tips to improve mental health Tribulus Terrestris ain’t like the strong chemical found in many synthetic food supplement of which you should take a few mg’ Since so that’s an extraction from a plant we really need to take a lot more than we get from off the shelf supplements. Even if many counter supplement have filler that maybe dangerous to health, the Tribulus Terrestris extract is basically the main ingredient in all of legal anabolic supplements that are being sold. Tribulus Terrestris Extract is the safest ways to I was attracted to nature.

tips to improve mental health I love to smell the fresh, cool air and feel the soft breeze on my face.

Sleeping outside at our family’s lakeside cabin, I actually enjoy waking at dawn just as the stars are disappearing and the birds begin to sing.

Turning in bed, Actually I watch the colors change from deep blues to soft purples and pinks. Fact, whenever lazing in the park and cloud watching, I’m drawn to picnics. Furthermore, I believe we all have a connection to Mother Nature. Then, native people intuitively know this and have lived harmoniously with what they call Spirit. For instance, nature grounds and feeds us in a way technology can not.

tips to improve mental health It’s easy to get off course in the artificial chaos of concrete, traffic, artificial temperatures and lighting and begin to lose connection with our true selves. While comparing and keeping up, and after all stop listening to the natural rhythm and evolution that nature provides, we can get caught in the frenzy of competition. We are just a small part of a collective consciousness or energy field. With that said, we forget we are all connected to ourselves and to Mother Earth. Studies show that detaching ourselves from the natural environment is wounding our mental health. It will affect our wellbeing, if we do not nurture this connection. Science reveals that prolonged separation from nature can produce feelings of depression, anxiety and alienation. Ecopsychology studies how our psychological health is connected to our relationship to the natural environment. You should take this seriously. Feng Shui for the Soul means connecting with the elements of earth, fire, water and wind.

You can do this outside by. You can do this inside by bringing the earth’s elements into your home. Ground yourself with the earth’s elements by bringing in stones, crystals, and terra cotta tiles or pots. Of course in the winter, skylights or windows, especially high ones, connect you with the sun’s natural rhythm. Let in natural sunlight, an essential source for all of us. Besides, bring in the water element with fountains, seashells and sand. Keep reading! While moving and freshening the energy of your home, open your windows to allow air to circulate through. Enjoy potted plants and cut flowers. I’m sure you heard about this. Display photos, art or any objects representing nature. Use earth nes similar to browns, yellows and golds, reds and oranges, blues and greens. Listen to recordings of water, birds and similar natural sounds. Anyway, this will connect you to Mother Earth in a very powerful way.

Close your eyes at the moment and take a meditative moment by imagining the natural elements surrounding you.

Your desire and imagination have amazing impact as well.

Feel them, see them, smell them and hear them. Take Action Now! Another question isSo the question is this. What are if you liked today’s article on reconnecting to nature to improve your mental health.

Learn more about your Inner Feng Shui.

Cynthia works with awakening women who are motivated to change their world from the inside out, as a transformational leader. Therefore, through her private and group mentoring and lifecoaching programs, she guides women as they turn up the volume of self love, deep healing, ‘innerpeace’ and abundance in their lives. Cynthia Powers Prosor, a Spiritual Awakening Guidess, is a writer, teacher, speaker, entrepreneur and expert inner peace coach.

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