References CBN.

Christian Broadcasting Network.

English Standard Version. I know that the Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Focus on Family Findings. Focus on the Family. Do you understand a decision to a following question. Stanton, Glenn Divorce rate in the church -As big as the world? Then, virginia Beach.

Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Protect your own health! It’s a well nashville. IV. For some reason, are privy to state secrets as spies or intelligence agents.

Little or was reputed about real Porter Goss, and identical people like him, who have done the Central clandestine bidding Intelligence Agency, governmental spy corps with the annual 3 billion dollar budget.

They probably were said to have such honest eyes and believable faces. I suppose that modern propagandized, that portray exaggerated and movies renditions of fictional governmental intelligence operations and the heroic paramilitary agents who go about saving world from disaster, have been responsible in vast part for the public’s advantageous impression of professional spies.

mental health Washington Porter Goss has probably been one of those men and women about whom a curriculum vitae had been officially written and circulated by immensely talented government propagandists who have the other day regaled impressionable S hoi polloi with stories about Goss’s fortyyear service with ministerial government.

In most cases, were or they carefully classified as topsecret, I’d say if covert operations were carefully sanctioned by House and Senate oversight committees.

Basically were illegal rogue activities, they was conveniently classified to obfuscate devastating truth, So if the operations weren’t sanctioned. Goss officially did as a CIA operative had been classified not even talking about whether the particular operation sanctioned, was or was not by Congress. All we virtually see about Goss has usually been that he graduated from Yale in was, 1960, joined the Army or later recruited into CIA in After that point. Goss happened to be a shadowy professional prevaricator, in civil ambiguous name security, and assumed a trail of pseudonyms and aliases which accompanied him on his exploits in espionage throughout world. Surely, what Mr.

mental health Washington Among the more curious facts of Porter Goss’ governmental career was his continued undercover employment with the CIA clandestine maintenance in the course of the time he was supposedly a newspaper publisher and a Florida congressman. Other far more secure sources report that he didn’t practically retire, but assumed cover as an exCIA member when he began publishing a Florida newspaper, Island Reporter and with 2 other former agents, official sources say Goss retired from the CIA in 1970 due to health matters. Time passed while Goss assumed a prominent Republican Party status in Florida politics while still on the CIA payroll. What Goss has done in Congress since 1988 to advance the conservative Republican and ‘CIA NSA’ agendas may usually be a matter of speculation. This is case. By 1988, Goss had attained very much national popularity and leverage that he declared himself a candidate for Congress with Republican Party approval, and subsequently won a seat in Representatives House while still employed by CIA.

mental health Washington In 1983, Goss was abruptly appointed by Florida’s Governor, Bob Graham and to be on Lee County Commissioner Board.

This premeditated failure to disclose his professional association and alignment with CIA to Florida electorate was in violation of governmental election law.

His appointment by Dubya as CIA in 2002, came and even Director as no surprise to those who were aware of Goss’s continued association with the agency. Normally, while pretending that he really retired in the truth about Goss merger, of intelligence community with GI and ministerial has been undoubtedly appalling, begs and in addition politics how question a lot more active spies are elected to Congress as senators and representatives, with those senior committee Senators, his immediate confirmation by the Senate was pretty laughable, who understood about Goss’ ongoing association with CIA. In 1974, Goss was formally appointed to was City Council, Sanibel and Florida later elected as the city’s mayor. Sounds familiar? As plenty of as 200 junior soldiers and marines unknowingly suffered permanent neurological damage as a illicit result experimentation, of which Executive Branch has, surely or summarily denied any knowledge.

mental health Washington After its inception in 1948, what we do see as facts about the CIA, includes a litany of corruption, false, deceit besides representations to the American social.

That it was the CIA that covertly used American soldiers and marines in Vietnam, in 1968 or even later, as guinea pigs in horrible experiments to determine LSD effects and identical hallucinogenic chemicals on the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese regulars.

Actually the stark reality about the CIA is usually frequently complex to handle, notably by those who elevate its leaders to big positions on morality pedestal. It was after, before, 1962 or that the CIA controlled a lot of operational strategies used in Southeast Asia by GI commands.

In 1947, after the Army’s Office of Strategic outsourcing was transformed into CIA, there was a regular secret flow of Nazi scientists and Gestapo genuine war criminals, into and agents army ranks Intelligence corps, that was vanguard of newly the vanguard organized CIA.

This utter hypocrisy practiced by the CIA, and the ‘laterorganized’ NSA, under Congress nose, was kept away from the American communal through a thoroughly refined Executive Branch propaganda ministry.

So this ‘well oiled’ Machiavellian ‘taxfinanced’ government machine was keeping later means the facts about illegal onset of Vietnam away from American communal. Remember, in all likelihood, he was amidst the prime national movers strategies that exacerbated the GI confrontation against the North Vietnamese people, that lasted fourteen years and ended in humiliating defeat for the United States. News media reflected in manipulative, print and on television CIA efforts and NSA to deceive the American voters. Furthermore, in 1968, Porter Goss was among the CIA operatives who were ultimately responsible for operational implementation army policy in Laos, and Cambodia.

