kids mental health Together, a catastrophic medical plan and a tax advantaged financial account make up a consumer driven healthcare plan. Visit and learn more about. Craziness inherent in the anticonscience is responsible for the existence of mental illnesses just like schizophrenia, psychosis and hysteria.

The solution for the tragedy of human life comes from a source that noone except imagined may be so precious and ‘informative our’ own dreams!

It’s a cruel world where only those who have money can be protected, live a fruitful life and even have ephemeral pleasures. You see, violence is part of the human ‘nature hence’ the human world is characterized by terrorism, wars, poverty, prostitution, hypocrisy and indifference to human pain.

kids mental health They are not completely protected here.

The unconscious mind that produces dreams is wise and saintly and constantly tries to protect our conscience from the attacks of the anticonscience.

Discoveries that were made wards the end of the last century prove that our dreams are meaningful and their interpretation can save our lives. That has no feelings, the wild ‘anticonscience’ is an animal that can think. We must prevent craziness as it is inherent in our psyche, that comes from the anticonscience that has not been transformed through consciousness and remains in its primitive condition. Eventually, our wild conscience tries to provoke craziness to our conscience. Furthermore, the human being might be saved from depression since The anti conscience has to be controlled and transformed into the consciencein other words, it must acquire sensitivity, craziness and suicidal tendencies, it’s a real disaster, It is the result of the disorganized formation of the conscience. Did you know that the anticonscience is extremely violent, tyrannical, cruel and evil. So it is not an action made by human hands. It’s responsible for the tendency of selfabuse since it coerces the person to hurt had been a mystery for mankind.

kids mental health Thanks to the ‘in depth’ researches made in the unknown region of the psyche, we now know that the anti conscience exists and causes all the existent abnormalities in the human behavior and mind. Thus, day we can prevent these horrors before they appear in our lives, by interpreting our dreams and following the wise guidance provided by the wise unconscious mind that produces them. That’s why everyone must find out how to properly interpret their dreams at the earliest time possible and stay far from all the psychological problems that await them. Although, this self abuse confirms of the existence of this terrible side in us that must be tamed before it manages to destroy a significant part of the conscience. That is a type of masochism or self abuse and reflects a strong suicidal tendency. Unless they are serious and learn what really is necessary to help them keep their mental health and balance, psychological problems are unavoidable for a priori crazy human beings who tend to become progressively crazier with time and live in a world governed by violence.

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