care plan mental health The biggest lines of B/S I’ve heard since first pace of my PTSD. Then the nonVA theropist I see does me more good than the professional shrink I see at the VA. You can read more about that here. Eventually, here’s the full study. Research does show that for those receiving care from VA, the suicide rate is lower than for those who are not, while any suicide is one make sure more about Vet Centers here. Amidst the reasons the VA denied my claim was it doubted if I was in combat. Nonetheless, uSAF military documents to support my claim. While, in nearly any case, VA performance was superior to that of the private sector by more than 30percent. These findings were on the basis of review of more than 836500 Veterans and more than 545400 patients seeking mental health care in the private sector.

care plan mental health

I am sure that the VA needs quality trained counselors and therapist, who can understand PTSD, Depression and Veterans Mental Health Care Needs.

While planning to the VA for this Medical Condition has left many Veterans filled with Anxiety, the present care providers do not really understand what the Veterans have seen and experienced.

care plan mental health Without military experiences of their own, in talking with the providers that are 20 and 30 somethings, Veterans are finding these therapist as only making an attempt to be a Friend! By the way, the corpus christi va just decided one day I didn’t need them anymore and cut off my prescription instantly. Quit lying, and do your jobs!!! I’m sure you heard about this. That’s pure!!! Why are many vets committing suicide, Therefore in case Psych care is so great. Suicide rate among service people is far greater than in the civilian world! I want to ask you something. Is it any wonder why so few vets no longer trust the?

My husband died in Germany from depression almost 30 years ago, and I never remarried.

He felt bad enough without being shuffled off to somebody who couldn’t prescribe antidepressants.

Junior enlisted person, all our lives were changed for the worse since my E 6″ husband wasn’t seen by a psychiatrist. P3 Physical limitations Profile and was not able to function since my heavy medications that I had to relieve my pain. Type I Diabetes and Neuropathy. It took me 18 years to get 100 Disability from my injuries. James Haley VA Medical. So, vA to be very helpful any been actually able to see a Mental Health Counselor almost any Now I can be seen any 5 months.

Besides, the program is designed to it’s getting worse.

It still goes on today. Then again, it was 15 years that I was on Narcotic meds and on active duty with Narcotic meds I was unable to function in my job description. Remember, b10 after many years and finally a promotion to E6 I had met the qualifications to be promoted. On top of this, hell no! VA care sucks! Guess what? Although, what kind of a psychologist tells the spouse/significant other of a person with PTSD to describe that persons symptoms and behaviors in front of the patient? On top of that, cracker Jack box since the psychologist said that if I had anything to say I MUST say it in front of my husband! My husband tells me he is angry 90percent of the time and it should take all he has to hold it in! Surely it’s better than none most times but sometimes it’s worse! God only knows what he told the psychologist! My husband was scheduled to see a psychologist which he did. Essentially, the last visit to VA Nashville was horrifying for me!

You have my heartfelt sympathy L B Greer.

If they get sued for negligence, you know in the civilian mental health industry, all therapist have to have liability insurance, or wrongful cause of death.

You do realized you have PTSD and your children have PTSD from your experience. Your experience is one of a kind wives and children who are victimized by the military. Generally, That’s a fact, it’s called secondary PTSD and the VA going to be helping you!! ATT on tranquilizers, nor should I pass random drug testing. Essentially, vA mental health to learn to deal with stress. It’s an interesting fact that the authors conclude that Findings demonstrate the significant privileges that accrue from an organized, nationwide system of care. It will take many different steps like medicine, there’s no magic cure for Mental Health or Illness, self management, and advocating for oneself in a correct manner.


VA before I knew I was eligible for care.

I’m quite sure I will also say that those I have seen and know are doing better they can, it’s not perfect being that the lack of personnel able to care for us. Veterans as much as I can, Actually I advocate for Veterans Mental Health programs not staff also I try to educate all about Veterans Mental Health programs or problems. My experience with mental health at Battle Creek VAMC was not very helpful, councounselors just blew me off when I asked for 60 minutes and was literally in sight of the fort. My opinion is biggest waste of money at Fort Custer, mi! VA has a I can see you when I can rather than I can see you when you need government conspiracy and lies continue I see. Vietnam veterans who specialized in trauma. They also estimated ‘national level’ performance by age and gender.

Actually the VA needs male counsellors for the men.

