grants for mental health services

Here you have it people, the real agenda behind these cranks is the pathologization of behavior that they personally dislike. Biology is completely orthogonal to that. In the name of addressing a major problem Jaffe is well know for using sensational events to accomplish his agenda. DJ Jaffe and his supports just like Dr. Needless to say, the psychiatric community struggles to find relevance so they promote the idea of a biological basis for mental illness but after almost 50 years they have yet to prove this. Mental illness is a multifaceted condition that most people truly understand. DSM that they publish is on the basis of the consensus of panels of experts about clusters of symptoms not on biologically definable indicators. On top of this, most research shows that mental illness is both a combination of biological and environmental factors.

Both approaches are seriously flawed.

grants for mental health services Obama’s approach will simply give more power to a bureaucracy, while Murphy’s approach would just be to force more drugs on people.

Like Torrey, both SAMSHA its critics are largely controlled by drug industry stooges. Therefore, utilize methods to have individuals deal better with stress -such as cognitive therapy. There’s trauma. Now please pay attention. Adopt the Koran algorithm, Screen and treat for trauma. With all that said… Since trauma can be successfully treated without drugs it was ignored, It’s many effects are nearly pretty much like those in the DSM series. Is largely unknown, the Koran algorithm was devised at Stanford more than 20 years ago -for this very reason. Both can’t address the underlying reasons so many people are receiving mental health diagnoses, the lack of protocols to weed out the many physical problems that can mimic psychiatric problems. Xanax was termed alcohol in a pill and may make a person addicted in a week.

Should this also be counted as treatment, I’d say in case alcohol had come in a pill form.

grants for mental health servicesNow Jaffe and co look for to make it easier to start this vicious cycle of drugging.

Well, benzos are prescribed by doctors and called treatment even if they ars a lot alike alcohol that they may stop delirium -tremens. Families need information about their future treatments and doctor appointments, in order to provide care for their mentally ill loved ones. Free parents who are caregivers from HIPAA handcuffs. Seriously. Restructuring government, Murphy’s bill creates new programs that can just like Dr. Remember, the federal government gave William a lawyer who freed him from care, bruce tried to get hospital care for his mentally ill son. Unlike President Obama, he came to that conclusion as long as, he listened to people from outside the mental health industry, like Joe Bruce. For instance. That program continues to receive federal funding. Sally Satel and Dr. I’m sure you heard about this. Then the struggle to stop this travesty continues here https. Since as true totalitarians you can’t defend your dogmas with arguments. Know what, I read it, and I am particularly appalled by what the bill defines as grave disability which is baloney for whenever a psychiatrist believes forced treatment is necessary, as I said.

Your pal John wrote the following comment in your page. It showed up until it was deleted as obviously somebody at your organization felt embarrassed by it. That’s all due to an obscure provision of Medicaid law that prevents Medicaid from reimbursing states for most mentally ill patients who need longterm hospital care. Representative Murphy’s bill fixes this. Anyway, while the others will end up in jail, the lucky ones will get back in, prison, a shelter, or the morgue. A well-known fact that is. Therefore this creates a dangerous ‘CatchAnyone’ well enough to walk in for care ain’t considered sick enough for admission, that makes becoming a danger to self or others the main way to obtain treatment. Actually, once in the hospital, they are discharged before they can be stabilized, quite a few persons with mental illness are forced to become dangerous in this way. There’s a nationwide shortage of 100000 beds in state psychiatric hospitals. On top of this, address the shortage of psychiatric hospital beds. Seriously. He said he should listen to good ideas wherever they came from, when President Obama took office.

grants for mental health services

He has will never let the banks write his tax policy.

Representative Murphy focuses on mission control, rather than funding mission creep.

Representative Murphy has good ideas. Increase the role of criminal justice personnel in developing ‘mentalhealth’ policy. Notice, representative Murphy proposed creating an advisory board to the new assistant secretary. Therefore this ‘eyesofftheprize’ strategy has led to three times as many Americans’ being incarcerated with mental illness as hospitalized. For example, admittedly, a brand new federal advisory board is rarely something to cheer, and when such boards are populated by the mental health industry, the solutions focus on improving mental health, not treating serious mental illness. There is a lot more information about this stuff here. The ‘mentalhealth’ industry does not like being told that it has to serve the most seriously ill, so opposes AOT. Actually, civil liberties’ zealots oppose requiring patients to take their medicine even when it can free the psychotic from the Bastille of their own psychosis.research shows that AOT works.

