What does it mean to have a mental disability? For those of us who have received the gift of a second chance through effective trauma treatment, we will do what we know works.

a feeling of shared purpose.

Hope love for those who do not yet hold them for themselves, with faith. Vivsio TV was sued for putting such devices in 11million tv to track what they watch and Govt Army Historcal known for inhumane research just look at KKK and how absurd their ideas and practices and attacks are even into present day with Their grand kids the SkinHeads. Then, I believe you. Stranger things are happening Have happened. I BEKEIVE TGE GOVERNMENT DID SOMETHING TO YOU AND WHO IS GONNA HELP YOU WHY NAVY ARMY MARINE VULNTEERS THEY WIRK VILUNTEER EVERYWHERE and duck society if funds while OVERWHELIMING SOCIETY with crimes when they get back.

What does it mean to have a mental disability? As well as many who have psychiatric disabilities, lots of who have developmental disabilities are actually able to work if allowed certain modifications. Lots of can’ When it comes to any sort of human services, the danger is always in attempting to find an onesizefitsall solution. They tell ourselves what they did to get approved. You won’t get approved if you are able to take care of yourself. Besides, courts Therefore in case the SSA doesn’t stop the WHODAS 0 in it’s track. It’s a well-known fact that the WHODAS 0 which replaced the GAF score in the ‘DSM V’ is done by the claimants, the GAF scores were done by the psychiatrist/psychologist. Clinical and medical research is a bunch of BS.

What does it mean to have a mental disability? Actually the epilepsy drug to treat mental illness is poison.

I will probably be part of the group of people on the clinical trail.

I’m pretty sure I fell sorry for the fool that has to take it, when the FDA approves that drug for mental illness. I was prescribed the highest dosage of epilepsy medication for mental illness and telling the psychiatrist that most of us are aware that there is no after effects with the medication. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… By the way I throw it in the garbage, To be honest I am prescribed the epilepsy drug. I’m sure you heard about this. All advised he can’t hold a job. Actually, it appears the judge is punishing him for working so hard not to self medicate and my efforts to give him a safe room to live in. Usually, he filed for an appeal but it had been nearly a year and still no answer to when that appeal may happen. She even contradicted herself in many pages. My friend is BiPolar, diagnosed by 3 doctors and a state appointed doctor. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. He would get more depending on jobs around the country, knew better than the doctors.

She stated such in her references in her 16 page negative determination letter. Will someone with this degree of emotional challenges qualify for SSI benefits? Therefore, I am not seeking a free ride. I don’t need that as I am capable of doing something. Of course I should just need a supplement to bring my salary up to an administrative assistant who works 40 hours a week while working 30. I can not see old people at the psychiatrist/psychologist office. When they reach the retirement age, the mental disorders are no longer bothering them and they no longer have to see the psychiatrist/psychologist, the mental disorder is so severe that they have to constantly visit the psychiatrist/psychologist office. Their disability is gone, when the fraudsters reach retirement age. So, that’s just a clear indication of the fraud going on. Upon publishing this final rule, our standards and terminology for evaluating claims involving mental disorders reflect information from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition the mental health profession’s current standard classification of mental disorders.

What does it mean to have a mental disability? We must share this critical information by letting those who need it’s available.

Climate change can not heal by hiding or by hating. Until we end domestic violence, stop sexual abuse and human trafficking, obliterate child abuse and neglect and end poverty in our own country, we are all victims. As Americans we are nobody’s victims. Doesn’t it sound familiar? As long as now I can just go out and find gainful employment, magically, the pixie fairies come down and cure my disability, noone will discriminate against my physical disability and everything gonna be grand, right? Whenever marrying an able bodied person makes my physical disablility dissappear and now I am cured, right, mehow magically. WRONG! Although, if I marry an able bodied person, somehow that marriage makes everything ok and I am no longer considered disabled, even if I am permanently and tally disabled.

