For when mac and cheese is insufficient sustenance, we have macaroni cheese pies. For when a full lasagne won’t do, we chuck that into a pie take a Turkish delicacy which involves slices of god knows what kind of meat in a flimsy pitta bread with the entire lot disguised under a pile of purple cabbage and garlic sauce.

We go down the more simpler route and yet as much as I turn my nose up at a kebab, those down South might be horrified by the fact we have cheese melted on chips and pour gravy on it. It has pretty much become our anthem for any night out be it a night on the town, a wedding, a christening, a funeral or a work do. We’re used to it being cold and wet pretty much all year round so when the lethal stuff hits, we just get on with it. You see, those down south who grind to a standstill over a light dusting must wonder how we do it -while we wonder how they manage to be clever enough to wangle a day off work for a few flakes of the white stuff. Thence do we. What? Our public transport laughs in the face of winter. Now let me ask you something. Ten snow inches?

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