types of mental health disorders I tend to think that enjoying life leads to healthy thoughts, that leads to physical health. You’re doing better than 90 of people, lifespan, as if they’ve been looking at the world through the wrong end of a telescope in consonance with the Medical Journal of Psychiatry.

Migraines are said to be an important cause and feature of this disorder, that can also affect a person’s other senses just like hearing and touch.

types of mental health disorders Rather how the brain interprets the information received from the eyes, the illness ain’t caused by any deficiency of the eye.

The object perceived seems far away or in identical time, for sake of example, a car may seem the size of a cat.

That said, this illness is known to affect children aged between five and 10 and has also been linked to schizophrenia, psychoactive drugs and brain tumors. Pica is a disorder in which people have a compulsion to eat things that have no nutritional value, or nonfood substances just like wood or paint, that continues for nearly one month. Experts haven’t conclusively determined its cause or a cure, it had been linked to iron or mineral deficiencies or chemical imbalance. Pica can be particularly dangerous as long as it can cause lead poisoning, gastrointestinal blockages or stomach lining tears when a person ingests harmful substances or sharp metal objects. On p of this, it’s often seen in pregnant women, small children and those with learning difficulties like autism.

types of mental health disorders Geophagy, the consumption of soil, clay or dirt; Hyalophagia, the consumption of glass; Tricophagia, consumption of hair or wool; or Urophagia, consumption of urine, The disorder is characterized into subtypes including Coprophagy, consumption of feces. In consonance with The Handbook of Clinical Child Psychology, between 4 and 6 institutionalized percent populations are thought to suffer from Pica, WebMD reports. Lesch Nyhan Syndrome is a disorder in which a person exhibits selfmutilating behavior or less commonly the consumption of his own body parts in a rare condition called autosarcophagy, while Hannibal Lecter enjoyed eating other people’s flesh. Whenever occurring almost exclusively in boys, is associated with impulse control disorders mostly and can range from mild to life threatening, the condition. With all that said…

While leading to compulsive lip and finger biting in plenty of cases, affects the joints, muscles and brain of the sufferer for a reason of the overproduction of uric acid in the body. This is the case. In 60 cases percent, patients have to have their teeth removed to prevent them from biting off their lips, cheeks and tongues.

Whenever crying out or repeating words, now this really is the name of this bizarre disorderwhich occurs when a person becomes extremely startled by an unexpected noise or sight and begins exhibiting an unusual response just like involuntarily flailing his arms.

This odd reflex has also been identified in other parts of the world and was linked to the neurological disorder, Coprolalia, a type of Tourette’s characterized by involuntary outbursts of obscene language.

Was first identified in 1878 in some amount of Maine’s lumberjacks of FrenchCanadian descent and is thought to belong to other culturally specific disorders like startle matching syndromes, the exact cause of Jumping Frenchmen is unknown. Different noises have a taste in any combination because In quite a few people with this disorder use their experiences to create works of art Pharrel Williams and Lady Gaga are both famous synaesthetes.

Synesthesia might be amongst the hippest disorders in the world.

The condition ain’t considered a disease or much of an illness since its effects are not negative.

One of the things we have found is that synesthetes are not a tally different classof people, they simply have more explicit experiences, Julia Simner, coauthor of The Oxford Handbook of Synethesia ld the Guardian. Let me ask you something. Many people experience color when they hear sounds or read words and could answer a question like What color is A? That said, this neurological phenomenon occurs when stimulation of one sense leads to involuntary experiences in another sense or an union of the senses, where as an example taste and sound are joined together. Then, it’s a more extreme manifestation of what all of us experience. Certainly, that is exactly what happened to Sarah Colwill, a British woman hospitalized for an intense migraine who after surgery awokewith a Chinese accent, that changed her whole life having to deal with other people’s bewildered reactions and come to terms with her new voice.

Condition can last a few hours or become permanent.

As it’s called, foreign Accent Syndrome is a very rare disorder characterized by the sudden and unexpected appearance of a seemingly foreign accent, that often occurs after some brain injury like a stroke or head injury.

Linda Walker, 50, recalls waking from a stroke to find that her English Geordie accent had been transformed into a Jamaican one. Because I never talked just like this before, I’ve lost my identity. Then, the sufferer will begin speaking her native language in a foreign tongue. Imagine being born British only to one day wake up with a Chinese accent. Now pay attention please. I’m a very different person and it’s strange and I don’t like it, she ld the BBC. Actually, since the 1940s, there was 50 recorded cases of this syndrome, that apparently has no clear cause or cure. Actually, whenever as pointed out by the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, like groping others or manipulating objects or ols giving a feeling that one limb is foreign or has a will of its own, this condition can often be traumatic for the sufferer who is terrified that her rogue arm might start exhibiting inappropriate behavior in public.

Alien hand syndrome occurs when a person’s arm appears to move involuntarily or grab hold of things without the cognitive control of the person to whom the arm belongs.

I my be drinking coffee and this hand will dump it, patient Karen Byrne described.

I should make a telephone call and this hand will hang up the phone…I will light a cigarette and this one will put it out. No, therefore this isn’t something out of a science fiction movie but certainly gonna be for those living this everyday ‘real life’ nightmare. It’s caused by a conflict between the left and right parts of the brain or mixing of damaged brain wires. It’s an interesting fact that the condition is often classified as a selfidentity disorder subdivided into various types. Sufferers of the psychopathological phenomenon Lycanthropy actually believe they are a literal animal or at least being transformed into one. Scientists believe the disorder can originate in a dream before enveloping the entire awakened mind of the individual. Seriously. Ever identify as a sloth or dog on those lazy summer days where all you need to do is sleep in? Needless to say, boanthropy is the mental condition in which a person believes himself to be a cow or an ox and may very well be seen down on all fours chewing grass.

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