positive mental health

positive mental health Stress is a guaranteed way to accelerate the move from anabolic to catabolic metabolism and therefore accelerate aging.

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So in case all else fails you can file for bankruptcy. In such scenarios and select others we will recommend to submitting multiple applications. Intervalley health plans. Health cash plans. At some stage in our lifespan dozens of us will at times struggle with despondency or even depression.

positive mental healthThis article isn’t a study on depression but a few tips that was know to be of great benefit when despondency sets in.

Most will get over it and get on with normal life. Sometimes the phase does not pass and a lot more time is spent in these struggles. We may have a large dose of selfpity and have a major ‘pity party’. Anyway, a basic measure is to write. Start a journal of the things in the creation that you spend time observing, It’s quite obvious that what you see, they are all around you just waiting for you to be in awe of them, so do not think of your problems, banish any negative thoughts that pop up, just start with a few minutes a day.

Take note how different colors blend together.

Look at a bird or a flower. With that said, this could be the first step in taking control of your mind. Now pay attention please. Like the old saying ‘take time to smell the roses.’ This is sound advice.write determine to spend this time of appreciating beauty almost any day, you will soon start looking forward to these times of studying creation and realise Undoubtedly it’s a much happier place than looking inward. Needless to say, I have never found lasting peace by delving inwards. There’s an article that was around for many years called Lessons from the Geese Author unknown.

We have all seen geese fly over in the familiar V formation, So there’s a leader and two rows form out behind the front goose.

It was learnt that the causes of so it is that as every bird flaps its wings it creates uplift for the bird immediately behind it.

I won’t quote the article but it reveals if a goose falls out of formation it feels the drag and resistance of attempting to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the power of the flock. Eventually, flying in this formation causes the entire flock to be able to increase its range by about 71 more than if the bird was flying alone. Just think for a moment. Did you know that a secure rock to protect us. Certainly, who can be the wind beneath our wings. However, these two birds will stay with the weak one until it recovers or dies. Two other birds will follow to protect the sick bird, when a goose is sick or injured and falls out of formation.

Therefore this study of the geese gives us a beautiful picture of caring and the privileges of having a leader who gives shield in the times of trouble. Accordingly the One who programed the geese to be really like this shows us another example in the Bible in the book of John, here using sheep as an example of being careful whom we follow. I am the Gate for the sheep. Actually the gatekeeper opens the gate to him and the sheep recognize his voice. He leads them and for any longer being that they are familiar with his voice, when he gets them all out. All those others are up to no good -sheep stealers, nearly any one of them.Anyone who goes through me might be cared for -will freely go in and out, and find pasture.

It’s an interesting fact that the Good Shepherd puts the sheep before himself, sacrifices himself if necessary.

You know he’s up to no good -a sheep rustler, Therefore if a person climbs over or through the fence of a sheep pen instead of going through the gate.

By the way, the shepherd walks right up to the gate. So a hired man isn’t a real shepherd. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. Thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I am the Good Shepherd. Jesus further explained really like that. Sheep mean nothing to him. Consequently, he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. It’s an interesting fact that the One with the power to create and heal. Take care who it’s leading you, choose the One who has your best interest at heart, nobody knows you better than you know yourself. Therefore in case you need leading out of your despondency and depression by all means seek professional help. So, the choice is yours, to lok in at the turmoil or to look up and embrace the Good Shepherd. I have a link below to a book that does just that, it gives everything purpose and perspective.

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