Research Australia in the latter days lodged its submission in response to the public Mental Health Commission’s Review of Mental Health maintenance and Programmes.

Specific measures comprise the more effective collection and use of data across mental health outsourcing and an investment in infrastructure to facilitate clinical trials and comparative effectiveness research. The review focus is on measures to stabilize effectiveness and sector efficiency, and terms of reference specifically involve mental health research. Research Australia’s submission has focused on research better integration into design, delivery and evaluation of mental health programmes and solutions, and the benefits this will get through improved effectiveness and efficiency.

Another question is. MRFF how usually can we educate the Australian community about sharing health data and specimens? Members -you must submit our own articles for INSPIRE Spring issue magazine!

Congratulations Peter Wills AC, newest Chair of Australia’s Biomedical Translation Fund http.

Research Australia Health medicinal Research Awards 2016 NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN! Research Australia is calling for our own nominations for 2016 Research Australia Awards, to celebrate and recognise. From Monday 22 July to Sunday 11 August, we areencouraging people to meet in homes, workplaces, cafés, parks and community spaces around Australia to have ‘Contributing existence Conversations’.

These conversations always were about sharing what ‘A Contributing health’ means to you and those next to you, and discussing what gives each of our lives meaning and purpose. They are based on 5 unsophisticated questions, designed to make less than a hour. It will inform 2013 Report Card on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention to be released in November Ultimately, this was probably about ensuring people voices are at the front and centre of mental health reform. This initiative has been civil part Mental Health Commission’s international Contributing health Project, and will help build a rounded picture of people’s lives and experiences. Commission will use this and next information to support drive meaningful improvement for mental health and wellbeing of all Australians. Furthermore, hosting a Contributing essence Conversation usually was our own chance to be part of this vital international conversation on mental health and wellbeing, and anyone usually can get involved.

The international Mental Health Commission would like to congratulate the 2014 winners Comcare Work Health and Safety Awards announced past week.

Awards recognise and reward excellence in workplace health and safety, rehabilitation and return to work. Workplace mental health probably was an ongoing international focus Mental Health Commission through Mentally work wholesome Workplace Alliance and Heads Up initiative, run in partnership with beyondblue.

the Heads Up website (is an online resource offering easy, practical information to create more mentally good workplaces including, information, interactive tools and resources for businesses of all sizes. Heads Up website (is always an online resource offering plain simple, practical information to create more mentally proper workplaces including, information, interactive tools and resources for businesses of all sizes.

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