mental health Tampa Florida usually was near pack bottom in mental health funding, and one key ranking cited by a great deal of experts places the state at 51st in per capita spending. Look, there’re I know it’s rough to compare Florida with various states since it administers its Medicaid program differently than most states. Key source of data for ranking states on mental health spending was usually State international Association Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute. However, puerto Rico, at $ 20 dot 22. Besides, the most last data, for fiscal year 2014, showed Florida ranked 51st out of 52 jurisdictions for tal state mental health spending behind 49 states and Washington, at $ 36 dot 05 per capita. Sunshine State was mostly ahead of one jurisdiction. In most states, state mental health authority helps manage the Medicaid finances. Florida administers Medicaid differently, Lutterman said, was not able to give the Medicaid data for this report., without any doubts, the state mental health authority won’t have that data, Lutterman said, I’d say if another state agency uses Medicaid resources to pay for solutions and does not work with the state mental health authority.

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