emotional mental health It’s impossible to underestimate the importance of a smoke free life for your health as well as for the sake of those around you.

Smokers, To be honest I hope you are working diligently to kick your habit.

Pat yourself on the back, So in case you are amid the lucky ones who never became addicted to nicotine. Participating in mentally stimulating activities, especially activities that involve other people, can be good for the brain. Though technically considered a neurodevelopmental disorder rather than a mental illness, autism is a disorder that significantly impacts the mental processes of those who have it.

In this incredible speech, Temple Grandin, renowned doctor of animal science and autism activist delves into the way the highfunctioning autistic mind works, particularly depending on her own experiences as an autistic individual.

emotional mental health Grandin’s TED Talk is powerful and educational, and highlights the ways in which autism has shaped our world for the better. Grandin emphasizes the ways that the American educational system must change to adapt to the learning styles of autistic children, and emphasizes that hands on, concrete learning will pave the way for further accomplishments by autistic individuals. Lozano so describes how deep brain stimulation can be used to treat cases of severe depression that were resistant to conventional medical treatment. Then again, in this ‘jaw dropping’ speech, Lozano discusses how implanting electrodes into the brain had been proven to cure the shaking of Parkinson’s patients. That said, this intellectual speech gives tremendous insight into the future of neurosurgery and is guaranteed to leave you feeling optimistic about the incredible medical advances being made in the field of mental health. Lozano has made lots of pioneering discoveries in the field of deep brain stimulation. So this TED Talk by Andres Lozano, the chair of neurosurgery at the University of Toronto, approaches the subject of mental illness from a highly scientific perspective.

emotional mental health With that said, this heartfelt TED Talk is given by Sergeant Kevin Briggs, a retired member of the California Highway Patrol.

In addition to the two men who unfortunately chose to jump, briggs talks in depth about the individuals he was fortunate enough to save.

Briggs reminds us that listening to others is sometimes the greatest gift we have to give. Essentially, should never lose hope. For many years, Briggs’ duties included monitoring the Golden Gate Bridge, amidst the most common places for suicide jumps across the globe. You see, this talk is a moving and insightful look into the lives of those who have seriously contemplated suicide. Professor Martin Seligman is a scholar known to psychology students across the globe, particularly for his studies on the subject of learned helplessness in relation to mental illness. Consequently, in this speech, however, Seligman focuses on a new field of study which he developed, entitled positive psychology. With positive psychology, he hopes to instead increase the emotional ‘wellbeing’ of all people, Seligman believes that psychological research of the 20th century focused with that said, this speech is guaranteed to change the way you look at happiness, whether you are currently being treated for a mental health issue.

For the past 14 years Seligman has dedicated his life to researching positive psychology.

This insightful TED Talk also explains how a pleasant, good, and meaningful life can make the difference between a miserable person and a happy person.

Seligman gives examples of meaningful interactions that can boost and prolong individuals’ happiness. Whenever ranging from his personal experiences with clinical depression to his research on the treatment of mental illness within impoverished neighborhoods, in this TED Talk, acclaimed writer Andrew lomon gives a moving speech that covers heaps of topics. In treating and accepting their mental illnesses, patients can ultimately live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. Most powerfully, Solomon concludes that we ought to embrace the diagnosis of depression rather than hiding it in shame. Rather than to a treatable medical condition, solomon draws many meaningful conclusions from his research. For sake of example. Likely since poorer individuals attribute their sorrow to their circumstances. Furthermore, this fascinating talk will fill you with hope and optimism regarding psychiatric treatment in the future. Let me ask you something. When we should instead strive to treat the specific parts of the brain that use these chemicals, why do we drench our brains in chemicals like dopamine, Anderson asks?

Whenever revealing how specific regions of the fly brain use dopamine, and how regulating dopamine in these regions can eliminate symptoms of hyperactivity and learning disorders in such flies, anderson presents the surprising results of his experiments on fruit flies. In this excellent lecture by CalTech professor David Anderson, the mechanisms of conventional mental health medications are questioned. Patel’s speech is a humbling reminder that much of the world has only limited access to mental health treatment.


Mental health care, he argues, shouldn’t be a privilege for the World alone. In developing countries just like India the amount of mental health practitioners is only 2percent of what it will be. Patel argues that psychiatrists in these countries must work to train the members of local communities. As a result, recovery rates increase dramatically, when local men and women are trained to treat depression and anxiety through such methods as cognitive behavioral therapy.

Vikram Patel is a man on a mission.

What’s the solution to this problem?

By educating community laypeople, however, we just a lot of years, Walters is no expert in the field of psychology. Fact, this quick speech by beatboxing performer Joshua Walters is unlike the majority of the TED Talks on this list. While positing that those suffering from mental health conditions are perhaps merely more sensitive to the world than others, in this light hearted talk, Walters reframes his mental illness as mental skillness.

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