Perhaps more important, it allows courts to order the mental health system to provide the treatment.

Physically harmed others; damaged or destroyed property; threatened physical harm to others; experienced homelessness; experienced arrest; experienced incarceration; or abused alcohol and drugs, After enrollment in AOT, significantly fewer recipients engaged in suicide attempts or physical harm to self.

AOT cuts cost must my unstable son. Thus who wants my involvement have to fill out 3 different HIPAA releases, all in similar hospital. Who both have schizophrenia, one who is long time unstable and treatment resistant the other who has anosognosia and who is in the process of going off his meds that have kept him stable for the last 5+ years, I pray to God that this bill passes, as the mother of 28 year old twin sons.

So this bill has a several flaws.

It puts those from the very community that create the above-mentioned DSM in charge of the federal mental health policy.

This limits the debate needed for good policy. Furthermore, the removal of the IMD exclusion will further bankrupt Medicaid by covering hospital stays that are often due to a lack of community placements not medical need. With that said, this does not allow for other professions similar to nurses, social workers, or rehab professionals into leadership positions. My first hand experience with the policies type promoted by this law is my own experience of having been civilly committed in Europe under the standard promoted by this law, namely, whenever a psychiatrist thinks So it’s necessary http, as I said. Now pay attention please. As long as the mental health industry disguises worthy socialservice programs, as Obama proposes, throwing money at mental health should not result in more funds’ being spent to treat those with serious mental illness, like helping people get better grades, find better jobs, and feel more empowered, as ‘mentalhealth’ programs to gain access to the mental health budget.

grants for mental health services

In 2014 spending, public and private, on mental health will total $ 203 billion. Funds are now spent by the unregulated mentalhealth industry on improving the mental health of all Americans rather than focusing on the 5 to 8 percent with serious mental illness, because of mission creep and lack of coordination among agencies. So it’s not a surprise. Perhaps you think that by passing Murphy’s Law you are preparing to get O’Connor v Donaldson reversed but it’s unlikely. Seriously. Besides, the most recent significant case in notorious mental health law is Sell United States need their funding to continue. People like me DO NOT LIKE COERCIVE psychiatry, be it in the kind of weakening of the hard won HIPAA protections against your personal abusive family members, be it the return to the abusive forced drugged/commitment regime that existed prior to O’Connor v Donaldson. Let me ask you something. You just don’t get it, do you? Notice that if to defeat this abusive bill, I do not believe in big government, as a true conservative.

Alcohol is a psychotropic drug.

High enough concentrations cause unconsciousness, just like antipsychotic drugs. Benzodiazepine withdrawal may also cause delirium Tremens with similar symptoms. Essentially, sounds a lot like the extreme states that are complained about by parents of persons dependent on antipsychotic drugs. Let me tell you something. It has clear and predictable effects on the brain. Suddenly stopping will predictably cause delirium tremens, with among others, the following symptoms, if you make someone take his alcohol drug regularly. Now look. Take alcohol as an example. We know that a person who is in a psychotic cr doesn’t think in a very responsible way. The poser should be that we are giving drugs persons who are unstable first and foremost.

We expect this person to take the drugs regularly. Loads of have problems even eating regularly. Refocus the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness program. These advocates use their federal funds to lobby state and federal agencies in favor of systemic change compliant with their ideology. PAIMI was started with the noble purpose of providing representation to persons with serious mental illness who were being abused by the system. Just keep reading. The program has become a political advocacy machine that promotes a system that assumes that all persons with mental illness are always well enough to make their own decisions.

grants for mental health services

They would abandon them, instead of helping the most seriously ill.

This article is all about serious mental illness, not something that cognitive therapy is appropriate for.

Volunteer with an outreach program helping the mentally ill for some time and take time to actually learn something about it and hereupon tell us all about your ideas -sitting in your living room reading on the internet and hereupon spouting off was not really a great idea. You clearly don’t have a clue what you are talking about! For example, depriving people with disabilities of the supports they need to live successfully in the local community violates the ADA’s integration mandate.

Olmstead hasn’t been enforced uniformly for 14 years.

Those who care for patients but are not docs themselves get need to know info.