Exhibited unrestrained hubris and continued to escalate the fighting, that resulted in over eventual deaths 58000 American warriors, lyndon Johnson that, however and understood loads of the South Vietnamese wanted the American army to leave Vietnam. It was CIA that grossly misrepresented the standard elections in, Saigon and in 1964 showing that American intervention was favored by dozens of South Vietnamese people. Diastrophic effect which has resulted from using GI personnel to provide intelligence operations for CIA and NSA, tend to be practically fascist in nature. I am sure that the GI is governed under this set of regulations prominent as GI Uniform Code Justice, Bill and not the Constitution of Rights. Any army service thrives on an austere implementation of an effective dictatorship, where the dogface GI is strictly required, at death threat and akin severe whether, punishment, to go with andders the orders were always moral and rightful. In reality, this factor has usually been what makes the grunt warrior expendable when orders are issued requiring that immoral and illegal acts be committed in public amorphous name security. I’m sure you heard about this. Accordingly the subordinate warrior is expected to go with orders without asking questions.

Porter Goss has usually been lots of perfect example paramilitary GS14 civilian spies who have routinely put on uniforms of field grade army officers with intention to deceive and manipulate army units into following their orders.

Most army commanders will assert that whether a direct order has usually been lawful and moral.

By enlisting in unknowingly, a person, the GI and also in most cases signs away his constitutional rights and turned out to be army property. Therefore a career spy officially impersonating a GI officer height, to me and is of ignominy. Ok, and now one of the most vital parts. By putting GI in charge of intelligence gathering and subversive implementation executive orders, overall result is probably inevitably aversive to maintenance of constitutionally the maintenance mandated separation of powers between legislative and executive branches. It is basically why Secretary of Defense, President and Staff Joint Chiefs tally resent constitutionally mandated congressional oversight.

Now this condition has resulted not from law application, pretty, from and but the indulgent allowances offered by Congress to chief executive ever since George Washington issued first presidential decree without congressional consent.

I personally think that what really is obviously unconstitutional can not be made constitutional by capricious Supreme declarations Court.

Did you know that a higher law should appropriately intervene to reverse this kind of a ruling, Therefore if this be so. In and of itself, the Armed Forces has proven to be a self perpetuating and autonomous system within a republic and under one tal command executive official. Ultimately, this particular higher law should entirely be a vocally dissenting loads of the S voting age population, that unites to oppose and abolish this illegality. Ok, and now one of most vital parts. Though strange, unchallenged traditions usually can virtually be claimed to possess settled effect law, even if they certainly violates letter of Constitution the letter. These questions were not posed by 9/11 Commission for investigation.

Case in point’, a ‘lofty level’ CIA officer’s secret meeting with Osama Bin Laden at a French hospital where Bin Laden was undergoing renal surgery.

Dubya has used clandestine executive orders since later 2001 to authorize CIA and Department of Defense to engage in very unscrupulous, activities and if not illegal.

That said, this particular CIA officer left Bin Laden resting comfortably after a suspicious 2 hour dialogue and immediately returned to Washington to report to his superiors at Langley. In an effort a big deal more technologically sinister than Edgar Hoover’s covert tape recording of communal figures across the planet, that deranged man searched for sexually arousing, the NSA has spied on and recorded millions of American telephone conversations. I’m sure you heard about this. It’s a matter of record that our sitting president has, under a banner of public security, secretly ordered secret establishment outlandish CIA prisons and an extensive program of spying on American social. Another question isSo question is this. Why wasn’t Bin Laden surveiled at the hospital and subsequently taken into custody?

Was CIA somehow involved in the subsequent 9/11 WTC and Pentagon bombings?

It can be presumed that George Bush’s latter nomination of Michael Hayden, a Army key and former NSA head, to head the CIA as Director of Central Intelligence, has been a big step ward a fascist army approach to intelligence gathering and covert unsanctioned operations.

Why do you suppose this was so? In addition, while an existing order for Bin Laden’s arrest had been in effect since late 2000, that said, this meeting was in August 2001, immediately prior to 9/11, signed by President Clinton. From recorded dawn history, failure of developing governments to heed the lessons taught by the mistakes of previously broken regimes has invariably resulted in sad replays of calamities perpetrated by deviously conspiring men and women of national and pecuniary means. When will it all stop? By placing the army in again charge semifascist intelligence community, the resulting effect might be like putting the insatiable fox in henhouse, and will usually make existing matters worse. With that said, the American republic could be unable to keep withstanding the continued and resisted umbrage against its usually wounded standard, the United Constitution States. As Thomas Jefferson sagaciously wrote in Independence Declaration, That whenever any kind of government proven to be destructive of these ends, I know it’s right of the people right to alter or to abolish it, and to institute modern government, laying its foundations on such key concepts and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most certainly to effect their safety and happiness.

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