mental health nswThe most common chronic diseases or conditions among older Australians are some degree of vision or hearing loss, arthritis and similar musculoskeletal problems, and elevated blood pressure or cholesterol levels.

The report When musculoskeletal conditions and mental disorders occur together is available for free download. Remember, despite the frequency of chronic disease in later lifespan, twothirds of older Australians aged 75 and over rate their health as good, very good or excellent. Now pay attention please. More information will also be available in the forthcoming AIHW reports Arthritis and similar musculoskeletal conditions across the life stages and Data sources for monitoring arthritis and similar musculoskeletal conditions. Known more information on arthritis and identical musculoskeletal conditions in Australia is available.

In early 2014, the Australian Government requested the National Mental Health Commission to undertake a wideranging review of existing mental health programs and services across the government, ‘notforprofit’ and private sectors to find ways to deliver services more efficiently and effectively. AIHW is currently working with stakeholders to better meet the data and information collection challenges implicit in these changing models of care. Increasing use of more integrated and coordinated models of care to cater for the individual needs of Australians living with a mental disorder reinforces the need for the collection of pertinent data to determine whether these measures are making a difference. Especially, national initiatives are currently being progressed to collect and report more detailed information about consumer and carer perceptions of mental health care.

mental health nswThe following reports are available for free download.

Australian facts 2014. Now look, the importance of good mental health was recognised by the Australian Government and all state and territory governments. Dialysis and kidney transplantation in Australia. Over the last 3 decades they have worked together, via the National Mental Health Strategy, to develop mental health programs and services to better meet the mental health needs of Australians. Through these arrangements, state and territory governments have tended to fund and provide specialist care for Australians affected by severe disorders. Chronic kidney disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Chronic kidney disease. Generally, the Australian Government funds a range of services for Australians with mental disorder and on top of that provides social support and income support programs, the latter group most notably through the Australian Government disability and carer support income payment programs. Australia and Cardiovascular, diabetes and kidney disease.

More information on chronic respiratory conditions in Australia is available. Modifiable risk factors for type 2 diabetes include physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, obesity, tobacco smoking, high blood pressure and high blood lipids. Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, while type 1 diabetes is believed to be caused by an interaction of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Seriously. Report Asthma in Australia 2011 and similar recent publications are available for free download.

AIHW Health system expenditure on cancer and similar neoplasms in Australia 2008Cancer series no.

PrestonThomas A, Cass A O’Rourke P Trends in the incidence of treated ‘end stage’ kidney disease among Indigenous Australians and access to treatment. Cat. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health ‘3141921’. Of course cAN Canberra. You can find some more information about this stuff on this website. AIHW.

National Cancer Institute NCI Dictionary of cancer terms. Viewed 10 January 2014. Information on injury going to be collected in national population health surveys, as occurs for other health conditions. Injury information was not collected in the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Health Survey, nor in recent predecessor surveys. National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health.

Detailed information on injuries that do not require hospitalisation isn’t routinely available in Australia.

People with less serious injuries often do not seek health care, or interact with the health system by visiting a general practitioner or an emergency department. Burden of disease analysis simultaneously compares the nonfatal burden and fatal burden of a comprehensive list of diseases and injuries, and quantifies the contribution of various risk factors to the total burden as well as to individual diseases and injuries. Now pay attention please. Policy makers must be able to compare the effects of different conditions that cause ill health and premature death, with an intention to ensure a health system is aligned to a country’s health challenges.

Now this risk factor group comprises obesity, impaired fasting blood glucose, raised blood pressure, raised blood triglycerides and reduced HDL cholesterol. Cancer survival and prevalence in Australia. AIHW 2012b. Cat. CAN Canberra. Cancer series no. Essentially.

For more information on the 2010 global study, see Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.

The observed rise in overall cancer incidence can be broadly attributed to advancements in early detection, the ageing population and changes in risk factor exposure. The amount of ‘cancer related’ deaths is attributable to changes in risk factor exposure and the ageing of the population. Just think for a moment. Observed fall in the overall cancer mortality rate can be mainly attributed to a combination of earlier detection and more effective treatments.

Therefore the most recent global estimates come from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010, that covered 241 diseases and injuries and 57 risk factors for 187 countries for 1990, 2005 and 2010. I’m sure that the study needed to introduce innovative methods as well as manage limitations in data availability, to enable global comparability on this kind of a broad scale. There’re no reliable national and jurisdictional data on the general amount of new cases of CHD any year. Generally, proxy measures are developed that combine hospital and mortality data to estimate new cases of heart attack.

