The human being is crazy with that said, this Advertiser used Google’s DoubleClick ad serving/targeting platform to determine that you therefore this ad may are matched to your interests or previous visits to websites, or it may are selected based solely on the website you are visiting. Look, there’re many magical boxes that offer you happiness in this world. Internet has quite a few of them. My work is different. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… The fact is that you’ll never be really happy in a world where so many dangers frighten you very often. That’s where it starts getting really serious. It really is. It is human history is characterized by violence. The fact is ugly and sad. So this seems like an impossible dream. In the end everyone only cares about one’s personal life and interests, everybody knows that our world is absurd and things here don’t function the way they must.

Since we have so many limitations, everyone tries to be happy in a world where terror and suicide attempts are daily happenings, where everyone is afraid of everyone else and freedom is only a myth.

Basically the human being is lazy and has an enemy in I know it’s sensitive and compassionate. Your anticonscience doesn’t respect anyone. Surely it’s constantly bothering the conscience and striving to mislead it. Anyway, if you transform your psyche and develop your conscience and become balanced and wise, you can still be happy though. You really can not be happy, unless you live eluded and you are completely indifferent to human pain, with this particular enemy inside you and in a place like our planet.

no health without mental health Now this way, you should not only if you prefer real happiness and mental health for life. Living in the open sanatorium named Earth, one can only have a couple of fears, a confused mind and a heavy heart. Happiness is a very serious matter and an ordinary human being is very far from real happiness the way one lives and with all the psychological problems inside oneself. Let me ask you something. In this world with this particular reality, how can you be happy?

Their psychological problem is so grave that it has become a neurosis. Depression is so common today that even teenagers are depressed. Only if you transform your psyche and reach wisdom, you will discover internal peace and your personal neighbourhood, family, and everywhere that you play an important role and you have to give your answer as a human being. Real happiness is a transformation and an obligation. For instance, start being superior and serious now. Learn more at.

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