about mental health We all should’ve been aware of it, especially as it helps us maintain a strong and mobile body, bone density may not be the sexiest subject. It’s an interesting fact that the researchers found that adults who exercised moderately or strenuously had better bone density than those who exercised little or forget it. While saying that eating probiotics helped dozens of sufferers find some respite, butnew researchhas found a link between the bacteria living in a person’s gut and their chance of having IBS. Sufferers experience debilitating pain, bloating, tenacious constipation, and embarrassing displays of diarrhea. You better don’t just look to yogurt to get your fix. You see, the three Ks.kefir,kimchi,andkombucha. IBS is to stomachaches what Godzilla is to the Geico gecko. Experts doubt that Trump will change.

That’s a key reason why people doing best in order to diagnose Trump as having a mental disorder are wrong, said Frances.

With attention and, the tweeting. Makes perfect sense, and he’s rewarded for it, from his fans. Notice, at age 70, he is likely set in his ways, and his behavior has brought him huge success. From Trump’s late night, angry tweets to his denying that he did or said something caught on video, he apparently gets pleasure, not distress, from these things, and they made him president, Frances said.

about mental health Other mental health professionals see in Trump’s years of insults of beauty pageant contestants, political rivals, journalists, and many others evidence that he derives deep satisfaction from abusing and hurting people, Montgomery said.

His confrontational style and egotism adorning buildings across the planet with his name served him well in business and brought him to the White House, after all.

They can’t rule out that the president’s actions are part of an intentional political strategy, and not a reflection of particular mental states. Now let me ask you something. Now this goes with seeming to have high selfesteem but really not having it, or why are they out there constantly seeking glory? They’re desperately making an attempt to get that experience as an adult. Needless to say, lots of us are aware that there are two where views that narcissism comes from, McAdams said.

a competing view, with stronger scientific evidence, is that a child who gets reinforced like crazy for being the center of attention becomes emotionally addicted to that adulation, McAdams said.

While stoking blazing narcissism and the need to seek glorification over and over since they can’t get enough, rather than satisfying and soothing one’s emotional and psychological need to be the focus of attention and valued, he said, that pours gasoline on the fire. Conforming to biographies, trump’s father. Ld Donald, You’re my favorite, you’re a killer, McAdams noted. McAdams, who combed through Trump books and news accounts, points to an especially telling episode.

about mental health At his father’s 1999 funeral, Trump’s remarks focused on himself It was the ughest day of his own life and on how Fred’s greatest achievement was raising the famous, brilliant, mega successful Donald.

Trump’s apparent need to be ‘front and center’ manifested itself in his practice of stamping his name on nearly everything he did in business, from buildings and an university to steaks and wine, before politics.

It will be smart marketing, that’s not necessarily evidence of narcissism. While meaning a desperate need to keep from feeling, even fleetingly, that he for sake of example, a few of the experts Trump shows compulsive ‘more than’ behavior. Still, even at arm”s length’, the analyses were strikingly consistent. Read more and sign up for their free morning newsletter at statnews.com. Anyway, this story was produced by STAT, a national publication covering health, medicine, and life science.

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While playing video games, shopping, s a mental disorder only if it doesn’t provide a pleasurable reward or benefit and if it does cause that requisite duo of distress or impairment, Duke’s Frances said Whether any other behavior that can be taken to extremes,, or it’s checking one’s phone constantly.

Now look, a compulsive behavior isn’t necessarily evidence of a disorder. Consequently, it likely reflects a milder compulsion, while Trump’s and similar prolific tweeters’ embrace of ‘140character’ communication isn’t compulsive in the clinical sense. So a compulsion is an action that is forced on a person as it is one way they can relieve unbearable anxiety, said Frances, who is critical of Trump’s policies and actions. Any psychiatrist and psychologist who spoke to STAT mentioned what they perceive to be Trump’s inflated ‘selfimportance’ and selfregard, and a need for excessive admiration, for the attention and adulation of others, and to feel dominant and superior.

In this understanding, the anxious person seizes on whatever behavior can defuse the anxiety hence the constant hand washing or picturestraightening of ‘obsessivecompulsive’ disorder.

He has, like when he tweeted about Meryl Streep after her antiTrump speech at the Golden Globe Awards.

Trump does. Generally, especially narcissists, feel anxious about being dissed or insulted or verbally attacked in public, plenty of people. At his first postelection press conference this month, Trump assailed what he called fake news stories about him and said that while many people are victimized by such stories, I have this great megaphone, Know what, I can fight back. Did you know that the experts see three key psychological traits. Trump’s apparent anger and his resulting confrontational behavior, his narcissism, and his seemingly compulsive need to tweet. Chester, the Delaware psychiatrist, sees that as strategic, not evidence of psychological problems.

He knows how to use it to his benefit, including by throwing raw meat to his core supporters.

Now I reckon it’s deliberate, Trump’s angry tweets used to bother her, she said.

He sets the news cycle. He seeks revenge on them, I’d say if someone makes him feel bad. Now let me tell you something. Montgomery suggested that Trump might feel that more than most. Research has also found that people feel good when they engage in altruistic punishment, or vengeance against someone who has committed some infraction. Also, studies have shown that social aggression and, especially, revenge, release neurochemicals that can trigger a feeling of reward. Trump would hardly be unique on that score. Politics, sports, and similar fields, McAdams sees something more extreme in Trump being that it is combined with intense narcissism, while that describes NYC and not a Trump supporter, has an intense focus on his popularity and the idea that somehow someone my be greater than him bothers him. It doesn’t take a mental health professional to figure that out. Of course, aBC’s Muir asked Trump about spending much of his Jan. When does all of that matter just a little less … now that you’re the president, cIA’s memorial wall talking about the crowd size at the inauguration. About covers on Time magazine, and wondered? That, can’t abide feeling less than, in Montgomery’s words.

Psychiatrists who voted for Trump have also wondered about his behavior.

If he came to me, I see personality traits there that, Know what guys, I wouldn’t be shocked, said Dr.

Janis Chester, a psychiatrist in Delaware. He couldn’t be what people say and have kids who are so wholesome and so connected to him even after his divorces from their mothers. The majority of the experts said his public behavior offers a window into his emotional makeup and what drives him the realm of psychology rather than psychiatry, while Trump does not meet psychiatry’s criteria.


Now regarding the aforementioned fact… During his first week in office, even as he unveiled policies affecting momentous problems from women’s health and war refugees to oil pipelines and immigration, President Trump seemed fixated on … less portentous topics. Yes, that’s right! There it was again. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… All are respected in their field and close observers of Trump.

Emphasized that they have no as more than 3 million people cast illegal ballots. Look how far back it goes. After ABC’s David Muir, so this crowd was massive. Ld the president. Trump plowed ahead. Now look, the audience was the biggest ever. Have you heard about something like that before? This crowd was massive. Needless to say, he tweeted his scorn for the anti Trump women’s marches in cities worldwide the day after his inauguration. New president has continued to respond forcefully to seemingly each perceived slight.

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