More information on oral health in Australia is available at Dental and oral health.

For further gains to be made in cancer control, all sides of the cancer control continuum will need attention, from primary prevention through to survivorship care. So here is the question. Now look, the data presented in the section ‘What has changed over time? For example, national Dental Telephone Interview Survey 2010, Health expenditure Australia 2011 12, and Dental workforce 2012 are available for free download. Areas where it appears that significant gains should be made are in risk reduction, early detection and ‘multi disciplinary’ care. Nonetheless, the reports Adult oral health and dental visiting in Australia. Depending on the latest projections presented in the section ‘What might the future bring, am I correct? So this indicates that efforts in cancer control in recent decades been successful in preventing and delaying deaths from cancer.

With an emphasis on helping people to stay well rather than providing support only when they are in cr, in more recent times, the Australian and state and territory governments have concentrated on providing a wider range of support services for those experiencing mental health difficulties.

New programs include. Initiatives was ‘communitybased’ rather than institutional, and there was a growing involvement of the nongovernment, not for profit sector in service delivery.

There will seem to be great potential in an integrated and coordinated approach to chronic disease care using shared prevention, management and treatment strategies.

Reducing obesity, for instance, may prevent diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and certain kinds of cancers types. GPs and their teams can perform a key role in screening and prevention, and coordinating services. These strategies all involve better delivery and coordination across the ‘healthcare’ continuum, from health promotion and prevention, to early detection where appropriate, and to primary, secondary and tertiary care. Assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease on the basis of the combined effect of multiple risk factors can lead to better management of modifiable risk factors through lifestyle changes and pharmacological therapy. While resulting in more effective, efficient, and timely care, this approach can strengthen and transform healthcare systems.

Communicable disease information including publications associated with VPDs can be found at the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.

Still other diseases, like arthritis and dementia, most commonly occur later in lifetime. Anyway, information on the National Immunisation Program is at the Immunise Australia. Notice, see also

As already noted, the occurrence of chronic disease increases with age. Just like asthma and type 1 diabetes, usually begin in childhood or adolescence. You see, although the processes leading to their occurrence begin earlier in lifespan. Are uncommon before adulthood.

There’re no national data on vaccination coverage for adolescents for vaccines except HPV. Vaccination coverage for the elderly is only obtainable when periodical Adult Vaccination Surveys are undertaken. Basically, BreastScreen Australia has had a major impact in moderating an increasing incidence trend and in contributing to falling mortality in breast cancer, since it was introduced. Similarly, the NCSP has had a major impact in enhancing decreasing trends for cervical cancer incidence and mortality. These screening programs aim to reduce illness and death from these cancers through early detection of cancer and precancerous abnormalities and effective ‘follow up’ treatment. HPV coverage by Indigenous status isn’t available due to limitations in Indigenous status reporting.

Broadly, lots of improvements in cancer treatments are thought to have led to improvements in cancer outcomes, particularly decreasing mortality.

These include. Changes in cancer incidence, mortality and survival are shaped by a variety of factors, including changes in exposure to the risk factors for cancer, improved primary prevention, advancements in cancer treatment, and for because of their disorder. However, looking at the healthy years of life lost due to illness or death often referred to as burden of disease.

With earlier and more rapid development of a condition, the cumulative effect of risk factors magnifies the risk, more complications and recurrence, a greater disease burden, and a greater need for management of the condition.

Additional data on comorbidity and treatment including data on primary care, health service use, medications and whether we are looking at being taken correctly, quality of life, and people’s ability to carry out their daily lives will also despite patterns of spending vary by disease group.

The 5 leading individual causes of disease burden heart attack, low back pain, COPD, depression and cerebrovascular disease accounted for one the disease quarter burden. It’s a well-known fact that the large cost, in the order of a couple of billions of dollars, is 1 of the key drivers for more efficient and effective ways to prevent, manage and treat chronic disease. Largest disease groups contributing to the Australasian burden of disease in 2010 were cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and mental and behavioural disorders.

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Often preventable, impact on the health of Australians of all ages, injury has a major. Australia and New Zealand, chronic diseases together caused 85percentage of the total burden of disease, a similar figure to chronic diseases accounting for 90 of the burden due to deaths alone.