What does it mean to have a mental disability? By the way, the psychiatrist/psychologist will increase the dosage instead of taking you off the medication, when you say the prescription drug doesn’t work. They need to keep you on that specific medication in order for them to get paid. All this at the threat of loosing any and all benefits being that they got married, NOW THAT IS DISCRIMINATION! The question is. Why can’t they change the adult disabled child marriage rule that openly discriminates against disabled people marrying able bodied persons? Needless to say, the Socialist Security system CAN change rules when That’s a fact, it’s convenient to them. It’s no longer up to the psychiatrist/psychologist to determinethe claimaint’s limitations like in the DSMIV with the GAF scores. ‘DSM 5’ is a joke. Accordingly the WHODAS 0 tell the claimants to circle what they think their limitations are. Medical evidence is subjective and base on what the claimants states. She had been unable to work to support herself for the past five years, from age 28She was in and out of hospitals, off and on medication, a bit of which helped and some amount of which actually harmed her.

Thank you.

Continuing to work to ain’t capable of engaging in gainful employment by which she could support herself, she is capable of doing work. A well-known fact that is. She still struggles in her ability to function in all sides of society, including a work environment, she is in a court appointed supervised out patient psychiatric program which had been helpful to a certain extent. These benefits include injured in line of duty pensions gether with survivor pension for spouses children as well as GI Bill benefits. Therefore this rule gives many veterans presumptive access to new VA services, including better health benefits for the injured service member their families/survivors. Free Social Security disability money sure is good. You got to go with the Social Security scam of maintaining medical records. I see a psychiatrist regularly now to keep the free Social Security disability money. Now this psychiatrist sound almost identical to the thousands of other psychiatrist scamming Social Security by providing medical records and prescriptions for the fraudsters.

Surely it’s easy to get free Social Security disability money when the psychiatrists diagnosis them with multiple mental disorders to prescribe them multiple medications. By the way, the psychiatrists get paid plenty of money for prescribing drug. I sure wish I had pulled off something like that as I’m 73 and still working for my money. Fact, the VA even gave him a sex change operation for free.. Consequently, now he/she is back to being a man. He got a RV with the free money. Basically, gets SSI as well. He takes his kids everywhere having fun. Remember, he takes more vacations than Obama. Furthermore, I Know a relative who gets 100 military disability. On p of that, it’s very nearly impossible to find a doctor for him.

Whenever nothing is there, it looks like he’s having a conversation with someone who was not there whatsoever.

He is doing good at first but falling asleep in class.

I think my son has similar difficulties. His pediatrician gave me a Rx for mood stabilizer. Considering the above said. How does a child get diagnosed with ADHD/ADD? As your son, its difficult for him to transfer in writing, He’s smart. To be honest I noticed that his attention in school is affecting his school work, therefore this summer I didn’t give him his mood stabilizer, and I haven’t given it to him since he started this school year. He talks to the air. Everyone knows that any and all human beings need these three organs to survive. Considering the above said. Both the Pharmaceutical Companies and the FDA must do some clinical and medical research and not prescribe any medication that causes damage to the liver, kidneys or the heart.

Perhaps the Social Security Administration will take interest in this issue when it boils down to the tal number of people in the that use these drugs for mental conditions. Most of the prescription medications that treat Epilepsy have many aftereffects. No Child Left Behind, keeps the school from holding him back. With that said, my grandson can’t memorize multiplication tables. As a result, where do we stand on children with extreme ADHD ODD? How do we similar ways as others? Shouldn’t be there, he is now in 5th grade. Can not transfer what he reads into written form, he can read well.

Same here 100 service connected, unemployable and I lost my SSI disability last week and for the attempt to return to work in 2010 I have to repay 54000 $ I only worked that December and don’t remember making more than a couple thousand at most. American dream,its definitely a bad dream for most veterans I know. They give people a mental status exam when they are exiting the military and Surely it’s easy to come up with a lie to collect 100percentage of their pay instead of leaving the military with 4 service years with nothing. It’s even easier to get a mental disorder disability in the military. Generally, I think fraud for mental disorders in Social Security is all about 50percentage and at the VA is 80percent. Let me tell you something. From childhood onward, people with intellectual disabilities experience deficits in intellectual functioning and lack many basic daily practical and social skills.

We updated the diagnostic and functional criteria for this disorder and are using IQ test score criteria to identify quickly people who may qualify for disability benefits on the basis of an intellectual disability.

The public had questions about our criteria for evaluating intellectual disability, while updating this rule.

