyfocused’ groups. This is where it starts getting serious. The concept of recovery as applied to mental illness and addiction is widely accepted by both mental health professionals and by people who have experienced these problems ‘firsthand’.

SAMHSA approved awards to six national behavioral healthcare provider associationsto develop training materials forprofessionals to embrace a recoveryfocused approach to mental health care, as part of the project. Recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self directed life, and strive to reach their full potential. SAMHSA, the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, offers this working definition of recovery, developed through an extensive forum including input from mental health providers, consumers and advocates.

In 2009, SAMHSA initiated a 5 year project called Recovery to Practice or RTP, whose main focus was to advance a recovery oriented approach to mental health services by developing and disseminating training programs for mental health professionals to translate the concepts of mental health recovery into clinical practice.

Share the information with others who are interested in learning more about recovery. Anyway, ask mental health providers if they are aware of these resources, and give them the links so they can become better informed. You should take it into account. They can be very empowering and bring hope to nevertheless designed for mental health professionals and students.

After 5 productive years work, the six professional organizations have recently launched their RTP training programs. RTP Recovery Resources Database. Then, rTP Recovery Resources Library. Below is a brief overview of the recovery based educational programs developed by any association, together with links to any of their RTP websites and the training materials.

Webinar -RTP Curriculum for the Six Behavioral Health Professions.

Help Wanted. Simple Steps to Reduce Stigma About Mental Illness http. Consequently, good Citizens to Support People with Mental Illness http.

Back to School with a Focus on Mental Health http. Back to School with a Focus on Mental Health http. NEW post!

Healthy Benefits from Your Next Vacation http.

Let me ask you something. Are you ready for a break, a holiday, a sabbatical, or a vacation? Nevertheless, whatever you like to call it, Iknow I sure need one.

Learn ‘QPR’. Ask a Question and Prevent a Suicide http. So that’s my personal website. Generally, it’s focused on mental health,wellnessand recovery from mental illness and addiction.

Psychiatric Advance Directives.

Living Will for Mental Health Treatment http. Effective Ways to Recruit New Members for Your Cause http.

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