Undoubtedly it’s not surprising that they also cause the greatest burden of disease, since chronic diseases are responsible for the greatest quantity of illness and death. It’s a well-known fact that the overall burden is measured by the disabilityadjusted life year, that is expressed as the total number of years lost due to ill health, disability or early death. For instance, I know it’s the largest cause of death for those aged under 35, and leaves many with serious disability or ‘longterm’ conditions. More serious injuries may require hospital care or result in death, while plenty of injuries are relatively minor and require little or no treatment.

Cancer Council Victoria Support for carers.

We also take a brief look at vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination coverage. Now this chapter endeavours to highlight the leading causes of ill health in Australia, both physical and mental, and the impact of these illnesses. Melbourne. Cancer Council Victoria. Viewed 13 February 2014.

There been many successes, and most of us know that there are many remaining challenges, in cancer control. Good news is that overall average mortality at the population level is falling and real improvements in survival are continuing, while the incidence of cancer is rising. On top of this, whenever noting the lag in time between exposure and the onset of cancer, changes in exposure to cancer risk factors at the population level can increase or decrease cancer incidence, that in turn may produce a parallel change in cancer mortality. However, some causal factors are well recognised, and include, For most cancers, the causes are not fully understood.

Tobacco smoking is the largest single risk factor for lung cancer in Australia, and is responsible for about 90percentage of lung cancers in males and 65 in females. In contrast, for females, lung cancer incidence and mortality among females continue to rise. So that’s attributable to a later turnaround in smoking rates. Lung cancer incidence and mortality among males has declined steadily since the 1980s, that is attributed to the steadily declining rate in daily tobacco smoking.

Chronic diseases are closely associated with modifiable risk factors similar to smoking, physical inactivity, poor nutrition and the harmful use of alcohol.

Current monitoring tends to focus on cancer as an underlying cause of death. These behaviours contribute to the development of biomedical risk factors, including overweight and obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels, that in turn lead to chronic disease. Now this analysis type excludes those deaths where cancer was an associated cause of death, and that’s, any cause apart from the underlying cause. Considering the above said. Seventy per cent of all cardiovascular disease mortality in Australia was attributed to the combined effects of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and physical inactivity.

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Whenever accounting for 29 of all deaths in that year, in 2011, cancer was recorded as the underlying cause in 43221 deaths. Trends in chronic disease risk factors especially physical inactivity and poor nutrition leading to overweight and obesity combined with a growing and ageing population will lead to increasing numbers of people living with chronic diseases, So if left unchecked. Fact, in total, 49520 deaths in that year included cancer as a cause of death. Helping people to make good lifestyle choices really stages of the life course can and similar chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

There is also a lack of nationally comparable information in specific areas just like access to, and use of, ‘longterm’ oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation for respiratory diseases similar to COPD, management of asthma during pregnancy and uptake of recommended vaccinations among people with chronic respiratory conditions.

This can result in a loss of social and cultural connectedness, loss of autonomy and control, and loss of status and authority. For dialysis patients, the need to adhere to strict treatment protocols and the need for frequent treatment normally 4 5″ hour sessions 3 times per week for ‘in centre’ dialysis places a large health, time and cost burden on patients, especially Indigenous Australians living in rural and remote areas who often need to relocate to access KRT.

Significant reductions in CHD deaths can be attributed to improvements in medical and surgical treatment. Kidney Health Australia. Reductions in risk factors, just like tobacco smoking, high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure, have also contributed to these declines. Kidney Health Australia Fast facts on CKD in Australia. Viewed 18 February 2014. These include better emergency care and early identification of risk, the increasing use of antithrombotic and blood pressureand blood cholesterol lowering drugs, and cardiac procedures that restore blood flow to the heart by removing or bypassing blockages.

On that, oral health has improved in Australia over recent decades, particularly in response to fluoride being added to water supplies from the 1950s.

Many chronic diseases share common risk factors that are preventable. While leading to large health gains in the population through the reduction of illness and rates of death, modifying these can reduce the risk of developing a chronic condition. Recent trends, however, suggest that changes in diet and behaviour similar to increased consumption of bottled water, sports drinks and soft drinks can be having some negative impacts on oral health.

CKD is common, and largely preventable as lots of its risk factors are modifiable, similar to high blood pressure, tobacco smoking and obesity. ‘Hospitalisations for injury and poisoning’ indicator in Chapter 9 includes those kinds of injury types. You should keep in mind that these data exclude complications of medical and surgical care and conditions that are the consequence of previous injury. The majority of the risk factors for CKD also apply to other chronic diseases just like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, that in turn, are risk factors for CKD.