We decided it was critical to ensure these individuals receive necessary assistance since possible. You’re required to regularly submit proof of earnings, and a portion of what you earn is cut from the following month’s benefits, Therefore in case you work while receiving disability benefits. Also, you should be required to pay off a portion of what you received in benefits while working, Therefore if you had not reported earnings while receiving disability benefits. You should take this seriously. Whenever showing how much you earned, get an earnings statement from your former employer. They claim they got rape by their parents or were abuse when they’ve been a child and can’t work now after the incident occurred 40 years ago.

You got to give it making an attempt to scam disability. They got married, had children, raised their children’s, and now can’t work anymore because of the psychological trauma. That’s not true I have yet had t pay anything back other hereafter an over payment ss made a mistake on I didn’t fight,I paid it, it wasn’t much and I was back to work so I could but any checks I received before I went back to work I was never ld I had repay but I also did everything by law. Then again, the point scale none,mild, moderate, severe, and you happen to marry an able bodied person you going to be loosing out on a lifetime of benefits, all because of an one word rule that prohibits you from marrying an able bodied person. They can justify cutting off any benefits that you might be due, Best of all, they never tell you about their Rule.

There is an example of my WHODAS I said that I was severe or extreme in almost all categories. Individuals can create a my Social Security account to verify their earnings, get their Social Security Statement, and far more. In the course of the Clinton administration, a lot of with limiting psychiatric disabilities were required to find jobs, and the results were not good. Therefore, I think people will like to have a clear explanation of how this applies to people with significant psychiatric disabilities, like severe social anxiety those who are unlikely to be able to provide for themselves. Known maybe I could’ve gotten the free Social Security disability depending on intellectual disability, So in case I didn’t mention that I had a college degree. I got a college degree and the psychologist who did my CE exam said my IQ was low.

I am talking about fraud.

The fraudsters know that they won’t get paid Social Security if they are institutionalized.

You probably don’t know that you don’t get paid Social Security disability if you are institutionalized for almost 30 days. We are looking at examples of Anxiety and Panic Attacks are out of the fraudsters playbook. Of course, fraudsters are good at story telling and making up lies. So medical evidence is subjective and the psychiatrist/psychologist write down what you say and takes your word for it. Fraudsters can read a pamphlet about the mental disorder and make up a bunch of stories.

Mental disorder diagnosis is base on what you tell them.

Publishing this rule is just one way we’re meeting our priority to secure day and morrow for millions throughout life’s journey.

People with mental disorders are quite a few most vulnerable members in our society, and we take our duty to provide them with effective service and support seriously. Yay America! Actually, I live below the poverty line, sSDI doesn’t pay much. You are correct. By the way, the government simply wants us to consider that we have more rights and liberties than we actually have. Actually, in addition to a psychiatric diagnosis, Know what, I have Multiple Sclerosis. I’m shocked that a public school taught me that The United States of America is a Republic.

We live in a Republic. We always have. Please write your Congressional Representative and tell them to end this modern day sort of Legal Discrimination. In this day of fairness and equality, So there’re still people suffering from an outdated and oppressive bureaucratic rule. With that said, the psychologist who administered 2 exams ld me that my condition worsened since the last time I saw him as I answered severe and extreme to plenty of the question. Besides, the WHODAS 0 is a joke. Accordingly the new rules are covered in you must have recovered sufficiently so as to be able to return to work. For example, its identical laziness that caused your failure in lifespan. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. You, sir, are a real piece of work. Being that if we lose our money we are homeless and I cant work. You can be a liar and a fraud but a couple of us arent. Have you heard about something like this before? Please shut up. These doctors dont know us either. My daughter is 14 and she gets ssi because of ptsd and bipolar also. I have literally lost control of my bodily functions from just being in a store. Im on ssi and ssd.

We arent liars or scammers. Tony, seriously you should stop. One of our representatives will provide you with an explanation and answer your questions about this matter. Thus because of security reasons we do not have access to personal records in this blog and can’t provide information about your situation. Essentially, please call our ll free number at ‘18007721213’ Monday to Friday between 7 and 7 or visit your local Social Security office for further assistance. It would have been better to provide a direct link. There is some more info about this stuff here. From reading the comments above I can see that this blog post has created lots of fear and not given any answers anyway. Now look. And so it’s horrible that people with mental disorders are not treated similar to people with body disorders. TBH this blog post is a lot like the poorly written click bait postings on Facebook that people argue over without understanding the poser. Generally, we can’t understand it or advocate for themselves.

