mental health and exercise Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung’s research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at. Ning up muscles and keeping our heart strong, when we think of an exercise program we think of losing some small amount of weight.

You can’t have one without the other.

Did you know that the cogs in our brain that keep the wheels turning get an oiling as well, when we exercise our body our muscles are not one thing given a boost. We usually don’t link our mental and emotional fitness with our physical strength and fitness but they are closely linked. Constant unrelenting ‘busyness’ and stress of our modern day frantic lives means we can be plagued with negative thoughts and emotions that can overwhelm us so we feel drained and fatigued. Furthermore, these feelings can limit us and hold us back from reaching our full potential in lifetime. For instance, if we complain about these thoughts and feelings we generally get fobbed off with a bottle of pills of some sort. Exercise can do a lot more than any pill can to relieve stress and calm us from the inside out before these bad feelings can build up and cause a real problem.

mental health and exercise Good mental and emotional health means a state of well being where a person can realize their own full potential in lifetime.

We should cope easily with the normal stresses and pressures of life.

We must also be able to work productively and fruitfully in our chosen career and be able to make some sort of contribution to our community. Known mental health problems are predicted to soon be the second highest cause of death and disability globally. Anyways, statics tell us the mental illness accounts for it’s designed to do ‘growth and repair’ hormones are stimulated that renew. As more research is done the close link between mental and physical health and fitness becomes clearer. Whenever jogging or cycling to stimulate these hormones, do not expect ‘cardio’ or recreational type activity like walking. Keep these ‘fun’ activities for after the proper exercise program is done. Muscles need to be worked through their ranges of movement under a load to get maximum physical and mental benefits. Long slow activities are simply That’s a fact, it’s like medicine washing over you cleansing your spirit.

Pills can never fix things but one requirement is that you do it.often.and with a little of effort. Write With all that said… Download my free ebook I’ve Found the Fountain of Youth -Let Me Show You Too! Whenever regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life, would you like to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body. You see, if you are looking to slim down permanently go to for a free ebook and have a look at the new Hot Metabolism Fitness System.

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