An expert reference group chaired by the National Mental Health Commission also recently reviewed Australia’s current range of mental health indicators.

Areas for further consideration included life expectancy, recovery, housing, employment, suicide attempts, stigma and discrimination and mental health wellbeing. Work can begin now on how to best use these data for reporting on injury, that information type should be available as part of the Non admitted Patient Emergency Department Care National Minimum Data Set from late 2014. You should take this seriously. Group emphasised the importance of a ‘wholeoflife approach’ in refining the current indicators. There’s a lack of detailed information on primary health care in Australia. Current national emergency department presentation data do not include information on cause or nature of injury. I’m sure it sounds familiar. Actually, consideration of social determinants and factors outside the health domain were recommended for attention.

Often more than 1 disease is associated with a death 3 diseases is the average. More information is also available at the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health, the Australian Government Department of Health and at National Oral Health Plan. On top of that, about 20 of deaths have 5 or more associated diseases. Now pay attention please. Other chronic diseases, like cancers of unknown primary site, hypertensive diseases, and coronary heart disease, are common associated causes of death, when a chronic disease is the underlying cause of death.

Coronary heart disease and COPD are leading examples of strong links between a few life course risk factors and processes and the later development of chronic disease. Age of quitting smoking is also important and a major influence in reducing later COPD, coronary heart disease, and identical chronic disease risk. In utero biological effects, combined with poor nutrition early in lifetime, may affect how particular forms of fat are tolerated later in lifetime. Actually, early social disadvantage may interact with affluence in later lifespan to increase coronary heart disease risk. Cholesterol, blood pressure and overweight measures at young ages often persist into adulthood, and can predict the later occurrence of coronary heart disease. Lots of these risk factors can interact with each other as well as with chronic disease development. I’m sure it sounds familiar. Smoking habits acquired in adolescence or early adulthood greatly increase the risk for cardiovascular diseases and COPD in adulthood and old age with cancers and many other chronic diseases.

Ultraviolet radiation is the leading risk factor for melanoma of the skin. Moderated trend after the 1980s is consistent with increased awareness of skin cancer and improved sun protective behaviours for a reason of extensive skin cancer prevention programs dating back to the 1970s. Whenever resulting in increased exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation, the initial rapid increase is partly attributable to individual behaviour and the use of solariums. That’s right! Whenever, in Australia, the incidence of melanoma of the skin rose between 1982 and 2010 at around 0 per year in the course of the 1980s.

There had been considerable success in this country in preventing and treating many chronic diseases for the sake of example, through national cancer screening programs that offer better and earlier detection.

Not all patients with ESKD receive KRT. Overall, the adverse effects of behavioural and similar health risk factors, combined with an ageing population, have led to an increase in their impact on our society. Prognosis, anticipated quality of life, treatment burden on the patient, and patient preference all play a part in the decision for or against KRT. Endstage’ kidney disease, the most severe type of CKD, usually requires kidney replacement therapy to survive. KRT has 2 forms a kidney transplant or dialysis. That said, can also be provided in a home setting, dialysis is an artificial way of removing waste substances from the blood and is mostly provided in hospitals or satellite dialysis units.

Chronic infection with the human papillomavirus is the cause of around 7080″ of all cervical cancers.

The effect of the vaccine is expected to increase over time as women vaccinated at age 12 13 become eligible to be screened in the cervical screening program and enter the age ranges where cancer incidence is more common. So that’s an area where gains may also follow for other cancers with a similar viral aetiology to cervical cancer. I know that the AIHW and the Victorian Cytology Service recently conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine against cervical abnormalities among ‘school aged’ women. Basically, after the program was implemented in 2007, therefore this study demonstrated that the ‘populationbased’ HPV vaccination program in Australia is preventing cervical pre cancer lesions in young women.

Did you know that the main kinds of diabetes types are. Any diseases or manifestations not easily captured by these sources are more difficult to monitor. Normally, vPDs are most commonly monitored using reports of disease notifications, hospitalisations and deaths.

There is a lack of good information on diabetes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people from different ethnic backgrounds.

