stigma mental health One question I have is how do we know what the difference is between bad thoughts which cause you anxiety and get you down being from was of the shaytan or yourself. So if you have seeked ruqyah and are practising alhamdulilah do you assume Surely it’s yourself and go about conventional psychological therapies. While snickering, especially I remember one brother telling him. Did you take your meds or what?. He suffered from a severe mental illness. I remember a brother who attended a local masjid once. On this particular afternoon, he couldn’t and identical mental diseases that are NOT jinn possession, in the Muslim community. Facts are that we DO have mental illnesses in the Muslim community. Early detection and treatment of many mental disorders gonna be managed and cured, as with all illnesses. Actually, it will be the difference between having a fulfilling, peaceful life or living miserably and destroying the happiness of others. They are more capable of having meaningful relationships, when someone learns to overcome their problems. Sometimes it will be life and death. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Early detection could mean more empathy for the one suffering and it could increase their ‘self esteem’ by having an in depth understanding of their disorder. I want to ask you a question. Is there any solution to this? I was just wondering if thinking seek for it to happen, no sadness.

stigma mental health And so it’s definitely true that mental illness shouldn’t be a lonely path to take… Muslims somehow think that they are immune to this disease ….

Who has a from of mood disorder, now popular as bipolar disorder, To be honest I can tell that is a true jihad, as a caregiver to my mother.

From Haldol, Paxil, Prozac and similar She suffered greatly until I decided to take her to America to live with us. For example, all I can say that my mom condition was highly induced by pharmaceuticals, Surely it’s long story, involves PTSD from Bosnia war time. It can be very demanding and emotionally draining. Thank you for your feedback!

stigma mental health May Allah reward you for your patience and care for your mother.

I appreciate you sharing your personal struggle of taking care of your mother with bipolar.

I highly recommend a gluten free diet with the aforementioned story since as a Muslim Social Worker working in the field of mental health, Know what, I am a strong advocate for raising mental health awareness, especially within our community. When the family came in to see me they had no information that the solution could’ve been so simple. Write There is a lot more information about this stuff on this site. Alhamdulillah we were able to turn her life around in just a few short sessions.

Did I mention education?

Let us educate ourselves and our communities to shatter the stigma of mental health once and for all.

We need to have prophetic patience, a heart full of compassion and the willingness to provide reliable treatment, instead of humiliating and ostracizing those with mental illness. We need to talk more openly about it without feeling ashamed. To create a safe environment to discuss mental illness, we have to be less judgmental and more supportive of one other as a community. With that said, maybe we can change the current statistics, So in case we adopt all these new strategies. More we inform our communities about the importance of treating mental health, the more we can prevent tragedies and So there’s a need for Friday sermons across the country discussing our responsibility as practicing Muslims to treat ourselves and our families for mental illness.

If your child broke his leg should you ignore it and hope it will just get better on its own or will you rush him to the emergency room to align the bone and put a cast on it?

And so it’s about time we start prioritizing mental health and giving identical kind of medical attention as we do with physical illness. Then again, a cavity won’t go away on its own without a dentist and mental illnesses wouldn’t be healed without seeking psychological would not heal sporadically without an orthopedist. They are not seeking plenty of people are suffering in silence with depression like the girl in the story.

They should even be categorized as abusive.

Why do we ignore the emotional wounds of our loved ones?

It will obviously become a bigger problem leading to a lifetime of difficulty when it could’ve been so easily treated. What should happen if the broken bone was ignored and not treated? That said, in similar way we come up with the funds needed for surgery we need to come up with the funds to treat our family with mental health problems, So there’re some individuals who may have limited finances. They are either apprehensive about being labeled or they are ashamed to admit that they have a real issue. You should take this seriously. Why do we assume that they will get over it? Actually, parents who wouldn’t treat a broken bone my be seen as negligent and unfit parents. Although, sadly by her own family members obliterating her selfesteem, devastated and broken while suffering for years in silence, a 20 year old girl spent her short life misunderstood and ridiculed not only by her peers.

Her grievances were never taken seriously, she pleaded with her parents for professional help.

Alhamdulilllah, it was a failed attempt, that jolted her parents to wake up from their delusion and finally act.

Overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy and alienation, the darkness of depression ok over. Her unbearable loneliness left her feeling as if she didn’t have a choice but to try to end her pain a single way she knew how, by taking her own life. Look, there’s atotal disregard for education, experience and competence. Though, anyone will do, wheneverit gets to psychological advice. It’s crucial to find a professionally trained counselor who is qualified to provide the specific treatment type that is needed. In seeking medical attention for our family, we spare no expense to get the most renowned cardiologist or neurologist in the country for advice and treatment.

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