mental health how can i achieve it There’s a whole world of delicious, health supporting foods out there waiting for you! Make sure you do not settle up for the boring boxed cereal! Andrea Ramirez is the nutrition and lifestyle counselor for career driven women. Look, there’s wide spread misunderstanding about mental illness, for the sake of example that mental illness is feigned or self inflicted, that mental illness reflects a weakness of character, or that mental illnesses are incurable. Mental illness is due to damage to certain parts of brain, and look, there’s effective treatment which helps to heal the damaged part, as mentioned for ages because the advance of medical science was making treatment more effective, as a matter of fact, for the most part there’re enough reasons to support this piece of hope, thus this is not a false hope. Oftentimes having hope is single most important element to sustain the run. Therefore this takes much courage and perseverance to complete the marathon of recovery. And now here’s the question. Does an absence of mental illness equal being mentally healthy?

mental health how can i achieve it Everyone wants to enjoy mental health.

Things do not always go your way.

Is mental illness incurable? What actually is a mental illness? Basically, one pitfall is that we do not really know what mental health is. Common kinds of mental types illnesses include. It’s true that a mother scolds for a while being that she loves him, cares about his well being and wants him to lead a great life. They love the patient, feel hurt by his illness and genuinely need him to recover. How can family and friends support the patient in his recovery process? Usually, blaming or scolding seldom works if the undesirable behavior is an expression of brain dysfunction. It’s easy to overlook other strengths of the patient. Accordingly the mental illness is only part of the patient who still has strengths in many other aspects, conscientiousness in personality, respect to parents, talents in art, sports or cookery and all that stuff Second, the patient might feel embarrassed or shameful when family and friends encourage him to receive treatment. Look, there’re in the apartments or work at office, major environmental stressors are social stressors which refer to all events we perceive stressful or heartbreaking in life.

Whenever causing brain damage, So it’s not uncommon for people to wrongly think that receiving treatment equals determined by medication, or that refusing treatment is an act of relying on myself, or that people can only either choose to receive treatment or to use their own will power, not both. A well-known fact that is. Loads of people firmly refuse psychiatric treatment despite all the suffering from the mental illness.

mental health how can i achieve it Why does a patient continue medication after he has recovered?

After a complete resection of the tumour, in some cancer disease, even the cancer is at early stage and it has not spread, the doctor might let the patient to take a few months of chemotherapy to consolidate the recovery.

Virtually, the use of medication to consolidate recovery isn’t unique to psychiatric treatment. Fact, many after effect subside as the body starts to adapt to the for awhile because the doctors can always adjust the dosage and kinds of medication types, I know it’s unwise to tally refuse medication treatment for fear of sideeffects, or to stop medications, in response to patient’s experienced sideeffect. Almost any medication has numerous possible ‘sideeffects’ among which a few are common. After balancing the risk of relapse and the harm of aftereffect, the doctor will discuss with the patient to decide on the plan of medication treatment.

mental health how can i achieve it Patient should pay attention to after effects of medications.

For psychiatric medications, in recent decades, the new generation of psychiatric medications has already improved significantly in ‘side effect’ profile.

Doctor will judge if the discomfort is a medication ‘side effect’, a symptom of the mental illness or the symptoms of another illness. Doctors can minimize the medication sideeffects by adjusting the dosage and frequency of taking medications. Sometimes, the sideeffects can be completely relieved. I know it’s important for patients to report to their doctor any discomfort after taking the prescribed medications. Therefore the coach instructs and motivates you to complete various programmes of training, Receiving psychological treatment is more like working in a gym with a fitness coach. Whenever receiving psychological treatment ain’t a passive process, unlike receiving a surgical treatment, in which you sleep on the surgical table and let the surgeon to cut away an unwanted part from your body. In psychological treatment, all treatment effect comes from your effort to take new behaviour and adopt new way of thinking.

mental health how can i achieve it All in all, So it’s you giving the strength and sweat to lift up weights and running on treadmill, to build up muscles in your body and fitness of heart and lung. Just can replace yourself. One common misconception about recovery in mental illness is mostly about the role of maintenance in medication treatment. Therefore this misconception for ages being that in many other illnesses, pneumonia, the patient stops taking the antibiotics after the infection was cleared, and the patient continues the antibiotics until the infection is cleared. Consequently, the recovery of the pneumonia is apparently defined by the stop of medication. Now look. According to which part of the brain is damaged and the direction of vulnerability, the core mental symptom differs, for the sake of example, That’s a fact, it’s mood in a depressive illness, perception and thought content in a psychotic disorder, or cognitive function in dementia.

While giving rise to the onset of a mental illness, when a person who is born with a biological vulnerability in the brain is hit by an external stressor, the brain struggle to cope for any longer because being since the highly complicated connection among different parts of the brain, the core symptoms are associated with symptoms in other domain, impaired concentration is also present in a person with depression. With discipline and persistence, a patient receiving psychiatric treatment is like a p athlete receiving his training programme which requires him to do what he is advised. Treatments provided by doctors and similar health professionals are ols which facilitate the healing of the damaged body part. While dieting for body weight reduction, The truth is that the recovery and similar treatment programme, physiotherapy, and to make the necessary change in lifestyle.

While sparing all the efforts in our legs, they are not trains which can take us to the place we seek for to go.

In mental illness, psychiatric medications are like shoes which stressor which causes the last episode of mental illness would probably happen again and might trigger a relapse. Some info can be found easily by going online. The role of maintenance treatment in mental illness is to consolidate the recovery by offering protection to the brain.

Medication can not eradicate this underlying vulnerability.

Most mental illnesses are due to stress induced damage to certain vulnerable parts of the brain.