Chronic diseases can range from mild conditions similar to short or ‘longsightedness’, dental decay and minor hearing loss, to debilitating arthritis and low back pain, and to lifethreatening heart disease and cancers. Examples of chronic diseases include. While determining clinical care and informing health policy and service planning, further monitoring and surveillance of diabetes is crucial for guiding preventive measures. Sounds familiar, am I correct? Mostly there’s generally a need for long period of time management, these conditions may never be cured completely. Chronic diseases often persist throughout life, despite they are not always the cause of death, if present.

From any perspective, the size of the chronic disease problem in Australia is large. COPD, depression or high blood pressure. And therefore the proportion increased with age. AIHW. AIHW 2012c. Bulletin no. Multiple causes of death in Australia. AUS Canberra. Analysis of the ‘200708’ National Health Survey indicates that one the population third reported having at least 1 of the following chronic conditions. Cat.

While, mental disorders were estimated to be responsible for 13 of the total burden of disease in Australia in 2003.

In 2012, about 2 million people in Australia reported living with disability. Actually, of the 317616 people who accessed a disability support service funded under the National Disability Agreement in ‘2011 12’, 179 reported psychiatric disability as their primary disability, and 276, dementia and Alzheimer disease, lung cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease including COPD are the most common underlying causes, together being responsible for 40percent of all deaths. More recently, the 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study has reaffirmed the contribution made by mental and substance use disorders to the burden of disease and estimates that these disorders account for 7percent of disability adjusted life years lost worldwide. Normally, some key findings from national surveys regarding the impact of mental health problems on people’s lives are as follows. Whenever affecting 115percent of those with a disability, or almost 486933 people, of these, mental and behavioural disorders were 1 of the main disabling conditions.

From these surveys we know that look, there’s a high prevalence of mental disorders in the Australian population.

Data from the 2007 the Australian survey adult population estimated that 45 of Australians aged 1685 had experienced a mental disorder sometime in their lifetime, and that an estimated 1 in 5 of the population aged 16 85 had experienced a regular mental disorder in the previous 12 months. These 3 common groups mental disorders were most prevalent in people aged 16 24 and decreased as age increased. Generally, prevalence was higher for females than males in all age groups. On top of that, whenever afflicting 144 of the population, followed by affective disorders and substance use disorders, of these, anxiety disorders were the most common.

Recent data from the Department of Social Services indicate that 31 of people receiving a Disability Support Pension. Australian facts 2014. More information will also be available in 2 forthcoming AIHW reports, Incidence of insulintreated diabetes in Australia, 20002011″ and Cardiovascular, diabetes and kidney disease.

While decreasing mortality in been diagnosed with cancer, the combined effect of a couple of factors increasing incidence.

This population is also termed the prevalent or survivorship population. Stroke occurs when an artery supplying blood to the brain either suddenly becomes blocked or begins to bleed.

Illness and death from chronic disease is now becoming widespread in developing countries, long common in Australia and identical developed countries falling food rates and increasing urbanisation lead to global changes in diet, overweight and physical inactivity. Basically the overall cancer incidence rate has on average increased by 9percentage per year between 1982 and 2010. There had been a moderation in the overall trend in more recent years with incidence rising by an average of 5percent per year from 2001 to 2010,. However, whenever, the worldwide chronic disease ‘pandemic’ was the subject of a highlevel United Nations meeting in 2011, that called for a 25percent reduction by 2025 in mortality from chronic diseases among people aged between 30 and 70. While some rarer cancers like liver and testicular cancers, so this increase reflects annual rises in the incidence of plenty of most commonly diagnosed cancers similar to prostate cancer, breast cancer and melanoma of the skin. Although, in contrast, the incidence of ain’t confined to those with psychotic disorders who represent only about onethird of those with severe mental illness.

The personal and community costs, chronic diseases result in a significant economic burden because of the combined effects of ‘health care’ costs and lost productivity from illness and death.

The following reports are available for free download. Estimates depending on allocated healthcare expenditure indicate that the 4 most expensive disease groups are chronic cardiovascular diseases, oral health, mental disorders, and musculoskeletal incurring direct ‘healthcare’ costs of million in ‘2000 01’.

These changes in the cancer landscape are not universal, and differ greatly by cancer type and population group. Plenty of health system expenditure on cancer in 2008 09 was on hospital admitted cancer services, followed by prescription pharmaceuticals and outofhospital services. So overall average ain’t necessarily indicative or representative of individual experience, where a diagnosis of cancer is definitely not ‘good news’. Expenditure on national population screening programs was just over

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