So it’s difficult to understand for people who are mentally ill.

For any longer, almost 300 pages.

To get to the doc, I had to click 2 links and scroll to the bottom middle of a page to get to the document. Generally, I am not sure how we can’t be concerned about these new rules. I can’t understand why they send those, they get me all worked up and I am a mess. By the way, the last time I talked to the psychiatrist they had me to meet her at a local community center and it rained really hard that day I mean really hard and she was late. I am 59 and hope that soon I get to an age that they will stop this, To be honest I do not think I am eligible for Social Security until I am 67 I hope And so it’s for awhile.

I knew I had to stay and I could not leave and go to the premises and that had me so worked up.

She did apologize to my husband and within two weeks I got a letter saying they could see that my problem was still bothering me so I was still considered eligible for SSDI payments.

It seems every time I turn around they send me papers to have my doctor fill out and I have to talk to a psychiatrist of theirs. What she had not taken into consideration is that the place had exactly the things that trigger my panic attacks and cause me to become hysterical. When she got there and she saw my state she still insisted we have the meeting, and my husband did tell here that he thought they should look into what really is wrong with a person before they tell them where they have to go, luckily my husband was with me and I felt confidant enough that he should protect me. Also, I got one of those letters last summer that they have been not intending to evaluate me. Just reading this article worries me. Sorry can’t relax. So it is how the attorneys and representatives scam Social Security.

Their limitations are not mention before their applications.

Attorneys and representatives will just change what they need from their clients in the Medical Source Statement and Residual Function Capacity.

DDS denied them depending on their limitations. To be honest I can get free Social Security disability money for life and not have to worry just like this person mentioned, I’d say in case you do. Are you intending to do what this person suggest and stop doing CDRs? SSA must stop giving me CDRs, I am having those panic attacks throughout the careful, considered process of updating the rule, we’ve engaged with stakeholders. We also solicited, responded to, and incorporated public comments, and considered an intellectual disability report we commissioned from the National Academy of Sciences. Eventually, the Socialist Security system is some individuals who scam the system and worrying about adult disabled children marrying an able bodied person. In the real world, the socialist so this gives them the justification to cut off benefits to the adult disabled for ages being that the husband can now support the disabled person.

If your husband is rich and you have no need for money but what it actually does, so this theory works great, is to force two adults to live off of one income.

Technically, I actually am an adult disabled child but have never been able to secure any benefits whatsoever from the Socialist Security system, even under that for ages being that I got married to a Able bodied person. Social Security has learned from their past mistake. Changes to the mental disorders has always increased the roll in the near future. Now please pay attention. It will take a little time for them to adjust to the new rules but the application and approvals will come pouring in. What a big hassle all that was! By the way, a lot more money despite the fact that. You can find more information about this stuff here. I could not pay them back, and had to write them cease a desist letters!

With a serious suicide attempt, I spent a whole year in a psychiatric hospital.

I have had loads of jobs and got my ssi cut, my food stamps got cut, and my housing got cut by a hundred dollars.

I think if and when I get a job this time, To be honest I should give my adult protective payee my paychecks and let her budget them. That said, I earned. Anyways, I won’t have to worry about money problems. I tried the online schooling thing but could not cut the grade and have had a lot of credit cards, and got into trouble with them. Do not look for to get caught up in any more scams and loan sharks ever again, Know what, I would like to get another job and earn Besides, a little for a while being that I married an able bodied person.

WOW, talk about a bunch of bureaucratic idiotic thinking, that somehow this will not cause a financial hardship…. Accordingly the SOCIALIST SECURITY system thinks someone who is physically disabled marries an able bodied person, that somehow magically they are cured of their physical disability and two people can survive off the able bodied persons income. Are you applying for something different provided by the state you live in? Cause with my disability claim I was To be honest I couldn’t concentrate on multiple tasks at one time and I was let go.

My SS benefit ain’t enough and need to work it’s very difficult to go to all doctors to ask for special accommodation. I have vision issue and when the testing material was on right side of computer screen and I had to type it left side, due to bifocal lenses I had hard time reading the material right side and failed the test, and did not qualify. Anyways, you can learn more about the revised criteria at https.// After chemo and radiation treatment, By the way I have difficulty taking tests as my memory can not focus and remember material to read and response. For instance, do, since you didn’t make enough for Social Security Disability.

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