mental health and stress Mental health is defined by the World Health Organization as, a state of ‘well being’ in which the individual realizes it’s estimated that only about 17 of adults are considered to be in a state of optimal mental health. Considering the inability to focus is often a symptomof anxiety or stress, it only makes sense that adult coloring books would also like coloring or knitting, can often be calming Rodski was even able to see the physical effects they had on our bodies by using advanced technology.

mental health and stress Dr.

Stan Rodski, a neuropsychologist who also happens to be the author of his own line of adult coloring books, says that coloring elicits a relaxing mindset, similar to what you would achieve through meditation.

Coloring allows us to switch off our brains from other thoughts and focus on the moment, like mediation. Known theresa Citerella, an art therapy student at Lesley University in Cambridge, Mass, ld Medical Daily that she has seen more people using the coloring books, both in class and in therapy, to since adult coloring alone may not constitute art therapy, that doesn’t mean the activity ain’t helpful. Furthermore, whenever coloring used to be reserved for children and the occasional adult who got to babysit them, the activity has found another demographic. Of course, while this trend should be a fun way to pass the time, it’s the books’ therapeutic properties that really have them flying off shelves. Although, what started as a niche hobby has now turned into an international trend, as adult coloring books find themselves on way more bestsellers’ lists throughout the world.

Research shows this type of therapy often has tangible results.

One 2006 study, as an example,found that mindfulness art therapy for women with cancer helped to significantly decrease symptoms of physical and emotional distress during treatment.

Another study from really similar year concluded that after only one art hour therapy, adult cancer patients of all ages overwhelmingly expressed comfort and a desire to continue with the therapy. It can surely make coping with it way better, art may not be able to cure disease. That’s interesting right? Researchers have acknowledged the therapeutic qualities of art for years, and today, art therapy is used to like when they’re faced with acancer diagnosis.

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