Besides, the underlying vulnerability which is largely due to genetic makeup still exists and poses risks of a relapse, right after the brain function is normalized and the symptoms have all subsided. Psychiatric medication promotes the healing of the damaged brain region or normalized the disordered chemical transmission in the damaged brain cells. Then, doing well in a hobby can boost the selfconfidence of a person very much. Family might get look for to hear if they had mental illness. A well-known fact that is. Family must listen to the patients more, and to facilitate the patient to tell what he thinks to be good for him.

Decision coming from the patient himself is going to be implemented than that being ld to the patient.

Family and friends must attend to the patient’s feeling when they remind or advise the patient on treatment related problems.

Family and friends should pay attention to the strengths of the patients and most of us are aware that there is certainly some subtle pathology in the brain leading to the symptoms of mental illness, and the pathology is amendable to treatment. Most mental illnesses are due to very subtle pathology in brain which can’t be shown by the current imaging technology.

Reason is that a mental illness is a disease of the brain which is definitely more complicated than all other organs.

a normal computed mography scan of brain in a patient with, say a psychotic disorder, only means that the mental illness isn’t caused by a tumour or a bleeding inside the skull.

Now look, the current technology in brain imaging can only demonstrate the very gross lesion of brain, a tumour or a bleeding. All in all, all mental illnesses are due to pathology in brain. Then again, rehabilitation programme, gether with support from peers and family, helps the patient to regain his role in family, among peers and in workplace, with symptoms under control. Psychiatric medications are particularly useful in this aspect. Symptoms in mental illness will be eliminated or attenuated by putting disturbed brain activities back to order, in order to achieve all these tasks in recovery. Now look. Recovery in mental illness means that the patient regains control on his own life and has the opportunities in relationship, vocation and education an ordinary person has in society. We can do much to promote our own mental health and minimize the risk of mental illness, even if genetic factors are relevant in most mental illness.

They are quite easily forgotten and omitted in our lifespan, particularly when life is busy, all we’re looking at not difficult to understand.

Everyone has his own health belief, a belief about what’s good and bad for his health and what can treat or prevent illnesses.

Our health belief is much shaped by the culture. Health belief depending on traditional idea way more true about health. It’s particularly so for knowledge about the most complicated organ of the body which was still a tal myth to people one century ago. Seriously. Besides, the absence of an illness does not mean possession of health. It is in 1948, the World Health Organization defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Remember, they often conceal their illness from their family and peers, even if the patients have plucked up courage to seek treatment. Although, when we understand that the fact that mental illnesses are common and treatable, we are more able to combat mental illnesses. Stigma and misunderstanding on mental illness in society discourage patients to seek that said, this made a general misconception that mental illnesses are rare.

How can a patient motivate himself to seek treatment?

These steps take lots of courage. Seeking can not take the wise move, quite a few those who refuse to seek won’t be able to adhere to treatment are actually aware of something wrong with their mind. Keep reading! Stigma makes patients reluctant to seek what really is an illness?

The treatment of mental illness was advancing over the past decades, particularly in pharmacological treatment, with advent of neuroscience.

There’re effective ‘evidence based’ treatments for mental illness, like many illnesses in other organs. Needless to say, brain is the organ involved in a mental illness, when the heart is the organ involved in a heart disease. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Whenever resulting in symptoms involving cognitive function, content of thought, perception, emotion, behaviour and biological function, and impaired overall functioning of the person, in the mental illness, certain parts of brain are damaged. With that said, the patient is the marathon runner who runs wards the goal of recovery. People around him, including family, friends, health professionals, boost the strength of the patients by giving emotional support, professional advice. For instance, all in all, And so it’s the patient who takes the advice, takes the equipment provided and participates in all treatment activities, he runs his own recovery marathon.

It’s best to compare the process of recovery to a marathon.

Everyone can suffer from mental illness at any time point of his life.

Mental illness is more common than most people expect. Furthermore, mental illness is as common as asthma, A large survey in the UK found 1 in 6 working people age suffer from a mental illness. That’s right! Depression affects about 5percentage of men and 10 of women in developed countries. Just think for a moment. In 2000, the World Health Organization predicted that 20 years later, depression will be the second biggest burden of disease, second to ischemic heart disease. Basically, among those above 65 years old, one twenty out suffers from dementia. Certainly, non pharmacology treatment includes various forms of psychotherapy and psychiatric rehabilitation training. Consequently, in cognitive behavioral therapy for depression, under the guidance of a therapist, the patient learns to change the way of thinking and acting, and subsequently improve mood and remove undesirable thought and maladaptive behaviour. Psychotherapy helps patients to change their way of thinking and behavior.

Besides, a psychiatrist assesses the patient by the experiences recounted by the patient as well as the behaviour observed by the psychiatrist.

On the basis of information collected, the psychiatrist matches the person’s condition against the internationally agreed diagnostic criteria to make it a judgment of illness, and formulate how various problems in the person’s life contribute to the illness.

Psychiatrist also collects relevant personal background and social information of the patient, and observation reported by the patient’s significant others, to complete the assessment. Both the clinical skills of the psychiatrist and the willingness of the patient to disclose his symptoms are essential in making a correct diagnosis and formulating the management plan. Basically the psychiatrist performs blood tests or imaging examination to rule out diseases in other parts of the body which might cause the presenting mental symptoms.

What we call mind is the expression of the activity of the brain, as for brain versus mind. While brain is the organ that produces those functions, mind is the term that refers to brain functions like memory or mood. For mental illness, even after the patient has all the symptoms subsided and has fully resumed his work and normal family life, anyways, the psychiatrists advise the patients to continue the medication for a period which can be months or even years. They also promote the healing of the brain by reducing the stress experienced by the patients in usual life. It is called psychological treatment, the ultimate effect of these treatments is to bring So there’re two important concepts about psychological treatment. Generally, some medication might even promote the healing of brain.

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