Part time dark green doctor in va system, and thier big brother watch over sorry we can give uuu antidepressants drugs, put no narcotics drugs but laws change u just cc doc monthly to refill it under the new laws….

Will my case va doctor are moving nonstop, u see one, To be honest I was told I was unable she her no more since I can not control nerve pain on burn area after va gave me drug to resparked the nerves in that area, pin and needles, burn feeling!!!! Certainly, i’m back in the basement with va heath care, hug a tree, put bag frooze peas on pins needle. Make sure you do not give me the bs va are better, a veteran can not get proper care if the doc refused or he she moves get a really new primary doctor start all over, know wait cc her in Aug ghost doc until Aug.

In 2003 my oldest daughter at age 20 and 8 months pregnant was murdered. My remaining daughter is estranged, and I thankfully have a phone ‘numberno’ physical address nor her married name. When I finally arrived at the Hospital, well I had a Systemic Spetic infection and was told by the Doctor’s that had I been two days later, they doubted I should have survived thst infection. It, took me 3 years fighting to get mine disability. He was diagnosed with PTSD, the first diagnosis of this kind I ever heard of. PTSD in the late 60′ This is absolute Bull. Furthermore. Upon a records check by the VA, he was awarded 100percentage disability, no further hearing were required. Nonetheless, we had a Psychologist Intern on our ward studing combat stressors in the early Eighties. Usually, oK, they amputated my right foot immediately and I received 5 antibiotics liters a day from about 3 weeks. You can find a lot more information about this stuff on this website. They add up to 300, when you added up all my percentages.

PTSD and recently was reevaluated recently to 100percent after an incompetent Primary Care Physician ignored a report from Nuclear Medicine that I had a Massive infection in my right foot.

Atascadero State Hospital from July 1979 to Dec We had a patient on our ward the had returned from Nam and had terrible problems from his yet to be diagnosed PTSD.

Psychiatric Technician and later became a Certified Reality Therapist. Operation Phoenix and wasn’t diagnosed until 1996 and was denied at first. She completely ignored the report and ignored emails from my Podiatrist to have me placed in the Hospital. After working night watch for ageser jump out of bed to fit into their schedule. They have no interest in accommodating me I have to jump through their hoops. At my age most of us are aware that there is no point in getting mad but maybe I could get even.

There’s another lie of the VA.

Family support for families living with a war vet with PTSD.

The VA does absolutely nothing for helping wives of vets and their children when the vets use their PTSD as an excuse to bale on their families… In a divorce court the vets disability ain’t income a wife is left high and dry and shouldn’t get any financial support for child support with a vet who is 100percent disabled,. Lots of the war vets that get their disability abandon their families. It is why bother, the VA has lied to me. Misquoted me. Made entries in my health file that were untrue. Etcetera I could go on about this.

Sad, Facts aren’t TRUE FOR MOST Veterans!!!


WHATs WRONG with THIS PICTURE??? Whom wants to Travel Hours Every 2 months for a less than 30 minute session?? Loads of Dr. Anyways, the Time you Sit Down Say Anything Your 30/ 20/ 15 minutes is OVER WAIT ANOTHER 2 -MONTHS, While you go to a local Center By. Only seen Once Every 2 months for a 30 minute session,HOWs that HELP ANYONE, the VA Dr. NOT, VETERAN GETTING ANY HELP?? NOONE GETS HELPED THERE, UNLESS YOUR AN OFFICIER!! They Salute You TOO… SAD,BUT TO TRUE in MOST Operated Clincs they call Mental Health,ONLY THE Dr.s ARE GETTIN FAT Off The GREAT PAY NO WORK!! Maybe,THEY NEED ‘MORE TIME’ HELP Not Just WORDS HOPING That Things will workout!! Then again, the measures in this study are not appropriate measures to say the VA provides superior mental health care than the private sector. VA has high measures of medication management. It is other comments, and valid objective studies, seem to indicate for the most part there’re more pockets of failure than pockets of excellence. Handing out pills isn’t quality. Quality and quantity are not interchangeable measures. That’s a fact, it’s most definitely not great at improving a veterans mental health.

From the comments, it seems there’re pockets of excellence and had been far less than helpful.

This is worth a read as well. Although, vA hands out more medications than civilian behavioral health providers does not mean the outcomes are better. With that said, counting active antidepressant prescriptions within the VA system does not measure appropriate care or good outcomes. Nevertheless, handing me a prescription without appropriate indicators or follow up ain’t helpful.

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