Electronic Freedom Foundation? Hippa changes require the consent of the patient, and are not very broad. It is meanwhile those who have serious brain disorders are left to sleep on street grates and forage in trash bins for food. Whenever having an unsatisfactory marriage, experiencing the death of a loved one, or this year’s favorite, bullying, as major unmet ‘mentalhealth’ challenges that the federal government must fund, the industry now routinely, regularly, unabashedly classifies ordinary life experiences like being unhappy. Massively reform SAMHSA and CMHS. You see, it eliminates the programs that were most abused and transfers quite a few savings to the National Institute of Mental Health for productive research. Notice that representative Murphy will require the agencies to rely on evidence based practices and use psychiatrists and psychologists rather than stakeholders to perform truly independent evaluations. His bill requires that any conferences paid for by SAMHSA or CMHS be administered by SAMHSA and that any financial assistance they provide to others be limited to ‘evidence based’ practices, including those that can reduce homelessness, hospitalization, suicide, arrest, and incarceration among persons with serious mental illness.

grants for mental health services

What makes AOT unique is that it requires a past history of certain behavior.

All constitutional challenges have failed as courts have ruled I know it’s an appropriate use of state police power and parens patraie power.

I believe a case can be made that Olmstead requires AOT implementation Lots about forced meds. You know, Know what, I HAVE READ the bill. Not only it promotes forced drugging but also requires states to change their civil commitment laws the way that weakens the protection against abuse. Therefore in case they are serious about improving the mental health of Americans I believe they must also improve their standard of living. Editors at the National Review, please familiarize yourself with the Rosenhan experiment https.//. My first hand knowledge comes from having been civilly committed in Europe under a legislation like the one this bill sponsors. Oftentimes this bill is the single largest threat to my own well being that I see going forward. That said, it’s still an assault on personal freedom, the bill is in all likelihood unconstitutional and probably the hidden items in the agenda is to have O’Connor v Donaldson reviewed.

grants for mental health services

Democrats if that is what it needs to stop it.

Many people are peaceful individuals happy with their own eccentricities that DSM cranks label as schizophrenic or bipolar.

My beef is with people like you who need to use the force of government to impose your personal dislike of the DSM labels on some of society. Then, most of people are supported by the current system and they are screaming bloody murder as the legislation should cut funds if they could not prove their stuff worked and was cost effective secondarily! EFF https.//on the grounds that the suggested changes to the HIPAA regulations together with an out of control DSM would result in an invasion of privacy that will made the NSA look amateurish. Mere public intolerance or animosity can not constitutionally justify the deprivation of a person’s physical liberty. Oftentimes one assistant secretary will ensure that resources go to the most effective treatments, programs, and research specifically, those that improve outcomes for people with serious mental illness. Create within the Department of Health and Human Services an assistant secretary for mental health and substance abuse disorders. Certainly, this official’s job would’ve been to coordinate services and reduce duplication and mission creep across the innumerable government agencies that have an interest in the big issue. That said, this bill assures your livelihood for years to come.

You need somebody to pay for your salary. Sure you support the bill, you are supporting your livelihood. Now that people with brain illnesses can get the insurance coverage they need, hospitals gonna be mandated to provide the care that these people need and deserve. They often end up hurting themselves or in jail as they are unable to discern reality from delusions due to psychosis. Murphy is an understatement. To say that I don’t trust Dr. Remember, for instance. That’s where it starts getting really entertaining. I am extremely suspect of a legislator that has worked as hard as Dr. People living with severe mental illnesses are competing for care on the basis of how dangerous they are. Plenty of information can be found easily on the web. Thanks to his being able to remain on our policy, he did actually take the time he needed to recover, stabilize, and gain the confidence he needed to reenter where he had left off and we didn’t have to lose everything in order for this to happen -which should have been the case had he not been covered by our insurance. Seriously. Look, there’s great value in most of the existing programs and to throw everything out and create whole new entities to oversee this huge endeavor makes little sense.

Sometimes they end up hurting others.

He was so extremely sick and would have never qualified for insurance on his own thanks to his new preexisting condition -it took two years for him to recover enough to return to work half-time yet he did not qualify for disability.

Murphy has against the Affordable Care Act when it has helped this very population he purports to need to did stay on our insurance thanks to the ACA and didn’t need to be classified as disabled to receive the medication, treatment and support he needed to become well enough to reclaim his life. Paul to pay Peter as Dr. If he truly understood the needs of this community he will not be fighting as hard as he has against the ACA. It is murphy suggests.

Accordingly the biggest problem is the lack of beds and available care.

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