keeping mentally healthyToway you think about something has a big impact on your mental health.

Changes in your thoughts often go with changes in your mental health. Generally, it’s easier to see positive aspects, when you feel well. Remember, it’s easy to get stuck on negative things and ignore positive things, when you aren’t well. Body reactions are changes in your body functions just like heart rate, breathing, digestion, brain chemicals, hormones and more. Seriously. Changes in your body reactions often go with changes in your mental health.

AnxietyBC is a BC member Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information and is committed to building a provincial resource network through which reliable medical and psychological information and services are accessible by those impacted by anxiety disorders. Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division helps people access tocommunity resources they need to maintain and improve mental health, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness. CMHA BC has served BC for over 60 years.

keeping mentally healthyYour score reflects balance degree you have across todifferent areas in your life, how well you are coping, and how good you feel about things.

These are all important facts of wellness and mental health. We have not included any guidelines on high or low scores and what they mean, there islook, there’s no magic score that guarantees perfect wellness. Instead, we recommend using this ‘self test’ to track your wellness status over time. Essentially, toBC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information have a bunch of information on how to improve your mental health and ‘well being’. Check our other Wellness Modules, fact sheets, personal stories and other useful resources for you and your family at We’re here to help.

keeping mentally healthy

It can become hard to enjoy life, when your mental health suffers. You may start to feel run down, both mentally and physically.a lot of these changes can make it harder to enjoy a balanced and rewarding life. Everyone can benefit from learning how to enhance and protect their mental health whether or not they’ve experienced mental illness or a substance use problem. That said, your score will probably go up over time, if you are actively working on ways to improve your health. Generally, increases usually mean that you are feeling better about things and feeling like you can cope with life’s challenges while still finding time for fun. Your score may go down for a period of time, if you are experiencing stress or changes in your overall health. Decreases usually mean that it is harder to feel good about things and that you are struggling to find a sense of balance. Decreases in scores can be an important sign that you should take action to make things better for yourself. Most people experience ups and downs in their wellness scores over time. We recommend taking this test every month, in order to track your personal wellness and general mental health over time.

Many people take care of their physical health before they feel sick.

They may eat well, exercise and try to get enough sleep to help maintain wellness. You can take tosame approach to mental health. Just as you may work to keep your body healthy, you can also work to keep your mind healthy. Manyplenty of people take care of their physical health before they feel sick. They may eat well, exercise and try to get enough sleep to help maintain wellness. You can take tosame approach to mental health. Just as you may work to keep your body healthy, you can also work to keep your mind healthy.

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